The problem with this topic is that somehow ALL people in wheelchairs and scooters seemed to get lumped into the same catagory. If anyone out there believes that there are not abuses, they are fooling themselves. If you say that wheelchairs or scooters do not get on attractions any faster, come stand in a stand-by line, not fastpass, and observe. I do not have any problem with the system Disney has implemented. I do have a problem with abuses. I will give two examples from our last trip(6/22-7/1). It's a rainy day at Epcot, and there was a long line for the bus back to Riverside. One lady with husband and son boards the bus with her scooter. After, placing the scooter on the bus, the lady gets up and sits in a seat. The bus then loads to capacity with several children having to stand. Here I am standing which is in no way shape or form a problem for me, I notice that the scooter takes three seats. The lady who could have stayed on the scooter takes a seat. Her son takes another. Her husband sits in the back corner with his bag on one seat and himself in another. Thats seven seats for a family of three. I think everone would feel this to be quite ridiculous. My second story. At 11:30 a.m., I was able to secure two fastpasses for 4:05 p.m. for Soarin. When my son and I returned to ride, I noticed the stand-by time at 115 minutes, and fastpass no longer avaliable. Once reaching the end of the fastpass line, I started a conversation with a lady who showed a 5x7 card as her fastpass. She had told me that this was the fifth time her and her daughters had ridden Soarin today. Once I thought she felt comfortable with me, I inquired about the card. She explained to me it was a diability card, and they had gotten one because a friend who was traveling in their party had a daughter with downs syndrome. Now, before any of you call me insensitive, the poor child was not in line to ride. Now, if you were the one waiting in stand-by, would you have appreciated someone using this card at will in all fastpass lines? Now, someone will take offense, because they think I am stereotyping all as abusing the system. Nothing further from the truth, but can anyone dispute the fact that the wheelchair and scooter count has doubled. Does anyone honestly believe that all are disabled, or could there possibly be just a few lazy people who prefer to ride than walk?