What's Soarin' Like?

Dwight Benedict

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I didn't get to do it during my last trip November 05. I was hoping to go with my three year old, but she was too small and I didn't want to go by myself. I hope she'll be tall enough next trip so I'll be stretching her to speed her growth along (not really!). :)

I know it's like a hang glider but can anyone give me more details?


New Member
First, make sure you ask for row 1. It will make your whole experience that much better. That said, Soarin' is basically watching an Imax movie while suspended in the air in a hang glider looking contraption. It is really smooth and one of the most exhiliratiing rides I have ever been on. You are suspended approximately 40 feet in the air although you really can't tell other than when you take off and when you land.


New Member
I haven't done Soarin over at WDW, but I did ride the one in California Adventure in Anaheim last spring. It was completely fantastic. I was wary as I'm not one for thrill rides - I hate rollarcoasters etc and I can be prone to motion sickness... but honestly, its one of the top rides available. It was breath-takingly beautiful and it did feel like you were moving. I didn't get into the first (top) row, but I would assume that would be best because then you can't see the feet of the people above you. Even with feet above you (you can only see the ones off to the side really) you totally forget anyone else is there. The smells are great too. I'm going to WDW for the first time next month and I was so excited to see that it is at Epcot now too!
I love Soarin', it's currently my favourite ride in WDW.

Anyway, here's a breakdown of the ride.

When you get through the ride line you walk into a room with three contraptions suspended from the ceiling (I think each section is one machine, not 100% sure though) that looks like a big JCB arm with a set of chairs on the end (No it's not yellow, I'm refering to the Hydraulic rams you can see), each one with a Wing effect on top to go with the Glider theming; and all of this sis infront of a huge concave IMAX screen.

There's 8 seats per row (I think) and in true Disney fashion, when you enter your row you move all the way to the end.

There's a seatbelt that you need to do up when you sit down, and for those smaller ones there's a loop that you can put over the belt to keep them doubly safe. You then need to do the Test Track Jiggle (Otherwise known as pulling on the little yellow tag on your seat belt to proove it's done up).

After everyone's settled, you are lifted up into the screen to a point where it's hard to see the edges (if you get a front row, I found you had to lean far forward to see the edges, further back it's a litle easier and you can see the feet of the people in front of you, go front row whenever possible). The only time I think you can tell how high you are is during "take-off" and "landing".

Then the ride starts with panoramic views of different areas (I won't describe them as it will give too much away).

To add to the immersiveness there are selective smells set off that match the scene you are watching, as well as wind blowing towards you to enhance the sense of movement (At least it felt like wind to me, I could be mistaken though). The whole contraption also moves slightly on the hydraulic rams, which coupled with the IMAX movie gives you a feeling of moveing a lot more than you really do.

After the movie ends with the big finale, it's back to earth and your done.

All this fairly simple stuff adds together to produce an awsome ride that really makes you feel you are in the action. It's definately a don't miss ride.

You've heard it already, but front row is best, and if you can do it head as close to the center as possible (Got there once myself, Concourse 1, Section B, Row 1 in the middle, it was amazing).

We went on once with people with motion sickness with no trouble, but one of our party had a fear of heights and freaked. So Motion sickness ok, heights, not so good. :)

After all that though, no description can tell you how good it is. Go, ride, be amazed. :)


New Member
Personally, I'm a much bigger fan of sitting in the dead center. I'd rather have some feet dangling over me than have to see the top, bottom, or side of the screen. I find the illusion much less believable if I can see where the screen ends.


Account Suspended
I really like soarin, it would be an amazing way to start your day off at epcot. Like everyone else said, I would suggest asking for the front, center. You will get the best experiance that way, Also in the golf course shot keep a close eye on the golf ball as there is a hidden mickey on it! I remember when epcot had NO thrill rides and shows like "the Simpsons" made fun of it and called it boreing, NOT ANY MORE. with Test Track, Mission: Space, and Soarin' it is now my favorite park at Disney World.


New Member
Soarin is really good, although I noticed alot of the younger crowd(kids 14 and under) tended to not like it, but I think this is simply because they expected some high energy thrill ride and that is not soarin. What works for Soarin is it's simplicity and how it builds and improves on older technology. The ride system itself is unique however the idea of sitting in front of a large video on a moving platform is hardly new. Great ride for pretty much everyone(except people scared of heights.. :) )


New Member
I love Soarin'!! I first did it in Disneyland last year, and then over spring break we were lucky enough to test it before it officially opened. It is really unlike other ride. The film is great and the scents they pipe in add to the experience.

And just a sidenote, the Soarin' in WDW is the exact same as the one in DL.


Active Member
I hate heights to the point that I cannot enjoy BB's Ski Lift's. I go on ToT, though each time I am truly terrified.

But Soarin' was awesome. We only went on it once, and I was absolutely frozen, but I would definitely do it again. I was freaked because of the simulated heights, and the actual height you are taken to. We had achieved 10 Fast Passes for our group of 5, all withing 5 minutes of eachother, and I wanted to ride it two more times to subdue my fear enough to have fun the whole time. But, alas, a long wait at Beaches and Cream made a return to Soarin' in time to use the FP's impossible.


WDWFREAK12 said:
Can somebody explain some of the smells that you have, and were is the best place to smell them?
You will smell scents like from an orange grove, pine trees, and the ocean.
There is no best place to smell them, because each guest gets them pumped in through fans in the canopy above your head. The fan also provides the wind effects.


Well-Known Member
I am terrified of heights. I don't like being on the 2nd floor of a building. It was a little frightening but not so much that I didn't enjoy myself. More then anything, I just noticed how much I enjoyed the view from "way up there" without actually being way up in the sky.

Shouldn't have problems with motion sickness either. I think it's something that's really accessable to everyone. It's one of my absolute favorite rides.


New Member
DANG PEOPLE your are giving all the good info away.
Think of it this way.... it is the closest thing to being a bird as you can get (indoors anyway)
It is an awesome ride


Well-Known Member
There are several threads on this topic and I pop into every one of them just to say that this is my favorite attraction!
I'm prone to motion sickness in a car, but had no problem on Soarin'.
My advice is try it. It's too good not to give it a chance.


It is one of the most amazing rides I've ever been on. We went in October and my 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter LOVED IT!!! They talked about it all day and still talk about it. We have the 2 disk CD of the Happiest Celebration on Earth Official CD and the music is on the second disk. My kids love to listen to it because it is just beautiful music. I found Soarin' to be one of the most beautiful and relaxing rides ever, and I don't do real well with heights.

I highly recommend it, even for kids. (Like I said my 3 year old loved it, but she's a bit of a thrill seeker, she loves Tower of Terror too!!!)


Well-Known Member
:wave: I have to agree that it's one of my favorite rides, particularly at Epcot. We rode it twice in September, and can't wait to go back in February (6 more weeks!!!!)


Well-Known Member
Fastpasses sold out 45 min. after opening?

I heard 3rd person that sometime in October, (2nd week) the Soarin' fastpasses were 'sold out' for the day at 45 min. after park opening and that the wait at that point was 3+ hrs. Has anyone experienced this during that time or any other?
45 min. seems a bit ridiculous and the ride is certainly good, but not worth a 2-3 hr. wait time, when Epcot FW hrs are on the abbreviated side as it is.


New Member
We went just about 2 weeks ago and we got our pass around 11 (they were gone by noon) and we had to come back between 4:30-5:30. When we were leaving the park for the night, the wait was still like 100 mins.

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