When is management going to realize the ineptitude of Meg Crofton?


Original Poster
I realize that this post is probably going to never be allowed, or be taken down due to the language, but I have to speak my piece. And considering I've both a former cast member, and a vacation patron, I need to express my opinion.

I have to assume cutting corners, quality and costs, and via this methodology increasing profit margins 4 to 8 percent on an annual basis makes Meg "the moron" Crofton, appear effective to Disney senior management.

After last night's announcements, which in my opinion borders on trying to scam the public, I would hope that a dedicated effort is established to get rid of this idiot.


Well-Known Member
Considering she just got promoted it doesn't look like anytime soon. She's horrible though. I can't stand listening to her speak. She doesn't even sound intelligent.


Le Meh
Premium Member
The problem lies in the fact that as long as "numbers" are met, higher ups will view her performance as successful. They are judging success by a completely different scorecard than the avid fans.

Mr Wizard

Active Member
The mindset, drive, desire and commitment to build and maintain one of the most creative and entertaining places on the face of the earth is long gone. To be replaced by the lamer than lame corperate excuse "we owe it to our shareholders to do it this way." A major bite in the butt for those of us who love the place but a situation that I doubt will be reversed in our lifetimes ( well at least mine anyway ).


New Member
The mindset, drive, desire and commitment to build and maintain one of the most creative and entertaining places on the face of the earth is long gone. To be replaced by the lamer than lame corperate excuse "we owe it to our shareholders to do it this way." A major bite in the butt for those of us who love the place but a situation that I doubt will be reversed in our lifetimes ( well at least mine anyway ).

Its one of the sad realities of the world...would it be nice if everything was new and exciting? Yes but the stockholders do matter and if you keep reaping losses and losses even though you are creating awesome attractions you are going to be in trouble...Capitalism for you


Le Meh
Premium Member
The mindset, drive, desire and commitment to build and maintain one of the most creative and entertaining places on the face of the earth is long gone. To be replaced by the lamer than lame corperate excuse "we owe it to our shareholders to do it this way." A major bite in the butt for those of us who love the place but a situation that I doubt will be reversed in our lifetimes ( well at least mine anyway ).

The only way to resolve is for everyone that disagrees with the course the parks are on to buy up all shares of Disney stock and vote in those that will do what you want them to do. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, this will never happen.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
The problem lies in the fact that as long as "numbers" are met, higher ups will view her performance as successful. They are judging success by a completely different scorecard than the avid fans.

I'm sure the shareholders think she's doing a wonderful job- profits are up. That's probably why she got promoted.

Shame, as I always thought she had such potential, being a local girl and all.

Mr Wizard

Active Member
Just for the heck of it let me elaborate on my statement of lame when it comes to catering to the stockholders. It is a busness and profits are a must just as growth is a must. I fully understand this. But today no one in a large company is willing to take a risk. In order to increase profits on their watch most any desk jockey would pursue a cut in services ( pretty much a lock ) than approve a super cutting edge, mind blowing new idea or attraction or even a new way to sell ticketts that may or may not work. Much like our gutless polititions they will take the path of least resistance to those in their own arena to make sure they have a job next year instead of trying at all times to better the wonderfull thing they have been put in charge of.


Well-Known Member
After last night's announcements, which in my opinion borders on trying to scam the public, I would hope that a dedicated effort is established to get rid of this idiot.

The announcement last night and the details of that "scam" was not her idea. You can blame Tom Staggs if you want.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Just for the heck of it let me elaborate on my statement of lame when it comes to catering to the stockholders. It is a busness and profits are a must just as growth is a must. I fully understand this. But today no one in a large company is willing to take a risk. In order to increase profits on their watch most any desk jockey would pursue a cut in services ( pretty much a lock ) than approve a super cutting edge, mind blowing new idea or attraction or even a new way to sell ticketts that may or may not work. Much like our gutless polititions they will take the path of least resistance to those in their own arena to make sure they have a job next year instead of trying at all times to better the wonderfull thing they have been put in charge of.

So you're basically saying that Meg Crofton is acting just as any other senior executive with any major company would act? :shrug:

Mr Wizard

Active Member
Well, if the other execs you would be comparing Meg to are empty of original thought, more willing to be a yes-woman than a thinker, willing to put their own goals in front of the company that pays them and woulden't know real talent if it bit them then, well, yes that's what I'm saying about her. But that's not the point. The point I'm trying to make is that it's a crying shame that she and many many more like her can keep their jobs doing it in that fashon.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Well, if the other execs you would be comparing Meg to are empty of original thought, more willing to be a yes-woman than a thinker, willing to put their own goals in front of the company that pays them and woulden't know real talent if it bit them then, well, yes that's what I'm saying about her. But that's not the point. The point I'm trying to make is that it's a crying shame that she and many many more like her can keep their jobs doing it in that fashon.


Would you care to assess my job performance from hundreds of miles away while you're at it? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I realize that this post is probably going to never be allowed, or be taken down due to the language, but I have to speak my piece. And considering I've both a former cast member, and a vacation patron, I need to express my opinion.

I have to assume cutting corners, quality and costs, and via this methodology increasing profit margins 4 to 8 percent on an annual basis makes Meg "the moron" Crofton, appear effective to Disney senior management.

After last night's announcements, which in my opinion borders on trying to scam the public, I would hope that a dedicated effort is established to get rid of this idiot.
I ask myself the same question every single day.


Well-Known Member
Its one of the sad realities of the world...would it be nice if everything was new and exciting? Yes but the stockholders do matter and if you keep reaping losses and losses even though you are creating awesome attractions you are going to be in trouble...Capitalism for you

Thus, is why social movements like "Occupy Wall Street" are so important. Corporate America these days is full of corrupt people who only care about the bottom line and will do anything and everything even commit borderline-criminal activities to increase it. Wall Street is no better than a thieves den.


Premium Member
Just for the heck of it let me elaborate on my statement of lame when it comes to catering to the stockholders. It is a busness and profits are a must just as growth is a must. I fully understand this. But today no one in a large company is willing to take a risk. In order to increase profits on their watch most any desk jockey would pursue a cut in services ( pretty much a lock ) than approve a super cutting edge, mind blowing new idea or attraction or even a new way to sell ticketts that may or may not work. Much like our gutless polititions they will take the path of least resistance to those in their own arena to make sure they have a job next year instead of trying at all times to better the wonderfull thing they have been put in charge of.

This leads me to a question, maybe someone who is more familiar with the stock maret can answer.

We consider "long term growth" as an important strategy for Disney, however in the corporate mindset would only be an issue if their shareholders were keeping the stocks for a long time.

Is there a way to find out what percentage of stockholders keep Disney stocks for, say, more than 2 fiscal quarters?


Le Meh
Premium Member
Thus, is why social movements like "Occupy Wall Street" are so important. Corporate America these days is full of corrupt people who only care about the bottom line and will do anything and everything even commit borderline-criminal activities to increase it. Wall Street is no better than a thieves den.

The vast majority of people in corporate America operate with the utmost ethical behavior. The few that don't, in conjunction with a political faction that tries to bastardize wealth and prosperity, brings a negative light to what helped to make this a great nation.

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