When is too much too much?

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.Just been reading some threads today and it got me wondering.( what's new eh ) Iam a great believer in if you do something or go somewhere too often,it gets boring.Examples like eating out at your favourite restaurant every week,or going on vacation four times a year to the very same place.Now don't get me wrong,am not jealous of those of you who go every year or go several times a year,honest.Even if I could afford to go to WDW every year for 14 nights,I wouldn't.When our two yearly vacation is zooming in I love planning out new stuff and all the rest of the magic things to do.Just curious about the folk who go more than once a year,is it not a bit like De Ja Vu.Like "here we go again" same rides,same sights,same shows,etc.Does anyone agree with my theory or am I as mad as a hatter.:rolleyes:

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Nov/Dec will mark the 4th year in a row that I made 3 trips to WDW. I've averaged 2 or more trips per year since 2004. Nothing about WDW gets old to me. Same rides/shows, repeat restaurant visits = fun fun fun, good ridance "real world". I'd do 4 times a year if I wasn't maxed out on vacation time at my company and me and a buddy do an extended weekend of gambling and drinking at the Kentucky Derby. When WDW gets to be too much for me, you might as well just put me in the Pine box.
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Once a year is perfect. Although this year we are going 2x. The only reason is because we got a free dining pin and we had never been there in December. So we booked it. We just got back 9/11 so I am not as super excited as I should be but I am excited. Our last time before this last trip was 3 years ago. So this trip we just got back from was filled with much excitement and joy. If I had the willpower to stay away and go every 2-3 years, that would make it more special probably. But I dont have the willpower nor do I ever intend on getting it! :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
This is part of why I'm waiting to book anything for my 40th. Part of me really wants to go back in August to celebrate, but I want to see if it feels stale during this upcoming trip...since I got burned out on it back when I lived in FL. Still loved it, but needed a break. I stayed away a little too long...1998-2010, but the break (and bringing kids/starting to stay on site) really supercharged the magic.

We used to travel all over the place and the kids are almost at that age where I feel like I can take them more places (i.e. they'll appreciate it), so I see fewer trips to WDW over the next few years or so. At least my parents live in FL, so we can pop in for a day or two if we really need a magic fix.
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Well-Known Member
I love planning once a year, but it's getting a bit pricey.:( I could live there for goodness sake!:eek: i wish I had the million dollars to buy one of those new homes they're building w/ all those Disney perks!:rolleyes: i thought this thread was going to be about $$$$. LOL!:D
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Well-Known Member
I could go more frequently than our current schedule (seems to be once every 18 months although that isn't planned) but my wife really only likes going once every other year. However, I think that if we went more frequently that we might get burned out or would compensate by going to UNI or Sea World. Plus, she has a great point that we have so much to see that branching out is good for us. Next year, we're off to Washington state to visit Mt Rainier and other national parks. Great thing about it is no real lines and we're out in the mountains (as opposed to the hills around Cincinnati). So, I would say that for some, too much is too much. Plus, by waiting, we save the money to stay at moderates or deluxes and the fun of sitting in the lobby in the WL is worth the wait.
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Well-Known Member
Nov/Dec will mark the 4th year in a row that I made 3 trips to WDW. I've averaged 2 or more tips per year since 2004. Nothing about WDW gets old to me. Same rides/shows, repeat restaurant visits = fun fun fun, good ridance "real world". I'd do 4 times a year if I wasn't maxed out on vacation time at my company and me and buddy do an extended weekend of gambling and drinking at the Kentucky Derby. When WDW gets to be too much for me, you might as well just put me in the Pine box.
Ooh, Ooh, take me with you to the Derby! That is one place I swear I will see before I die.
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
we always look for new things to do. That me be a new place to eat, a different place to see firworks or a parade, but I have yet to leave and say I am Disneyed out. As long as our kids love it, we will go back. Taking a side trip to universal and legoland this summer made the Florida trip even better this summer. Our adventure to DL in June (via Arizona) was also a nice change (I know, still Disney, but so different). I guess Im not quite at that point yet.
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Well-Known Member
Since we've "only" done three trips and our fourth is very soon, we're far from WDW'd out. This upcoming trip has a lot of firsts (MVMCP, Christmas parades, Candlelight Processional, etc), so it'll be like going for the first time!
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Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
We typically go every two years, and are trying to add a 4 day mini to DL in the off years. Looks like we will be able to see the Land this coming spring. Going to the World every year did take a bit of the magic.
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Well-Known Member
I live an hour away from Kennywood - my daughter and her friends go at least once a month every summer, sometimes more. A girl in my office has 3 timeshares - 2 at the beach and one in Vegas. Takes 3 vacations every year, same beach, same ocean, same resort, same golf course. My husband goes to Montana every other year on a hunting trip - same mountain, same ranch, same elk herd. He also goes to Bike Week in Daytona every spring, and Bike-tober Fest every fall - stays at the same condo, rides the same roads, talks to the same dealers, sees the same half-naked drunk women on motorcycles (haha just kidding!)

