When others think your Disney Vacation is stupid...


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!! I thought maybe some of you may have had this problem in the past, and I wanted to see how others like myself feel about it. I am planning my twins 1st visit to the world for this upcoming December. I want to stay at the Art of Animation suites for 8 nights. My kids will only be 2 years old, so my plan was to go to the parks 5 days (1 day Epcot, 1 day AK, 1 day HS, and 2 days MK) with 2 "off" days to relax. I keep hearing "I can't Believe your going to pay that much to go to Disney", "why are you going for so long?" And "the kids won't even remember it". I'm starting to feel depressed about it as most people just don't understand. It has been a dream of mine for so long to be taking my kids for the 1st time, and now people are squashing it lol Does this happen to anyone else??


Well-Known Member
I get this all the time, and it's worse because I don't have any children. I always get the same comments: 'Disney is for kids!', 'Why are you going again?', ' I don't see the attraction at all in going to Disney'. It REALLY grates on my nerves. Everyone at work thinks I'm sad, but then I think they're sad because they watch soap operas, but I'm sure they think that they're awesome, but I don't ask them stupid questions or say 'Oh that's so sad'.
I love Disney. I love the films, parks, characters, atmosphere, Walt, the history, the stories, everything. I could have worse hobbies. I'm sure they'd have something t say if I was a fox hunter or something. It's not hurting any one so why do people have to be so nasty? They won't and don't get Disney until they go to one of the parks, but they won't because 'it's sad'. I just can't win. I just don't talk to anyone about it now, I come on here instead!
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I'll join the chorus that says don't let the naysaying turkeys bring you down. It is YOUR vacation and I don't think they have any input on your enjoyment. The memories and pictures will be YOURS. Our first trip with the kids was when our youngest was 18 months. She doesn't recall everything, but enjoys the pictures we show her. Her older sisters remember everything and we treasure it all. If anyone asks where you are going, "away" seems to be an accurate description and is more than they are entitled to. You just won't be at work. It could be a staycation for all they need to know. They don't seek your approval for their preferences and I wouldn't give them the chance to express their opinions on your preferences.
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My first trip to WDW was in 2000 I was 22. I know I saw the Tapestry of Dreams Parade. It was a big deal at the time. I have watched videos online of the parade and it's nothing like how I remembered it. I guess we shouldn't have wasted our money on the trip.
My sister does that to me all the time. She doesn't get it, and rolls her eyes when I say I'm going to Disney. I was watching her kids a few weeks ago and we were playing Disney Cranium. My son's team was leading a bit and my 11 year old nephew looked at him and said "yeah because knowing about Disney will do you a lot of good in life." The whole family is like that. At the same time though, none of her family ever spends time together, and there is very little since of fun in her house. They all go to their seperate rooms and play with their electronics and on the weekends everyone goes their own way. Maybe only fun families go to Disney! :p
I think you're right!!!
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Hi there, I just HAD to weigh in on this. I get this. A LOT!!!! I go a few times a year every year and I am single with no children, so I get a different type of teasing. Amazingly enough, people started shutting up when I asked them " So where are you going on vacation? What are you planning to do with your friends/ family/ significant other?" When they have no answer, I just smile and walk away. Needless to say we dont engage in much chit chat after that but I dont care. A few of my friends are into different types of vacations ( South Beach, Vegas etc) and amazingly enough they all "get it" It is all about going to the place that makes you happy and brings joy to the person, be it Disney or somewhere else. Those other people havent found their Happy Place as of yet, and I do feel badly for them. Hopefully one day, it will come to them!!! Marie
Before we had our twins, I had an annual pass, and I used to go all the time by myself. I got a lot of comments about that too!!
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My husband is not a Disney "fan" either, so I feel your pain and frustration!:(:mad: Don't listen to others. They take their vacations the way they want to: cruises, trips to the beach, Europe, etc... etc... etc...:D
Yeah, I really wish he was crazy about it like me, but I guess I'm lucky he's willing to go. Maybe when he sees the looks on our twins faces when we go, it'll change his mind a little!!
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Not only do you sleep when you are dead but you pay taxes again, too, while someone else is spending your money! Many many people live in the future and not in the present! I have family who sit in very large beautiful homes and never leave them. Not my style! I live in a great neighborhood and my hallway is a little shorter than theirs but I am in Disney at least every other year!!

You will truely always take abuse for this and just need to laugh it off! My mom has made fun of me for years! This year she is going for five days!

