Wheelchair Abuse

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Ok, I know i have not been on this site for very long now, but I feel I deserve my one chance to rant. I just got back from a week at WDW (my 21st time there) and I have never seen so much abuse of the wheelchair. I watched in amazment as a family of 6 rolled their way right on to Space Mountain in rented wheelchairs. I later saw the same family roll their way onto Buzz Lightyear, no wait, just went right on. I also saw other families with rented wheelchairs just roll onto other various rides and it really makes me mad to see people abuse this. So you know what I did, I rented a wheelchair for just a day to see what would happen. I was able to get right on Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Pirates, HM, and IASW. I was really upset that someone like me, who is not handicapped or paralyzed in any way, was able to just get a wheel chair and abuse it. Now, I understand that some people have a legitamate reason to get them, but I do notice people that are truly handicapped bring their own wheelchairs (my uncle does when he goes and he's paralyzed from the waist down).
I think that Disney should rethink their renting of the wheelchairs to just anyone. I think that if Disney is just going to rent out a wheelchair, then that person shouldn't be allowed to just get on the ride. Now if a person is legitamately handicapped, then they should be allowed that right. I'm sorry to go on for so long, but I am not trying to be mean in anyway:) . I just get bothered by people abusing something. I am just trying to see if there is anyone else who sees it other than me or my brother. My uncle sees it when he goes and he gets offended by seeing people that abuse it. Ok, now i'm done.

Any one care to comment?


New Member
I've seen things like this. People get into a wheelchair just to get the the front of the line. Ridiculous, but people do it.

Unfortunately, there is not much disney can do about it.


Well-Known Member
Luckily more queues are becoming handicap accessible, so the cheaters can wait in line with everyone else.

I'm not sure if you renting a wheelchair and "testing your theory" really was neccessary, though. I mean, this has been going on for probably the whole span of WDW. Did anyone say anything to you or did you get any dirty looks?


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people with real disabilities usually have some sort of card on them saying that they have a disability. sometimes on the drivers license,some times its a seperate card. They could present that card when they get a wheelchair. If Disney wanted or needed to fix the problem, then they could find a way. I did get a lot of dirty looks, and to be honest, it was very embaraassing. I didn't like it, it was very embarassing. I did it so i could find out first hand that it was really a problem. I'll never do it again. I'll always use the fast pass or just stand in line.


New Member
Hey I hear ya! It hasn't always been that way, but in my last 2 visits it has seemed to get pretty crazy. It's like when you go to a mall at Christmas time and circle the parking lot for hours and you someone pull their handicapped hangtag out of their glove compartment and park right in front. Now they could have some handicap that you can't see with the naked eye, but when they walk like there is nothing wrong with them! AAARGH!!! And while your on this rant I'd like to comment about every overweight person riding around in those scooters! It's one thing for an elderly person to but when you have a family of four all riding around and they jump right to the front of the line. Can you say LAZY!


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I agree about the scooters too. I saw a really, really, big person riding a scooter and eating a double dipped ice-cream cone. Stop eating the ice cream and walk around, you might loose some of that weight.


Well-Known Member
I try to not pass judgement as you really have no clue what could be wrong with them. Sure there has to be some people doing it, but you might be wrong when trying to guess which ones were. I mean you could see someone in one who gets right out and walks on the ride with no problem then get off and walks fine to the chair to get back in. But they could have some sort of issue where if they try walking for long periods they could have some sort of severe pain.

I guess, just don't let it get to you as it is not worth getting yourself so upset for.


Well-Known Member
tigger_rox00 said:
I agree about the scooters too. I saw a really, really, big person riding a scooter and eating a double dipped ice-cream cone. Stop eating the ice cream and walk around, you might loose some of that weight.

Yes insult the over weight, that's it.


New Member
tigger_rox00 said:
I agree about the scooters too. I saw a really, really, big person riding a scooter and eating a double dipped ice-cream cone. Stop eating the ice cream and walk around, you might loose some of that weight.

Why do all wheelchair threads have to include posts like this? Please dont target or single out a group of people for being "at fault" of this wheelchair abuse. I'm sure there are many at fault, not just one group of people. Dont be so rude. Its un-disneylike.


Well-Known Member
After spending 8 days pushing a wheelchair (our group of 11 consisted of 4 in wheelchairs), I must say that it really doesn't save you any time. Actually most attractions you have to wait LONGER. Some attractions can only handle a certain number of wheelchair guests at one time, like Splash Mountain. And I'll guarantee that anyone in a wheelchair waits more on Buzz Lightyear than reuglar guests.