I look at it this way - if I'm going to do and see the same thing time after time, I choose to see Mickey!

I live about a half hour from Kennywood! Small World! And yet I haven't been there in a few years. We were going to take our baby this summer, but I realized there wasn't anything for a baby who couldn't walk yet to do there. Next year should be fun though. My brother & his wife go all the time though, and never tire of it.

Hatter - I like your question. We go every year, and I often wonder if I'll someday get bored with it. It hasn't happened yet, but that's because we do what others have said, and we change things up. We stay at different resorts, eat at new places, try new activities, etc. We took one trip where we barely rode anything, and just hidden Mickey hunted at parks & resorts. For our upcoming trip, we're staying at the Wilderness Lodge where we've never been, and taking our first child. So it will be a whole new experience for us. I have never been so excited to go to WDW - even though I've been there many times.
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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.Just been reading some threads today and it got me wondering.( what's new eh ) Iam a great believer in if you do something or go somewhere too often,it gets boring.Examples like eating out at your favourite restaurant every week,or going on vacation four times a year to the very same place.Now don't get me wrong,am not jealous of those of you who go every year or go several times a year,honest.Even if I could afford to go to WDW every year for 14 nights,I wouldn't.When our two yearly vacation is zooming in I love planning out new stuff and all the rest of the magic things to do.Just curious about the folk who go more than once a year,is it not a bit like De Ja Vu.Like "here we go again" same rides,same sights,same shows,etc.Does anyone agree with my theory or am I as mad as a hatter.:rolleyes:

We used to go once a year until the economy set in.:( I must say, it never really got old, because Disney is always improving things and changing things up. Then again, I love the place more than anywhere in the world, so I think I would make it work anyhow lol! :D I must say, in the many many times I have been there, I always find something I've never seen or experienced before. Like, recently we took up "finding hidden mickeys" it made our last trip so much fun! :)

I do understand what you mean by things getting monotonous. I didn't eat at Teppan Edo or Tony's this past time because I wanted to try new restaurants. Doesn't mean I won't go back to those places, I just like changing it up a bit.
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real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Good Morning Disney people.Love the stories today,let me quickly state that I ain't Disney fed up,anything but.I love it when I book that magic package and put that deposit down.Ain't nothing gonna depress me about the forthcoming trip.But I honestly think that two many trips can spoil you of the magic,( talking more than one per year here ) However,if you stay close to WDW I can understand the temptation of even spending a few days there to break up the monotonous things in life and get inside the bubble and be a kid again,however in my case 3000 miles has to be a 14 day trip,anything shorter ain't worth it.;)
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Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
We have gone once a year since 1984. This year, on a spur of the moment we went in September so we could experience the MNSSHP as well as our trip in January of this year. We are going back in 3 months and I think I am more reved up then ever!!! It doesn't get boring as it is always changing. We also go to the beach every year (staying at the same place for 30 years) and go to Memphis, TN every August. We could break out and do differnt things, go different places but why? When you enjoy something as much as we do WDW, why change.
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Well-Known Member
I understand your sentiment for sure. I love Disney World, and always have. However, for my wife and I, about once every 2-3 years is plenty. We also love to go to other places, mountain, beach etc. And we make sure to take at least one trip a year overseas. If I had gone to WDW every year, I would have missed out on many of the 33 countries over 5 continents I have been to. Seeing the world has been my greatest gift in life. My wife and I plan to go to India next fall, Brazil for the world cup. After than we plan to have children, in which case our trips to WDW will be better fit, but for us right now, the same thing over and over, though could be incredible, causes us to miss out on so much and we personally dont want that.

I am soooo jealous of you. You sound like you have had some beautiful life experiences. Your philosophy sounds like mine when it comes to Disney as well. Once every few years is plenty. It (usually) means there is something new and the wait makes it more special when a visit to WDW comes around. And it also means I get to go other places. This world is an amazing place as as much as I love Disney, there is so so so much more to see, do, experience, instead of just having a date with the mouse every year. For me personally, I know I'd get bored of it, and I want to see other places too.

And enjoy the World Cup! I have two younger brothers who absolutely love professional soccer (not so big MLS fans but huge European soccer fans) and would probably each give up a thousand Disney vacations to attend a World Cup.
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Well-Known Member
I am soooo jealous of you. You sound like you have had some beautiful life experiences. Your philosophy sounds like mine when it comes to Disney as well. Once every few years is plenty. It (usually) means there is something new and the wait makes it more special when a visit to WDW comes around. And it also means I get to go other places. This world is an amazing place as as much as I love Disney, there is so so so much more to see, do, experience, instead of just having a date with the mouse every year. For me personally, I know I'd get bored of it, and I want to see other places too.

And enjoy the World Cup! I have two younger brothers who absolutely love professional soccer (not so big MLS fans but huge European soccer fans) and would probably each give up a thousand Disney vacations to attend a World Cup.

Yea we are going to Rio, Icaguazu Falls, and Recife. We hope to catch a total of 4 games, but it looks like it may just be 3. Its hard to fit your schedule to the schedule of games.
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