What's worth hitting and missing at AK?


Original Poster
My sister and I (her 16, me 21) are going to WDW in August and I wanna hit AK for a few hours in the morning on one day and then spend the rest of the day at MGM. I realize the lines for AK would probally be shorter if we went in the evening, but I wanna be at MGM for Fantasmic. So what is worth hitting and what is worth missing. This is my list of probable attractions to visit

Tough to be a bug
primeval whirl
flights of wonder
kali river rapids
kilimanjaro Safaris
maharajah jungle trek

Anything I should add or take off?


New Member
If you only have that amount of time, try and focus on the Safari, lion king show, and Dinosaur. Grab fast passes, if they fit into your timeframe for the two attractions when you get into the park, then head over to lion king for the next showing.

I don't think anything is worth missing when you haven't done a park at all. You should do/see everything at the AK the next trip, when you have more time, its a great park. But the 3 above-mentioned are the most memorable parts for us.


Naturally Grumpy
I suggest taking off Flights and Jungle Trek, maybe even Kali rapids and Primeval Whirl. Definitely add Lion King

Go all the way to the back to the Safari at the start of the day, then come back for Bug and Dinosaur. Then find the time for the next lion king show and you can even fill in some other items before heading out.

As soon as you get to MGM I would suggest you make a reservation at a restaurant that offers the show package. With reserved admission, you can make the most of your time there. Get fast pass for either RnRC or ToT then get in line for the other. Catch your breath and you can then more leisurely enjoy other parts of the park...Chinese Theatre, Indy and Star Tours.


Well-Known Member
Drop Primeval Whirl and Kali River Rapids. KRR is just another wet ride--nothing new to experience there. I would NOT drop Flights of Wonder. I think this is one of the most underrated attractions at AK. And definitely add Festival of the Lion King. Stay at AK until 11:00 and catch a lunch at Flame Tree BBQ--the best counter service restaurant in WDW.


Account Suspended
Hmm. I like Kali, but it's not worth a FastPass. If the wait is less than 2 min, go for it. If not, skip it.


New Member
Don't bother with Primeval Whirl unless there is no queue, but in August that may not be an option, it's not a bad little coaster but nothing to spend half an hour in a queue for. Same is true for Kali. Add Lion King. If you enjoy stage shows and like the Phil Collins music from Tarzan check out Tarzan Rocks. If you are going to hit Maharaja Jungle Trek then give Pangani Forrest trail a try – the gorillas are magnificent. Animal Kingdom has better counter service than MGM so I’d suggest grabbing lunch there rather than MGM – check out Flame Tree Barbeque or Tusker House.


New Member
I agree with SpongeScott that Flights of Wonder is a Under rated show. It is a must see when we go to AK. When they bring out the American Eagle, I get all goosebumps all over me.
They also have some cute -inter action with the guests.

Next time you go to WDW, leave a good day for AK. It is really a neat park if you stop and take your time looking at everything there, besides the show and rides.


New Member
Originally posted by webmomom
Next time you go to WDW, leave a good day for AK. It is really a neat park if you stop and take your time looking at everything there, besides the show and rides.
I second the motion :D Plus as the park closes early you can still get a good few hours in at one of the other parks at the end of the day.


Original Poster
Originally posted by barnum42
Animal Kingdom has better counter service than MGM so I’d suggest grabbing lunch there rather than MGM – check out Flame Tree Barbeque or Tusker House.

Exactly my thought too. And thanks to everybody for the advice. I figured I wouldn't spend a whole day there until EE is built, and is still better than completely bypassing it as originally intended. Now with the lion king show, lets keep in mind neither me nor esecially my sister are big on stage shows. I thought the little mermaid show was the stupidest thing I've ever seen, but I'm also open to new experiences, and if it's really that good then we'll give it a whirl. And besides not intending an even seeing AK in the first place, the reason for limiting our time their is we bypassed MGM on our last trip which was 96 or 97 so we haven't been on tot or rnrc and might spend a great deal of time on those two rides. And we'll be in the parks around the 20th of august, so the lines might not be as bad. I'm inclined to skip kali but not primeval whirl if I can afford to. Sure, I kind of resent disney for putting in a cheap coaster, but I am also a huge coaster fan and believe it or not my favorite type is the wild mouse. Thanks to everybody for the advice and any more tips are certainly welcome!!!


New Member
:sohappy: The best show. Both the Lion King and Beauty and The Beast are the greatest. I also use to love the Hutchback Show before it closed:cry: :cry: :cry:


New Member
If you're anti- stage shows, I might skip Beauty and the Beast. It's very broadway-esque. "It's nice" is how I would describe it.

Just goes to show how different tastes can be... I vehemently disagree with webmom on The Hunchback. I thought that show was very lame...


New Member
My advice:

Do AK with the Extra Magic Hour in the morning, park opens at 8:00am.

When the park opens, go to Safari, and do that, no wait. Then go on the Pangani Trek, because the exit from the Safari is right at the entrance of the Trek. Then go do Tough To Be A Bug. By that time, the park should be opened (9:00am).

Then go do Kali (might want to wear a poncho), there is no wait for that at this time in the morning. Then do the Maharaja Jungle Trek. After that, you can do Primevil Whirl, Dinosaur, Lion King, Flights of Wonder, and have time for lunch at Flame Tree (good food.) You should be done with Animal Kingdom by noon. That is usually the time I leave the AK.

Have Fun!


New Member
You can not compare Little Mermaid with Lion King. I'm no fan of Little Mermaid, which tells a watered down version of the film. Festival of the Lion King is it's own show using the songs from the film. If you are happy to give something new a try go for it, but if there is the chance you are going to be sitting there worrying about the clock ticking away when you could be doing something else it may tarnish your enjoyment of the show as you are not a show person. On the other hand it may just put you in touch with your "show side" :lol:

Beauty and the Beast is a straight forward lite version of the film. It's OK, but I prefer the shows where they do something new with the material rather than just quickly re-tell the story.

As you are a coater fan and really want to do Primeval Whirl then either fast pass it if the lines are long or try to hit it first thing.


Original Poster
Originally posted by figmentfan
My advice:

Do AK with the Extra Magic Hour in the morning, park opens at 8:00am.

DO you have to be a resort guest to take advantage of the extra magic hour or just catch the park on the right day? We are staying at my aunt's fot the week.


I don't really like AK.

Dinosaur, Kilimanjaro, Kali river rapids, and Tough to be a Bug are the only things I care to do there.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by lebernadin
If you only have that amount of time, try and focus on the Safari, lion king show, and Dinosaur. Grab fast passes, if they fit into your timeframe for the two attractions when you get into the park, then head over to lion king for the next showing.

I don't think anything is worth missing when you haven't done a park at all. You should do/see everything at the AK the next trip, when you have more time, its a great park. But the 3 above-mentioned are the most memorable parts for us.

i have nothing to add to this thread but lebernadin is driving my dream car and im jealous. I can only afford the wrx. Did you leave it stock or are you tinkering with it at all?

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