Whats your favorite Slogan/Speech

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Original Poster
One Lil Spark My favorite is...

"Please keep your hands arms and legs inside the vehicle and remain seated please. Your vehicles doors will close automatically. Thank you. Please take small children by the hand and look out as you are stepping on to the moving platform. The platform is moving at the same speed as your vehicle."

Oh btw... this would kinda belong better under general discussion, not news and rumors. Thanks!



New Member
"Make it a stretch......make it a super stretch." - Preshow, Rock N' Rollercoaster
"See yous guys in choich." - Gangster Side, Great Movie Ride
"Now is the time, now is the best time..." - GE's COP
"Dead men tell no tales." - Pirates of the Caribbean


New Member
Originally posted by happy snapper
Jeremy Irons, Space ship earth naration, makes the hairs on my neck stand up everytime. well at least when you can hear it over the clunking cars.

It has the same durn affect of me too!! :lookaroun
"When hinges creek in doorless chambers, and strange and frightning sounds echo through the halls, whenever candle lights flicker and the air is deafly still, that is the time when ghosts are present practicing their terror with gouhlish delight... Welcome foolish mortals to the Haunted Mansion." can I get a woop woop for Paul Frees(or as you know him the ghost host.


New Member
Originally posted by ToTallToSlow112
"When hinges creek in doorless chambers, and strange and frightning sounds echo through the halls, whenever candle lights flicker and the air is deafly still, that is the time when ghosts are present practicing their terror with gouhlish delight... Welcome foolish mortals to the Haunted Mansion." can I get a woop woop for Paul Frees(or as you know him the ghost host.



New Member
From It's a Small World - "Please keep your hands and arms inside the boat for your own safety and convenience."

Since when did it become convenient to keep your hands in??

I also love the safety speils on many rides.


Increasing speed, 10%...urrrrrr...
do you see an increase in lateral forces...
sure can....(i dont know if thats the line...i cant believe i forgot it, ive ridden it maybe 500times! how can i forget?)
(truck horns).........
This is all from Test Track....

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mickeyfanatics
From It's a Small World - "Please keep your hands and arms inside the boat for your own safety and convenience."

Since when did it become convenient to keep your hands in??

I also love the safety speils on many rides.

Well If you reach out the boat and loose a hand then that wouldn't be convenient .............hehehe:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
"Please stand clear of the doors... the doors will be closing momentarily"

- Used on the Monorail, I heard this in May 97, it was different in Sept 2001. Does anyone have a recording of this one?


Active Member
"If we can dream, we can do it" - Horizons. As for the hairs standing on your neck effect, I'd go with most of American Adventure, and that Norway film when the kid is about to touch the Viking ship.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
One Lil Spark My favorite is...

"Please keep your hands arms and legs inside the vehicle and remain seated please. Your vehicles doors will close automatically. Thank you. Please take small children by the hand and look out as you are stepping on to the moving platform. The platform is moving at the same speed as your vehicle."

Oh btw... this would kinda belong better under general discussion, not news and rumors. Thanks!

Thank you for NICELY pointing something out to me. I was being nice in my original with a suggestion, I'm glad to see you followed my tactful lead. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria
LOL!! I rode that soooooooooo long ago! I didn´t know they said that! :lol:

It´s "no choque el auto de enfrente" but it sounds like that. :animwink: Well done!

I can't say I've heard it, but it (at least last time I rode: 10+ years ago) says it on the back of the car in front of you! (Kind of like a "If you can read this, you're too close" bumper sticker:lol: )


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by happy snapper
Jeremy Irons, Space ship earth naration, makes the hairs on my neck stand up everytime. well at least when you can hear it over the clunking cars.

C'mon, I know it's history now, but how about the original, classic voice of Walter Cronkite doing Spaceship Earth?!


Well-Known Member
"If you can dream it, then you can do it" - Horizons
"A dream can be a dream come true. With just that spark. In me and you." - Journey into Imagination

Actually, now that I think more and more about it, I like hearing just about every spiel they have. From the 5 minutes until ::show:: starts to the "Step out to your left please. When the car stops, step out to your left."

I love it in spectromagic when all of the lights go off at once with the fantasia music ("night on bald mountain") playing.


I'm not sure where we heard it but I think it was on a sign at It's A Small World but my kids say it around the house all the time.

"Please keep your hands, arms, legs and feet inside the vehicle and parents, please supervise your children, Thank You."

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by wild01ride
C'mon, I know it's history now, but how about the original, classic voice of Walter Cronkite doing Spaceship Earth?!

My first visit was 94 and SE was being updated so I never hreard the old duffer. Didnt even know there was a ride inside at the time.:hammer:


Well-Known Member
"Mr. (insert my last name), I'll be giving you a complimentary upgrade to a Savannah Room from your Standard Room."

The best "speech" I have ever heard at WDW...the AKL, April 2002.:sohappy:

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