When do you start packing?

Diznee Mom

New Member
Am I nuts?!? I still have 21 days to go and mine and my husbands suitcases are already packed. I'm only a little excited! Does anyone else get like this?:sohappy:


New Member
:lol: Boy, the idea of packing. I'm usually start early but this time I'm not even started. Which we are leaving in the early morning of Feb 12 for 2 weeks. My husband and I have printing business so trying to get everyones work done before we leave. So in the late evenings, I go online to unwind.:hammer: Boy, we really need this vacation. It's snowing now and COLD:eek: . I'm ready for the warmer winter. Florida here we come. Bye bye to Ohio.:D
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Active Member
I'm such a last minute packer, but I never completely unpack. I have a dedicated "Disney duffle" that stays half packed. I usually throw all my stuff into the suitcase and duffle before I go to work the evening before we leave, and while I'm at work I try to think of anything I may have forgotten and throw it in when I get home before I go to sleep. This October I broke my own record for last-minute packing...I was up until 6 a.m. sewing my Halloween costume, then I threw it and all my stuff into the bags and went to sleep for an hour and a half before time to leave! (Good thing I wasn't driving...) :)
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New Member
Re: packing

Originally posted by kennyj29
I start a week before, we go for Christmas time (in the beginning of December) so I have to take summer and winter clothes. The summer clothes I usually pack immediately and the winter clothes get packed right before. But, I honestly can say, if we stay any length of time, we do laundry so we don't have to over pack. It's just easier that way.

Im with kenny j. i am also form long island so we tend to do the same thing.........EXACTLY.

packing too early=bringing too much
Packing to late+ not forgetting a thing!:hammer:
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Well-Known Member
I usually start to pack 3 days before leaving. I start with the toys first, Game Boy, Disney CD's and CD Player (or iPod, if I get one....), Mags, Book(s), Unoffical Guide, etc.

Then 2 days before I start to clean cloathes and get that going. Soon we start packing the clothes on the last day.
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Well-Known Member
We will do the physical packing a day or two before we leave. However, I started the logical packing right after we got home from the last trip. I made a list of everything we'd need (organized by piece of luggage), based on what did/would come in handy.
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I usually start packing at least a month in advance. If i have trips back to back, I will usually wash what's in the suitcase and repack it.

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