Lastly, I hate the excuse "the kids won't even remember it" because you will!! My oldest went when he was sixteen months for the first time and my youngest went last summer when he was seven months! The pictures in our home give me energy every day to keep going!!! Have a magical time!!!!
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That's so funny about them wanting to call the paramedics. They always want to be on top of everything! Lol When we go in December, I'm sure we will be in the middle of potty training. Maybe they will magically learn?? Lol

This was pre-Pleasure Island. They only had the old DTD. In there was a tiny First Aid office. The boy only walking a day, the night before we left took a header in my Mom's driveway and had a lump on his forehead. When we arrived we went to DTD and he was going down a quiet shady path near the Empress Lilly, testing his new walking skills. He fell and did another header right on the same bump. So I asked a concession for ice, they sent me to first aid.

We went in and I asked for ice and she said one moment, it took longer than that. I was looking out the window and saw the paramedics pull up and thought, oh they have bigger problems than my ice. (silly me) The paramedics came into first aid and asked where, AND THEY POINTED TO MY 14 MONTH OLD!
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Well-Known Member
This was pre-Pleasure Island. They only had the old DTD. In there was a tiny First Aid office. The boy only walking a day, the night before we left took a header in my Mom's driveway and had a lump on his forehead. When we arrived we went to DTD and he was going down a quiet shady path near the Empress Lilly, testing his new walking skills. He fell and did another header right on the same bump. So I asked a concession for ice, they sent me to first aid.

We went in and I asked for ice and she said one moment, it took longer than that. I was looking out the window and saw the paramedics pull up and thought, oh they have bigger problems than my ice. (silly me) The paramedics came into first aid and asked where, AND THEY POINTED TO MY 14 MONTH OLD!
So scary when stuff like that happens! We were at the National Zoo in DC and my 6 yr old fell and cracked his head and within in seconds cops came out from all over the park and immediately scooped him up and whisked him away in a cop car with my husband in tow leaving myself and my youngest with another officer. He was bleeding, but only a little and it was a huge rigamarole to have them release him into my care without a visit to the ER. They only released him to me after they found out I am a pre-med student and could properly care for him until we got home to our hospital an hour away (so our insurance would cover it). I think the cops scared me more than the injury did lol!
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Hi guys!! I thought maybe some of you may have had this problem in the past, and I wanted to see how others like myself feel about it. I am planning my twins 1st visit to the world for this upcoming December. I want to stay at the Art of Animation suites for 8 nights. My kids will only be 2 years old, so my plan was to go to the parks 5 days (1 day Epcot, 1 day AK, 1 day HS, and 2 days MK) with 2 "off" days to relax. I keep hearing "I can't Believe your going to pay that much to go to Disney", "why are you going for so long?" And "the kids won't even remember it". I'm starting to feel depressed about it as most people just don't understand. It has been a dream of mine for so long to be taking my kids for the 1st time, and now people are squashing it lol Does this happen to anyone else??
Wow. This is awesome!! I don't think this will happen with my husband, but a girl can dream!!!

I know how you feel, we are disney nuts and have been 21 times - we love it never get tired of going. People say, "You Going There Again, Aren't You Sick of It," Just overlook them, they cannot understand. We are going the end of April and staying also at Art of Animation - Lion King Suite~ Can't wait, and you know I get just about as excited for others when they are going too. We disney freaks are a unique bunch~
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Well-Known Member
Hi guys!! I thought maybe some of you may have had this problem in the past, and I wanted to see how others like myself feel about it. I am planning my twins 1st visit to the world for this upcoming December. I want to stay at the Art of Animation suites for 8 nights. My kids will only be 2 years old, so my plan was to go to the parks 5 days (1 day Epcot, 1 day AK, 1 day HS, and 2 days MK) with 2 "off" days to relax. I keep hearing "I can't Believe your going to pay that much to go to Disney", "why are you going for so long?" And "the kids won't even remember it". I'm starting to feel depressed about it as most people just don't understand. It has been a dream of mine for so long to be taking my kids for the 1st time, and now people are squashing it lol Does this happen to anyone else??

