I for one have never had a problem with the entry system.
Do your homework at least a month before you go and plan an itenerary and follow it closely. By doing this you can save yourself a lot of last minute guessing. On the list, include all important telephone numbers of parks, resorts, and other information numbers in the event that you need to know some more information.
My last trip started the Sunday after 9/11, which just so happened to be the first day the airports were back open. As a related story to your park entry dismay, let me tell you about that day at the airport.
We were told to arrive 3 hours early for our flight. Well, that ment 4AM. As it turned out, EVERYONE was there at 4AM and if I had waited and hour, I would have saved time in line at the desk. The lines were going down by then.
The same thing goes for the Theme Parks on busy days. Expect everyone to get there early! If you are not staying in a Disney Resort, go to a park that is not offering the early-entry system that day. You will find that the park with the early-entry to Disney Resort Guests will be crowded before you are even let in.
Also, if you still want to get closer a lot earlier, drive to one of the resorts close to the MK and walk to the gate.
Best story of all! Of all the parks at WDW on the week after the events of 9/11, the MK was the only one where I felt the CM's and the overall mood was not up to par. I knew the Disney image was supposed to be far better than what was represented at the MK that day. Maybe it was the events of 9/11 that made the impact on CM's but the other WDW parks were fine. I won't go into every detailed upsetting account of that day but, it made such a negative effect on me that I had to vent to an official somewhere. As I left the MK, I saw a person giving a questionare to guests. I told her about my day and that of all the parks I would probably not come back to the MK for the rest of my vacation.
You see, I was not only there for vacation but for an interview (or audition) that I had only 2 days before with Disney Casting. When I told the CM who was asking me about my day, she asked me who I had talked to at the Casting Office. I told her the name of the person who did the interview and when I got back to my room, I had a voicemail from the interviewer asking me to come in the next day. When I went in, a small group of Disney officials told me about a special position that they have created and have been looking for a specific few to take it, and they wanted me after hearing my story and reviewing my resume. They wanted me to make a decision and call them on the Monday after I got home.
As it turns out, 2 day day after they asked me to take the job, the Disney Company put a temporary freeze on hiring at WDW due to the drop in the economy. The job is still mine they said if I decide to move here in the near future, which I will be doing in November. Meanwhile, I work for the Disney Company here in the Detroit area just to get to know the company more. I love it!
So as you can see, it pays to speak up! Just don't ruin the expierience for someone else while doing it.
And as always, phone first just to be sure there arn't any sudden delays you don't already know of.