What was supposed to, but didn't happen...

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I recently "came across" a copy of the Official and Original Master Plan for Walt Disney World. :)

After some lengthy reading, I've discovered many things that were initially planned, yet never really came close to completion for various reasons. Some I already knew about, but some I didn't. Some of the concept art is pretty off, too. Take for example the Polynesian; the concept art for this resort shows a 7 - 8 story main building, and the completed resort looks nothing close to the sketch.

Here's a list of "what was supposed to, but didn't happen" from just the first 32 pages of the Original Master Plan. I've picked these out of paragraphs, and edited them down to keep this readable, but left in the good stuff. Some of this stuff is just things they planned on guests being able to do on property, which never came to be.


- "An 'Airport of the Future' offering services to private and executive aircraft, as well as commercial 'commuter' service. new methods of baggage and cargo expediting, passenger loading,...will establish this as a prototype for future air terminals. The importance of this facility is indicsated by the fact that more than 300,000 people annually arrive in Florida aboard priate aircraft."

- "An Industral Park designed to showcase American Industry at Work,"

- "...stables and bridle trails"

- "...nature tours..."

- "...archery range..."

- "...Hotels will offer nightclub entertainment and dancing,..."

- "...the waters of the lake will be kept crystal clear for the enjoyment of water sports enthusiasts, sunning ans swimming."

- "...distant Asia and the island of Polynesia are but minutes apart." (resorts)

- "Annual Dixieland Show..."

- "Bicycle and bridle trails lead from each hotel out around the golf courses and through scenic, wooded areas of the site."

- "And 'Blackbeard's Island,' in the middle of the lake, is a young explorer's paradise."

- "Thunder Mesa," a spectacular panorama of the old west, where frontier times will live again through a series of exciting adventures. Designed to resemble a "table top" mountain typical of those on southwestern deserts, it will include a pueblo style village and several water and land attractions."

- "Western River Expedition," a msical parody of the wild old west in which boat riding explorers come face to facewith cowboys and indians in a frontier fantasy, on the grand scale of Disneyland's Pirates of the Carbbean."

- "Hall of Presidents" was to be called "One Nation Under God"

- "Five (5) Major hotels symbolizing the thematic concept of Walt Disney World are now being planned for development in Phase One, the first five year's of the project's growth. Two hotels, the Contemporary Style and Polynesian will open the first year. The Persian, Venetian, and Asian themed resorts will follow later to meet the anticipated demand for accomodations.)"

- Contemporary main building was to be only 10 stories with an 80 foot high ceiling.

- "The atmosphere of Pacific Islands will be created in the graceful high-rise structure...of the 700-room Polynesian-style hotel...highlight for many visitors will be the scuba-diving pool, where guests will be able to participate or watch through special underwater viewing ports for spectators."

- "The Asian hotel will be strongly Thai in it's motif. A theme restaurant and cocktail lounge at the top of it's 160-foot tower building will provide the setting for nighttime dancing and stage-show entertainment. Each of it's 600 rooms, incluing 50 elegant suites in royal Thai decor, will look out on the lagoon or a central recreation area."

- "An enclosed small boat harbor and intricate system of waterways will create the charm and atmosphere of the Italian city in the 500-room Venetian theme hotel."

- "...the Persian style hotel will rise on the Northwest shore of the lake. A huge dome will crown the central lobby, from which balconies will radiate to the 500 rooms."

- "...the residential commuity will embody many prototypes which may later be considered for incorporation into the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow - EPCOT."

- "...computerized registration center, which will include the most sophisticated means of processing the millions ofguests expected at Walt Disney World. Surrounding this center will be a wide range of accomodations, including motels, trailer parks, and camp sites."

That's about the gist of things that were planned before they even broke ground, that never happened! Eek! Some of that stuff is nuts to me.

If you'd like some black and whites of concept art I can post a few of those later.



Active Member
Main Street USA said:
I recently "came across" a copy of the Official and Original Master Plan for Walt Disney World. :)

- "An 'Airport of the Future' offering services to private and executive aircraft, as well as commercial 'commuter' service. new methods of baggage and cargo expediting, passenger loading,...will establish this as a prototype for future air terminals. The importance of this facility is indicsated by the fact that more than 300,000 people annually arrive in Florida aboard priate aircraft."

- "...stables and bridle trails"

- "...nature tours..."

- "...archery range..."

- "...Hotels will offer nightclub entertainment and dancing,..."

- "Annual Dixieland Show..."

- "And 'Blackbeard's Island,' in the middle of the lake, is a young explorer's paradise."