I have to say that I do have people who ask "You'll are goin' again to Disney?" We have gone for the past 7 years and the last three during the same week each year. But I have three special reasons that my family of five go to Disney: My 16 year old autistic son (who LIVES for this annual trip), my 14 year old son and my eight year old son. I sometimes feel I have to justify to others why I am "going again", but our friends and family know how my family loves Disney. My DH has been to Disney at least dozen times, but said he will go time and time again for me and my 16 year old who are die-hard Disney fans. Cherish these times as your children eventually grow up!:( I get tears in my eyes everytime we watch the fireworks because I know my husband and I have given our children special memories they will never forget. AND THAT IS WHY PEOPLE GO TO DISNEY OVER AND OVER!!!! Go Disney fans..... go.:)
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I know how you feel, we are disney nuts and have been 21 times - we love it never get tired of going. People say, "You Going There Again, Aren't You Sick of It," Just overlook them, they cannot understand. We are going the end of April and staying also at Art of Animation - Lion King Suite~ Can't wait, and you know I get just about as excited for others when they are going too. We disney freaks are a unique bunch~
We are going to stay in The Lion King suite too!!! Go us!!!! :) We have only stayed at Pop Century a couple times and the Carribean Beach resort once, so this is definitely a step up for us! It is really expensive, but we decided to do something special for their 1st trip. Plus, it'll be nice for them to have their own room to sleep!! Have fun on your trip!!! I know you will!
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People that have never experienced it DON'T understand.
That pretty much sums it up. I don't know it's jealousy. They just don't get it.

I race sports cars. I'm racing somewhere March through October. This season, I'll be in 9 states racing. Racing for most people is just like Disney. They don't get it. People don't bring up the money aspect. (Ok, a few do out of curiosity. I just say, "How much is your boat/camper/lake house? Spend that every month.") This is amateur racing. You win a little plastic trophy. Reality is, I make choices that allow me to race and get to WDW once in a while. Just like the rest of us do.

Everyone else still won't get it. While your 2 year old won't remember much, you will. And that's what it's all about at this age.

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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
So scary when stuff like that happens! We were at the National Zoo in DC and my 6 yr old fell and cracked his head and within in seconds cops came out from all over the park and immediately scooped him up and whisked him away in a cop car with my husband in tow leaving myself and my youngest with another officer. He was bleeding, but only a little and it was a huge rigamarole to have them release him into my care without a visit to the ER. They only released him to me after they found out I am a pre-med student and could properly care for him until we got home to our hospital an hour away (so our insurance would cover it). I think the cops scared me more than the injury did lol!

Oh My! I think I would have been annoyed. My first response was 'you have to be kidding me?' I did have to sign a release saying I refused Paramedic/ambulance transport. I did eventually get the ice. I swore the next time I'd buy a coke, dump the liquid and make my own ice bag. lol. Was only the first of many trips to first aid over the years.
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Active Member
My daughter is 11 and we have been going since she was 4 and even at 4 we had tons of people saying wasn't it too early to goto WDW? I said, maybe if it was the only time we ever went but since I had already been nearly 20 times at the time all from the Midwest I knew even if she didn't remember everything she would be back for more memories. However, she does still remember tons of details from her first trip and loves WDW and wants to go back every year... we don't but try to go every couple years at least. She already talks about wanting to be married there... :) We plan our next trip to be next spring when she hits 13 for her 5th trip to the world and my 24th trip.
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I'm nearly 30 and I am going on my 3rd disney trip in the last 4 years. POFQ every time ,lol I have had a couple of comments like wouldn't you like to go anywhere else.
well yes I would, but I don't go on many trips as I have pets at home so I don't want to waste a holiday on somewhere I might not like . I like disney because I don't have to drive , there are plenty of things to amuse me ( I dont like laying on a beach for 2 weeks) I don't have to learn another language &The weather is predictable . 2 weeks of not having to worry about anything & being able to do whatever I want & this year I got free dining so that's one less thing to think about.
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Well-Known Member
I'm nearly 30 and I am going on my 3rd disney trip in the last 4 years. POFQ every time ,lol I have had a couple of comments like wouldn't you like to go anywhere else.
well yes I would, but I don't go on many trips as I have pets at home . I like disney because I don't have to drive , there are plenty of things to amuse me ( I dont like laying on a beach for 2 weeks) I don't have to learn another language. 2 weeks of not having to worry about anything & being able to do whatever I want & this year I got free dining so that's one less thing to think about.
Welcome to our happy sight and may you have much joy and magic on your next trip!
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Well-Known Member
I remember the first time I took my sons to Disney, My oldest was about 2 years old and he started to watch wishes the look on his face was amazing! Its something that my DH and I remember fondly.

For the record its no ones business where you go and how much money you spend. This is what your family wants and enjoys. In this day and age where we all best our buts trying to make a living we all need some downtime.
wether its Disney or somewhere else, its no one business !

I for one find planning and going the most enjoyable time for our family. Yes its expensive but its my $$$, not the peanut gallery!

enjoy your time with your kids, and enjoy the memories
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