And we also must remember that alot of the people in the wheelchairs might be able to walk fine for short distances. But they just couldn't make it for an extended period of time, especially in the heat.

So just to clear things up, most places you have to wait longer with a wheelchair. Trust me, I just lived it :)


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i'm not insulting the overweight. that comment of mine was uncalled for. i chose my words poorly. i'm sorry. I agree, you can't always tell when some one has a problem. a person that is sensitive to heat stroke can't walk around all day. They would need a wheelchair to help aleviate that. I suggest that Disney continue to rent out wheelchairs to anyone who wants them. I just believe that particular individual shouldn't be allowed to hop on any ride unless they show proof that they have an actual handicap. They can show a handipcapped pass and that would allow them to get on. If they can't show that proof, they still get to rent the chair, but they don't get to roll onto the ride.

CEO...i'll admit when i'm out of line or wrong. I was out of line on the weight issue. I chose my words poorly


Well-Known Member
tigger_rox00 said:
I just believe that particular individual shouldn't be allowed to hop on any ride unless they show proof that they have an actual handicap.

With the exception of Big Thunder Mountain and Snow White's Scary Adventures, I don't really know of any attractions that the wheelchair helps you get on any faster. Alot has changed in 10 years.


Active Member
i know that there are abuses in the system and thoes people (excluding tigger_rox00) who aren't really handicaped should be taken to the top of splash mt and thrown off. i can't understand what kind of sick person would want to take away from thoesw who really need the priviledge. if the want it that bad why don't they just break their own legs, how many people would want the priviledge if they really needed it?

and one more thing, if i see one more fat person riding in a scooter and eating at the same time, i'm going to shove a pancake down their windpipe and chase them with a steemroller :brick:


New Member
Not sure of what you mean BY PROOF. Not all medical conditions require people to prove they have them. I would be insulted by being told I needed to prove my need for a wheelchair if the situation arises. That is called discrimination. We were with a couple a few years back and she started to get very dizzy from the heat - the CM ordered a wheelchair brought to her immediately. She never had this problem before and as far as I know never again. Things happen.


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Things do happen, the point of my posts is that the abuse is rampant and over time, people will abuse it. I am just tired of people abusing this privilage. I just think that Disney will eventually have to find a remedy to this growing problem. It gets worse everytime i go. I am not trying to cause a huge scene or anything. Just like a person would have to show proof of handicapped to park in a handicapped spot, they should have to show the same proof to get to the front of the line. That is my opinion, you don't have to agree with my opinion, all I ask is that my opinion is respected. I find it very un-disney to knock another persons opinion or idea.


Active Member
tigger_rox00 said:
So you know what I did, I rented a wheelchair for just a day to see what would happen. I was able to get right on Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Pirates, HM, and IASW.
Ok, now i'm done.

Any one care to comment?

OK, I will comment, and remember you asked for it.

I feel sorry for you and some of the others on here who think you/they have the expertise to judge who is a person with a disability and who is not. I will also remind you and others that think like you that if you are lucky enough to live a long time that you too will become a person with a disability. Parts is parts and they wear out!

The person you see walk from the chair to a ride. Are you compentent enough to judge they he/she has not had recent heart surgery?If you are great. No heart surgeon can!

Front of the line? Don't think so. At SSE look as you exit. Chair users will be found in a holding area waiting for a pause due to a chair being unloaded so one or two of the many chair users waiting can be loaded. That may be 10-20 minutes and it may be at a time when SSE is a walk on for others.

Fantasmic. Have you looked to see where they put chair users? I doubt it. They are put in the very last two rows at the top no matter how early they arrive.

Hopefully attitudes will change so that if you live to a ripe old age you will not be subject to the attacks seen on this thread.

Am I a chair user? Not yet.


Active Member
tigger_rox00 said:
I find it very un : disney to knock another persons opinion or idea.

But you don't think it is un-Disney to post negitive threads about wheelchair users?! :veryconfu :lookaroun


New Member
I've seen some situations where people were clearly abusing the wheelchairs. For example, my mom and I were going to see American Adventure and a group of 6 came in with a wheel chair and after they parked the chair at the top of the theater, ran down seats in the middle of the theater. Now I would never want to pass judgement on a person who may have a dissability b/c one may never know if they do have a problem or not, but this was just abuse of it. When it was time to leave, a different person from the group left in the wheelchair also. It just seems people should be grateful that have the ability to walk and thank God they do not need to use a wheelchair. Unfortunately I don't think there is any way to really check every person who rents a wheel chair. Anyway, just my two cents on the issue.
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