Whats a good age for the first visit to the world?

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Hello All:wave:
Originally my extended family and myself and my wife were planning a trip for this xmas to the world, however, my wife is now pregnant and our first baby is on the way!! :sohappy: She's due in Feb., anyway for the baby's second xmas we were thinking of trying to re-do the trip we originally planned for this xmas, the baby would be about 22 months old at that point. Anyone have any thoughts on if its too early for the baby's first trip down?? Thanks all in advance!:wave:


Active Member
I'll take the minority position and say that if the reason you're going is for the kids then wait until they are at least 4, more likely 5 so they'll remember it. Those shows of amazement, surprise, and happiness can be elicited probably by a cardboard box at that age. :D

If you're going because YOU want to go then there's no bottom limit. I'd take any execuse to go. I lover it there.

After a visit at around age 5 then wait until about 10-12 (if you can wait that long) and they get a whole new perspective. There's more rides they can do and they last longer through the day.
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Our last trip my son was 11 months. And regardless of if he remembers anything (we have video that he will forever never live down), was fun in a different way then we have experienced before. Because my wife was pregant again, we had to keep away from the large rides, but the slow ones he loved. And what made up for any of the things we could not do was the silly things that he would do when we where just walking around. Pictures that are priceless for the moments.

We were glad that we brought my mother in law to help spread the care taking around as to not burden any one of us. All I can stress is plan not to plan, if you are someone that plans the trip to the minute you will be greatly disappointed and stressed out. In at a young age they do get information overload and will sleep alot. Plan one or two major events in a day and go with the flow for the rest.

Now my son is 2 and my daughter is 1 and we are off again in a few weeks, driving none the less from chicago. And for the all the hard times you will put up with, you will not regret the time spent. :wave:

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New Member
My fiancee and I have been having this argument more and more as our next trip approaches. She continually says 5, and I started at 1, but I've finally beaten her down to 2 1/2 or 3. I'm sure she'll thank me later... :lookaroun :animwink:
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parker kim

New Member
Hi we took our son when he was 5 it was truely magical for him. So I think to make it truely magical between 4-6 is great. But we also took our first daughter when she was almost 3 for her first time and it was great but, just not a magical as if she was a nother year in a half older. Our plans were to take her back when she was close to 6 but did not work out and we are getting back this fall and she'll be 8 and will have daught number 2 with us. Who will be a week from a year old. So any time is great you just have to make the most out of each time.
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Well-Known Member
I dunno how pregnant you're wife is, but some rides you can't go on if you're pregant if thats the case I would wait so she doesn't miss out on anything. The first time I went I was two, I think that seems like a good age.
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Well-Known Member
You should NEVER take a child to Walt Disney World before he's 4 months old!!

That's what we did!

(Well, if you don't count the times my wife was pregnant.)
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New Member
I think you need to wait and see -- because in all actuality, it depends upon the child you're blessed with.

Our oldest child would have been ready for WDW from day one. He was (and still is) a go-anywhere, do-anything, I'll-go-where-the-wind-takes-me-and-have-a-good-time-doing-it kind of toddler. But my youngest was what you'd call a "spirited child". He needed a stable routine, didn't adapt well to changing situations and had difficulty transitioning from one activity to the next. It would have been miserable for all involved to have taken him to WDW back then.

By the time he was 5, he was still an intense little boy but he had learned how to adapt when the world around him required it. No more tantrums, no dirty looks from other parents -- he was finally ready. He was 6 by the time we finally got to WDW and it was a fantastic experience for the whole family.

And while we waited because of my child's needs, there were some other benefits of waiting. We had a long time to save -- so we spent the extra money on a grand stay at the Polynesian (a place I wanted to revist from my own childhood but would ordinarily have been out of budget). We also had funds to stay a full 14 days that first time. Another benefit is that both of the kids fully remember their first WDW trip -- something they themselves have found to be important.

And I never once had to drag a stroller on a bus.
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Well you know, my first visit to the World was at age 14 --- last year (go figure) --- but I've been in love with Disney since the wee-ages, so I suppose it's up to the parent's judgment whether or not to expose their child(ren) sooner or later.

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Active Member
Sorry, didn't read the other posts but wanted to give my 2 cents worth.

My family has made a decision to not let the age of our children slow us down. Of course, we have to be reasonable and not overtax our kids. Nevertheless, we've taken our children to WDW when they were not even 12 months. It wasn't until they hit around 2 1/2 years of age that they really started "getting into" Disney World. So, at 22 months, I'd take my child. :king:
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Original Poster
Thanks again

:sohappy: Thanks agian everyone, I know I was started early (like say 2ish) and I think that is why I am so obsessed today and though I dont remember a lot of it I am still glad I went then because I think it helped me to appericate it more. Thank again for all your opinions!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
I went for the first time in September 1988 when I was almost three (my birthday is in January). I think that was a good time. My cousin Adam also went around that age and it was a good time for him.