- "...computerized registration center, which will include the most sophisticated means of processing the millions ofguests expected at Walt Disney World. Surrounding this center will be a wide range of accomodations, including motels, trailer parks, and camp sites."

Last time I checked...
- the first three were and some are still available at Ft. Wilderness Campgrounds. I know they don't do Archery anymore (I beleive they did this back in the 70's when I was there as a child)

- Doesn't the Boardwalk have some dance clubs and a a sports bar (ESPN)

- Nightly Hoop De Doo Review = Western/dixieland

- Blackbeards island = Defunct Discovery Island

- EPCOT once had interactive Kioscs all around the park to make reservations for hotels and dining in the 80's/90's

I do remember reading the same thing in a book. Especially the airport, i remember the plan was to have an airport for just disney Guests. But if Disney has its way, they will get a Light Rail Station in the next 5 years right at the front of the property. Celebration was at one time going to get a people mover built as a transit system throughout the town ($$$).

Oh Well...

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I wasn't implying that I had some info that no one had ever heard of. Of course, 100% of this is documented in books. That wasn't the point. It's just cool to see it in it's original form, before anything existed.

Anyway,last time I checked,

Of course Boardwalk has dance clubs, but AGAIN, this is from the ORIGINAL plans, which means all of things I posted were to exist in the immediate area of the Magic Kingdom and the lagoon, meaning that the Contemporary and Poly were initially meant to have them.

The Hoop de Doo has nothing to do with an ANNUAL Dixieland show.

Blackbeard's Island is, of course, where Discovery Island ended up, but isn't it neat to know that it initially was going to be something a bit different?

The EPCOT kiosks you mentioned are nothing like what is talked about in the Master Plan, and even if they were, ONCE AGAIN, these things were meant for the first five years, not after EPCOT opened. EPCOT, as it opened, wasn't even close to being what they had planned in the 60's, which is when the meeting took place in which this plan was distributed and discussed.

So, as you can see, these things WEREN'T implemented into WDW as initially, and extensively, planned.


New Member
it's my first post... have been lurking around here for a while... finally got the nerve to post something...:)
anyway, when I was a kid back in the early 80's....1982 to be exact.... we stayed at the Contemporary for a week in late October... at the top of the main hotel, was a restaurant/nightclub/showroom called Top of the World....they had a Broadway revue type thing, followed by dancing, etc....
so, i know they at least tried to implement the nightclub thing....
hello to everyone...:)

rosebud's mom

Active Member
Welcome to you ! And Main Street, thanks for sharing this tidbit. Its nice to see what the original vision was and compare it to what it has become. Lets hope that the vision still exists and continues to grow.

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Zac, it's funny to read that because you see some ideas that never go away. Thunder Mesa became the name of the the town in the Phantom Manor at Disneyland Paris. Scenes from Western River Expedition made it into World of Motion.


New Member
If you look at every company there were ideas that were awesome but never saw the light of day. Either because of money, other things happen (ie: didn't walt die while disney world was still being built) , Investors, etc etc. It's not just a matter of comming up with a good idea and have a bottomless bucket of resources to use. Maybe someday some of these projects will get revamped and done. I for one will just enjoy what is there now.


Trophy Husband
Cool find! You can see that some of the things (archery for example) would have made more sense back at the time. Others seem like they'd still be a good idea (and maybe we'll still see them in some form).


Well-Known Member
I recently just purchased an exact copy from an original and notcied all of those too. It's really interesting reading those things and seeing the pictures in it too. If you can find an original or a copy, I suggest you get it!


Well-Known Member
Fun List, here's my take on it:

- "An 'Airport of the Future' offering services to private and executive aircraft, as well as commercial 'commuter' service. new methods of baggage and cargo expediting, passenger loading,...will establish this as a prototype for future air terminals. The importance of this facility is indicsated by the fact that more than 300,000 people annually arrive in Florida aboard priate aircraft."

Probably another of Walt’s “screwy ideas”, would have been where Celebration is now.

- "An Industral Park designed to showcase American Industry at Work,"

Located at what is now called Epcot (formerlly called EPCOT). where Industrious American Tourists work their way thru attractions and a showcase of Gift Shops

- "...stables and bridle trails"
- "...nature tours..."

Sounds like Fort Wilderness

- "...archery range..."

You’re in a theme park; picture Stroller Nazis, ECV Commandos and oodles of Clueless Walkers, now put Bows in their hands and picture them on an archery range... Nooooooo!!!!!!!

