When do you start packing?

Diznee Mom

New Member
Am I nuts?!? I still have 21 days to go and mine and my husbands suitcases are already packed. I'm only a little excited! Does anyone else get like this?:sohappy:


Well-Known Member

WOW! Good for you!

I always get psyched a few weeks before,but I found that if I pack to early, I tend to take too much!

I now wait til the night before and whatever is not in the wash goes in the suitcase! :lol:

Of course, it's easy for a single guy! How much room do 5 pairs of shorts, 5 pairs of underwear and 5 shirts take up? :lookaroun

If I run out of clothes, its a great excuse to buy more while there!

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Well-Known Member
Oh boy- well, usually I am the one who has everything packed a month ahead of time (It also depends on what stuff we're talking about- coming from Michigan and travelling to Fla. in winter, I can usually pack my warm weather stuff a ways ahead of time!)

Anyway, New Years '01/'02 (Dec. 30, '01-Jan. 6, '02) was my first trip to WDW since 1996 (what a drag, I know)- heck, it was my first trip to ANYWHERE in a long time!

Well, I have turned into quite a procrastinater, so I only had about half of my bag packed by dinner the night before. It just so happened that several friends in our apartment building were getting together to celebrate Christmas since we had all done our own things on Christmas. Needless to say, we partied a fare share until about midnight at which time it was required that I shakily packed the rest of my belongings until about 1:00am or so. As our flight was leaving at 7:00am, we were instructed to arrive at the airport three hours early due to security (travelling three months after 9/11). Regardless, I got in about two hours of sleep before having to drive to my parents' house (and I'm not a morning person as it is- heck, 3:00am is usually still considered part of the night for me!)

The moral of the story is: things worked best in the days where I pack my things ahead of time!:)
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
We start packing about two nights before, but most of it doesn't get done. The day before we leave is when we really start to pack and get everything together.
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Well-Known Member
Well, with all the planning done and the dining reservations made that just leaves the packing. We're a bit tight on space so the suitcases will come down from the loft about a week before we go. We leave home on a Tuesday for a Wednesday morning flight from London Gatwick so the suitcases will be packed the weekend before we leave.
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I start a week before, we go for Christmas time (in the beginning of December) so I have to take summer and winter clothes. The summer clothes I usually pack immediately and the winter clothes get packed right before. But, I honestly can say, if we stay any length of time, we do laundry so we don't have to over pack. It's just easier that way.

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New Member
I get so excited I would like to pack month ahead of our trip but I don't have enough clothes for that!:lookaroun :lol: Therefore I usually pack the night before! My wife usually starts the kids a week ahead of time.
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New Member
I am a compulsive packer.
I have my packing list for September already!!!
Of course I am not "allowed to put anything in a suitcase more than a week ahead of time, but I know what I need, and where it is way earlier than that!!!
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New Member
I don't generally have much time to enjoy the anticipation before we go, due to work, so my wife and kids pack usually about a week beforehand. Boy do I make up for my lack of pre-Disney as soon as we leave for the airport!
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We're going to be there next week (for precisely the time Buzz is going to be down for rehab..sigh), and I started packing last night. I had enough extra stuff to wear on the trip so I could afford to do that. :lol:
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I start as soon as I have a date.

I have a drawer in my closet where I begin to gather stuff I'll need

rain ponchos (purchased on sale)
autograph pens & books
pool shoes
travel sized shampoo, etc
park tickets
stuff to do on the airplane (books, games for the kids, etc)
PS list
sunglasses straps

I also make a list of clothes to take, but usually put stuff in the suitcase the day before.
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If it was up to me I would've pack 5 weeks ago for an April trip,but we always do it the night before to give us something to do. I can usually pack for a week in about an hour. I travel enough to know what to bring. we've also taken a later plane and have packed the morning before! Ok so most people say we're crazy o well!
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My wife starts making the list right after we get an arrival date. Then it changes over and over. The kids start packing about a month before the trip and repack every day until we actually leave. What's funny is as it gets closer to the trip I cannot get milk up the highway without them wanting to pack the truck. My wife usually starts about a week before.
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New Member
I used to be a chronically late packer. This last trip I was soooo excited I got my suitcase out a week and a half in advance.

I'll probably start packing ahead of time in the future. It is so stressful waiting until the last minute and then feeling like you've forgotten something. I wish I could start packing now, but I'm not going again until december. :(
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