When was your first trip to the magic?

How Many Trips to Disney World?

  • 1-5

    Votes: 12 16.9%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 15 21.1%
  • 11-20

    Votes: 23 32.4%
  • 20+

    Votes: 21 29.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
My 1st trip was in 1974 when I was 18 yrs. old. Over the past 30 yrs. I have probably been over 30 more times. It is a great reality break to go down to Disney and forget about all my worries. Going back in May of 2004, can't wait to see COP again, it has been awhile since I have seen it.



My first trip was 1977, I was 8 years old.

After only going 2 times in the 80's I have gone at least every year from '92-'02

My total is 14 times. I figure if each trip was an average of 6 days I have been in a Disney Park over 80 days.

My last trip was Nov '02 and I am missing WDW, but I'm taking a several year break with the birth of my daughter (5/8/03). My next trip will be hopefully around '06 when she is 3-4. I CAN"T WAIT.


New Member
My first trip to WDW was in May 2001 at age 32. Went back in February of 2002, and have made 3 trips in 2003 (bought an annual pass). Now the BF and I are contemplating a move to Orlando, so who knows how many more . . .


First trip was back in 1973, was 11 at that time.

We stayed offsite the 1st night at a nearby campground, I believe it was call "Jellystone" and had the whole Yogi bear theme going. I think it was on SR 192 west of WDW???

Then move to Fort Wilderness Campground :)

I have been back 11 other times and have a trip booked for June 04 at the ploy:sohappy: and looking to retire to Orlando area.


New Member
I'm pretty sure my mom was pregnant with me the first time I went to Disney World, so some time in 79 or 80. I've been around 60 times.


Active Member
I was 8 months old during my first trip back in 1974. I've been the the World somewhere around 38 times, but I'm not exactly sure.

Now I try to go once every other year and fill in the gap years with Hawaii or other warm places.


My first trip was in 1979 when I was 8 months old.

Since then, I have been back so many times it would be hard to put a number on it.

I have seen many of the changes to the park and have experienced most of the rides.

I still try to go more than once every year. Now with my brother just starting to work there, I will go even more often:)


New Member
My first trip was when I was three - 1982. I have been 12 times total, with most of those (8) being in the past 5 years.


Active Member
I was 20 and my first trip was in 1980. Stayed at the Hotel Royal Plaza and spent 2 days at the MK (only park there then). Next trip was honeymoon in 1984, this time 1 day in MK and 1 at EPCOT Center (that was the name then). Again stayed at the Hotel Royal Plaza. Got back again in 1993 when our son was 6, his first trip. This time we stayed 6 nights at the Poly. Then next trip was 1998. Since 1998 been at least once a year since, and in some cases twice, with a couple DL trips in there for good measure.


Well-Known Member
I first went in Easter of 1986, when I was 5. I think it was March. The Easter Parade was great, and Snow White scared the crap out of me! >> but we didn't complain


Active Member
Okay, first I have to say that IMHO only trips that you took after you were actually born should qualify when totaling # of visits to the World .... that's just me though. :)

My first trip was in '89 - some college buds and I "road - tripped" from AL to check out the Magic Kingdom. Lord I miss the insanity that was college!

Altogether I've been 9 times...I think.


Well I've been there 8 times it will be 9 in 15 days! lol The first time I went was '94 when I was 5 years old. We go every year this is our 3rd time this year. My friends are so jeolous. lol


New Member
My first visit to WDW was in 1971 the first year that WDW opened. We actually stayed off property. I can still remember seeing the castle for the first time and the fireworks and thinking as a very small boy that my Sunday night in front to the T.V. watching The Wonderful World of Disney had come to life. I have returned every summer since then, sometimes three times a year. Infact this last summer I proposed to my girlfriend atop the Contemporary Resort in the California Grill. We both are very big WDW fans, and after we have children plan on making WDW our family vacation spot. WDW for me has always been a place where I can go for a couple weeks a year and forget the high pressure job that I have, and re-charge myself. There is nothing like being able to go to your childhood to keep you young at heart and soul.

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