- "...Hotels will offer nightclub entertainment and dancing,..."

Now the California Grill, but in the past:
•Top of the World Dinner Show 10/71 - 1981 (Celebrity Entertainers)
•Broadway at The Top 6/81 - 9/93
And don’t forget Denny Zavett and the Riverboat Rascals in the Baton Rouge Lounge on board my long gone Empress Lilly. Arr!! A fine ship she was!!

- "...the waters of the lake will be kept crystal clear for the enjoyment of water sports enthusiasts, sunning ans swimming."

Well, they do fish on the lake, and you can parasail over the lake, you can sun on the beach, as for swimming, maybe if you’re a gator or an earmite

- "...distant Asia and the island of Polynesia are but minutes apart." (resorts)

Read now as “Roaring Twenties Florida and the distant island of Polynesia are but minutes apart."

- "Annual Dixieland Show..."
Would now be called the “Annual Riverside Show”

- "Bicycle and bridle trails lead from each hotel out around the golf courses and through scenic, wooded areas of the site."

You can ride horses at Fort (yeah, I know, no golf course and it’s not a hotel)
You can ride bikes from OKW thru the woods and around a golf course (yeah, I know, it’s not a hotel)

- "And 'Blackbeard's Island,' in the middle of the lake, is a young explorer's paradise."

Blackbeard’s, Treasure and Discovery. three strikes, Yer Out!

- "Thunder Mesa," a spectacular panorama of the old west, where frontier times will live again through a series of exciting adventures. Designed to resemble a "table top" mountain typical of those on southwestern deserts, it will include a pueblo style village and several water and land attractions."
- "Western River Expedition," a msical parody of the wild old west in which boat riding explorers come face to facewith cowboys and indians in a frontier fantasy, on the grand scale of Disneyland's Pirates of the Carbbean."

Sniff, sniff, I wan’ my Thunder Mesa!!! Arr!!
and, if you can find it, Jim Hill’s ten part series on WRE/TM, it was on the DIG/mouseplanet

- "Hall of Presidents" was to be called "One Nation Under God"

Ah, just a name change, Contemporary was originally Tempo Bay Resort, Horizons was to be Century 3, Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular was Epic Stunt Theater

- "Five (5) Major hotels symbolizing the thematic concept of Walt Disney World are now being planned for development in Phase One, the first five year's of the project's growth. Two hotels, the Contemporary Style and Polynesian will open the first year. The Persian, Venetian, and Asian themed resorts will follow later to meet the anticipated demand for accomodations.)"

Remember that Meat Loaf song? “Two out of five ain’t bad”. Actually, three out of six. Don't forget the Cypress Point Lodge, a sort of sixty-ish motor court sort of idea, thank Walt they went with WL instead.

- Contemporary main building was to be only 10 stories with an 80 foot high ceiling.
Hey, now it’s 15 stories with a 100 foot high ceiling

- "The atmosphere of Pacific Islands will be created in the graceful high-rise structure...of the 700-room Polynesian-style hotel...highlight for many visitors will be the scuba-diving pool, where guests will be able to participate or watch through special underwater viewing ports for spectators."

Thankfully they changed the design, IMHO

- "The Asian hotel will be strongly Thai in it's motif. A theme restaurant and cocktail lounge at the top of it's 160-foot tower building will provide the setting for nighttime dancing and stage-show entertainment. Each of it's 600 rooms, incluing 50 elegant suites in royal Thai decor, will look out on the lagoon or a central recreation area."
- "An enclosed small boat harbor and intricate system of waterways will create the charm and atmosphere of the Italian city in the 500-room Venetian theme hotel."
- "...the Persian style hotel will rise on the Northwest shore of the lake. A huge dome will crown the central lobby, from which balconies will radiate to the 500 rooms."

Would have been nice

- "...the residential commuity will embody many prototypes which may later be considered for incorporation into the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow - EPCOT."

Now we have EPCOT the theme park and Celebration, neither of which has anything to do with Walt’s EPCOT. “Ya can’t top Pigs with Pigs” and ya can’t build Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow without Walt.

- "...computerized registration center, which will include the most sophisticated means of processing the millions of guests expected at Walt Disney World. Surrounding this center will be a wide range of accomodations, including motels, trailer parks , and camp sites."

The Preview Center did become a reception center and was in use till 1986 or so.

Ft Wilderness has Trailer and camp sites (700+/-) and Cabins (aka motels) (400+/-)


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for all the links! They really help out, I've always loved that "omniluxe" site. It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but there's some very interesting stuff over there.

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