My cousin Caitie, on the other hand, went for her second birthday and was terrified of all non-face characters and doesn't remember the trip. I'll ask her, remember when you went to Disney World with me and Uncle Dave & Aunt Robin? And she doesn't remember. Though she knew in the back of her mind that Disney World = fun and that she really wanted to go back.
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Well-Known Member
We took my daughter for the first time when she was 22 months. It was indeed a different experience. We didn't get to do as much. And our days were over by about 6:30 pm so we could get her into bed at night. But it was wonderful, I have to say. Seeing her take it in was pretty cool. Of course, she was asleep in the stroller for large chunks of time.
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Well-Known Member
My daughter's first trip was just shy of her 3rd birthday. We planned and saved for 2 years so we could spend the extra $$ and stay at the Polynesian - so convenient for naps. And naps are important, even for us big kids!! Anyway, I agree with the previous poster that a lot depends on the child herself - we were blessed with an easygoing one that rolled merrily along where ever the wind blew us!! (Alas - she's a teenager now - what happed to that bendable toddler!! Ha!Ha! Just kidding!) With a little one, the best plans are no plans, just accept that you will NOT see everything the World has to offer in one trip - it just makes planning the next one that much more enjoyable!! TTFN.....:lol:
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New Member
Hello All:wave:
Originally my extended family and myself and my wife were planning a trip for this xmas to the world, however, my wife is now pregnant and our first baby is on the way!! :sohappy: She's due in Feb., anyway for the baby's second xmas we were thinking of trying to re-do the trip we originally planned for this xmas, the baby would be about 22 months old at that point. Anyone have any thoughts on if its too early for the baby's first trip down?? Thanks all in advance!:wave:

Oh, this is my favorite type of question!!! I've got experience with this one!

My firmly held conviction is that you are never too young to enjoy Disney.

My firstborn was 15 months old for his first trip...and I was amazed at how completley engrossed he was in the whole experience...he LOVED it. Just absoultey ate it up and fell in love with Disney World. It was wonderful to see things through his eyes!

On that trip, we conceived his baby sister... she came back with us the next fall when she was only 3 months old... and she had a blast too! She loves all the music and the lights... She travled like a trooper...she hardly slowed us down at all. :) My first was 2 years 3 months old at this point... It was a great trip!

The next year my daughter was 15 months old... and my son was 3 years old... And I learned that I was expecting our third child. (Boy was THAT a surprise!).

My third child (a second son) came back for his first trip at 4 months... Last year he had his second trip at 16 months... He fell in love with Minnie Mouse.

This year our kids will be 2, 4 and 6. My 2 year old completely gets that we are going next month... he can't wait. He is so totally into it. :)

The best part is that until they turn 3 they are free...so why not take advantage of that nice benefit?

I get bugged when people say they aren't goign to take their kids until their 7 or 8... You miss alot of magic if you wait that long! :)
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New Member
:sohappy: Thanks agian everyone, I know I was started early (like say 2ish) and I think that is why I am so obsessed today and though I dont remember a lot of it I am still glad I went then because I think it helped me to appericate it more. Thank again for all your opinions!:wave:

We've taken extensive videos of our kids each year since our firstborn's first trip... They watch them over and over again when we get home... My 4 year old daughter requests her Disney Trip videos over anything else she'd like to view on television...

Because they watch the videos so often, they have reinforced their memories of our trips... they never really had the opportunity to forget the trips.

Last time we watched them, my two year old said to my husband, "Daddy, will you take me there?"

I think that WDW would be a great place without crying babies and strollers!:p

Disney is a great place in spite of crying babies and strollers.
That being said, NONE of my children has ever shed a tear at WDW.
My husband, however, cries everytime we leave to go back home.

Besides...its not the crying babies or the strollers that are at fault...it's the crazed parents pushing their children (and strollers) beyond their limits that are responsible for the tears and run over toes of other guests.

I know some here have posted that its best not to have any concrete plans when you are visiting with small children. I respectfully disagree. While I agree that you can't get it all done in a day... that doesn't mean you shouldn't make a plan. I spend a lot of time planning each trip so we have optimized the timing involved with transportation, park visits, meals and downtime so that we don't burn the candle at both ends. I also build in some flexibility and some time for spontanaeity.
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