NadieMasK2 said:
In July we will be going from Indianapolis! About 16 hours I believe, maybe a little more than that. We usually fly, but not this time. Any suggestions on how to avoid getting completely tired out from the drive down? After all that driving I am usually too wiped out to do anything.
Back to answering the original question:
Do you have a laptop? That is probably my lifesaver. I can listen to my own music, play DVD's, play games, etc. It can keep my occupied for hours. (Plus it makes uploading my pictures to a disc much easier when I get to Disney!)
If you don't have a laptop, how about investing in one of those portable DVD players. They are less then a foot wide, by two inches deep and cost around 200. For that price, think of the hours of entertainment it can provide you. Also, don't forget DVD's that carry an entire season worth of episodes too. Since most episods are 1/2 to an hour long, sometimes they are better then an entire movie.
For kids, how about old favorites: Card games, travel games, small craft projects (get them interested in knitting or crochet!) Coloring books, crayons, personal discman/walkman, etc
My last comment. Stop at Cracker Barrel's for all (or a lot) of your meals.
(If you have never heard of it) It's half store, half resturant. They are all over the country. On their website, you can print out a list of Cracker Barrel's from your house to your destination. That's the only place we eat when we make the 2 day drive to Disney.
Have fun on your trip!