When is the best time of the year to go to WDW?


Well-Known Member
nice!!!we go from Sept. 25-30....we were hoping someone on these boards could verify what the crowds and weather were like during September. We cannot wait. It'll be nice to enjoy the parks without having to watch for strollers being run into the back of your feet while walking.

Actually, we're taking our little one for his first visit, so if you get hit in the back of the feet by a stroller, it could be me due to my lack of experience in pushin it! :lol:

Enjoy your trip! September has always been a great time for us, rain or shine (mostly shine).


New Member
I always go some time between Labor Day and Thanksgiving. I always get to do everything that I want to do and even do them multiple times in one day. I think last time I did BTMR and HM 4 times. :lol:


Well-Known Member
If you don't mind the heat, May and September are great months.

If you like cooler, November, early Dec., and January are pretty good too.

If you have no preference, I'd pick January - the early part is always the quietest time.

My opinions of when I have gone:

Jan 3-10th - jeans and t-shirt/sweatshirt weather. Crowds VERY VERY LOW. Still have up all Christmas Decorations, including Osborne Lights. Too cold to swim. Most nights we wished we'd brought our jackets.

May 18, 19 - Not too busy (we only had two days, so it may've seemed busier because we couldn't do everything), especially MGM

May 24th - June 2nd - Missed ALL the labor day crowds (or else there weren't any) and had our run of the parks. Crowds again VERY LOW.

Late August - a bit busier, but if utilizing the fastpass, no problems. Hot weather, be prepared!

Late October (Halloween) - crowds again VERY LOW; just stay away from Halloween at the parks unless you want to see MNSSHP. Weather, gorgeous - swimming, standing in line, usually 70's.

Thanksgiving - Busier, but still didn't have problems AND were with a 4 year old. Got great seats for Fantasmic, saw all the Christmas stuff being put up, great weather! (Bring a sweatshirt at night.)

That's all my info, hope it helps!:)

Scott M

New Member
As many have already mentioned, September is a great time to go. School is in full swing throughout most of the country, and parents are less likely to take their children out of school for a vacation within the first few weeks of a new school year.

There certainly is a good chance of rain as it is still hurricane season, but I feel that the small crowds are worth the risk.



New Member
After Columbus day weekend (because it is very busy) and before Thanksgiving (no explaination needed). (CONS) The parks do not usaully stay open past 8pm exception for Epcot (9pm). (PROS) The weather is perfect! Very little humidity/rain (if any) and very mild evenings. Very short lines, usally no longer than 5 minutes - even on the E-rides. Usually after Columbus Day they start installing all the Christmas Decoration :xmas: VERY BEAUTIFUL!!!! It will put you in the mood. Lower resort stay prices due to off season. Have a great time!!! :p

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