Whats your favorite Slogan/Speech

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Original Poster
I have a few favorites:

"Howdy folks. Please keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle and remain seated at all times. Hang on to your personal belongings, especially your hats and glasses, 'cause this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness!!!" -BTR

"Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow..."COP

"Please Stand Clear of the Doors, Por Favor...." Monorail

i have more but i cant think of them right this second.....

What are your Favs???:confused:


Well-Known Member

The only Spanish I know (aside from ordering at a Mexican Restaurant) is that Monorail speech about the doors!

This will be funny.....somebody PLEASE feel free to translate the following into PROPER SPANISH!!!!

In our house it goes like this:

"por favor, maintende allejadro de los puertas"

We say it all the time...I just don't know how to write it!

Hopefully I didn't just order a burrito??????



New Member
Ok, I´ll say it again! :animwink:

Monorail version:

"Por favor, manténganse alejado de las puertas"

Proper grammar:

"Por favor, manténganse alejadoS de las puertas"

It translates to: Please, stand clear of the doors or stay away from the doors! lol :animwink:


New Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
por favor, mantenganse alejado de las puertas


just one cuestion:
why they only says the things not to do in spanish??:confused:
(this is what it seems to me maybe I´m wrong)

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
My favorite is...

"Please keep your hands arms and legs inside the vehicle and remain seated please. Your vehicles doors will close automatically. Thank you. Please take small children by the hand and look out as you are stepping on to the moving platform. The platform is moving at the same speed as your vehicle."

Oh btw... this would kinda belong better under general discussion, not news and rumors. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
My favorite is from the old monorail speel when it said...

"Please take small children FIRMLY by the hand, and watch your head and step"


New Member
Originally posted by wild01ride
While we're on Spanish slogans:

"No choque el auto d' enfrente"- From the Indy Speedway!

LOL!! I rode that soooooooooo long ago! I didn´t know they said that! :lol:

It´s "no choque el auto de enfrente" but it sounds like that. :animwink: Well done!

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Originally posted by Maria
LOL!! I rode that soooooooooo long ago! I didn´t know they said that! :lol:

It´s "no choque el auto de enfrente" but it sounds like that. :animwink: Well done!
What does that mean Maria??


New Member
Maria- official translator of wdwmagic! :lol:

I have alot of favorite sayings from wdw!! One of them is when I step onto any ride that's in any park and I hear them say anything!! :p Reminds me I'm actually there!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by historymystery
"Howdy kids, Let's go play on Tom Sawyers Island!"
If you've just been wishin' bout goin' fishin' but you're still on the shore...
Sorry, I've seen that video waaaaaay too many times so I know the whole thing, oy... :lol:
Okay, my favorite quote is
"There's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow"
But I like them all!
(except when the train announcer says that if you listen real closely you may hear Pocahontas singing, and then they blast the music! lol, that bugs me, I even started a thread about it :rolleyes: )


New Member
" 'Ohana means family, and family means nobody get's left behind."

Okay, it's not strictly a WDW slogan, but my family has been using it in reference to our Disney World trip because we're taking our first vacation all together in over ten years starting March 14th. So it's definitely my favorite slogan right now! (36 days and counting . . . )


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria
Ok, I´ll say it again! :animwink:

Monorail version:

"Por favor, manténganse alejado de las puertas"

Proper grammar:

"Por favor, manténganse alejadoS de las puertas"

It translates to: Please, stand clear of the doors or stay away from the doors! lol :animwink:

Thanks for coming to my resuce MARIA!!! :wave:

I wasn't TOO far off! :lol:



Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I love the pre-show for Cranium Command when they say

Hey, you goldbricks, this ain't a spectator sport! Where do you think you are, Disney World??!! Get your strollers in line and hustle! On the double! Move it, move it, move it!

Cracks me up everytime.


My favorite was from the 2000 parade:

"celebrate the Future hand in hand"

Also from the new Tiki room

"Monkey (something) tostotoes" Sry I don't know how 2 spell it but thats what Iago says insted of Haukana Matata! :)

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Jeremy Irons, Space ship earth naration, makes the hairs on my neck stand up everytime. well at least when you can hear it over the clunking cars.

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