What was so Great About Epcot's Horizons?

Scott M

New Member
Original Poster
I"ve read and heard quite a bit of dismay over Disney's decision to close Horizons in the 90s and replace it with Mission: Space.

I understand that Horizons was closed for several reasons, two of which were the safety (or lack there of) of the building itself and a lack of a sponser for the refurbishment and continued operation of the attraction.

Now, I certainly mean no disrespect to anyone who appreciates the ride for what it was. We all like (or dislike) different things for different reasons and I certainly do not wish to offend those who miss Horizons.

With that stated, I had experienced Horizons myself twice: Once in 1986 and once in 1993. In both instances, while enjoying the attraction as a dark ride, it did not impress me as being anything special. Aside from having a different theme, I did not see much of a difference between Horizons and Spaceship Earth, World of Motion (since replaced with Test Track), or Journey into Imagination.

Again, while I certainly mean no disrespect to those who miss the attraction, I understand why Disney has replaced Horizons with a more thrilling ride in Mission: Space, especially since Spaceship Earth and Journey into Imagination are still operational in their somewhat original form.

What am I missing about Horizons?



it was TYPICAL disney....it was 12+ minutes long....great scenes...great AA's....GREAT soundtrack....plus it was the first of its kind, where the guest had an interactive choice to finish the ride. it also used the "orange" smell. it is just a classic disney ride which can NEVR be duplicated


You're missing the fact that people like to whine and complain about what a mess that the parks have become. There was another thread with complaining about removed, and not replaced attractions. They were actually lamenting the loss of Mike Fink's Keel Boats. So...Horizons was great, it was my favorite attraction, everything was better then, Disney is so incredibly greedy and does not care about quality anymore, this is just like Mr Toad, blahblahblah...


I think it is as easy as it didn't touch you. For me...I like thrill rides but they don't have that extra emotion for me. They are throw away experiences in a way. When they are done, I do not think about them much.

Horizons on the other hand became "my" ride, maybe because I always hope for a better future. I'd be excited to visit a space city or one under water for real. Maybe it was it's length, use of different mediums or choosing your ending. It was probably all of the above and more. The ride just got into me.

Like everything it is personal. No one should take offence. I really can understand people not liking it.


Well-Known Member
I guess some people just like certain things and don't like to see them change. If my dad went back to Disney he'd probably hate it because he hasn't been since the late '80s and we all know how different it is now. LOL! Some people just don't do change too well.

That said, I like when things change. Sure there are some things I miss like the big upstairs Imagination interactive area and a live person narrating the Living With the Land boat ride. I have fond memories of Mr. Toad, the Kitchen Kabaret, etc. But I also like to see progress. Walt never meant for the parks to stay unchanged. He believed in progress and so do I. Keep moving forward. Right?

It's a bummer to be at WDW with all the big boarded off areas while they work. It blows to have the misfortune of a favorite ride closed for refurb while I'm there. There's no arguing that. But again, it's something to look forward to next time. And I can't wait to go back!

As for Horizons, it was a very different ride when it first opened because you could pick your own destination in the end. What I remember most is my siblings and me splitting ourselves into groups of 2 when we rode it, then when it was time to pick the end we'd each pick 2 (like we were going to trick the system with a tie and get 2 endings). It was always fun to see what the system picked for the tie-break. I seem to recall all of us trying to do the "fastest fingers" thing to push the buttons first, too. LOL!


Aside from having a different theme, I did not see much of a difference between Horizons and Spaceship Earth, World of Motion (since replaced with Test Track), or Journey into Imagination.

I really liked all these attractions, I think I liked Horizons the best.

But I like all the changes they've made.

Now if they said they were replacing SSE, there'd be rioting in the streets.


Well-Known Member
Horizons was my favorite all time Disney attraction before it closed. It had everything in it that was very typical of a classic attraction as well new elements that, for it's time, were very high tech. I especially liked the Omnisphere section as well as the choose-your-own-ending segment of the ride. I also loved how it was a very long ride in that it took the whole building. No preshow or post show was even needed.


Well-Known Member
You're missing the fact that people like to whine and complain about what a mess that the parks have become. There was another thread with complaining about removed, and not replaced attractions. They were actually lamenting the loss of Mike Fink's Keel Boats. So...Horizons was great, it was my favorite attraction, everything was better then, Disney is so incredibly greedy and does not care about quality anymore, this is just like Mr Toad, blahblahblah...
That's the classically dismissive stance Ioften read here. If someone doesn't like that X is gone, well, then, they don't like change, they wouldn't like it if the bubble gum they saw on the sidewalk the first time they were there was missing, etc.

I do see some people on this board who oppose all change, but I sure see a lot more people who claim other people oppose all change.

For the record, Horizons was my favorite attraction. I loved its dedication to various futures, those that may yet come to pass and those we already know won't. I love that it was a long ride. I loved all the details and the imagination that went into its design. I loved the surprise of finding oneself in front of those Omnimax screens. For a few minutes, it took me to places it was cool to visit, which is really what I go to Disney for.

But I'm not opposed to change. There are lots of attractions that are gone that I can't say I miss. Heck, I'm not even mad at Disney for removing Horizons, because towards the end, it always seemed that no one was riding it but me. When I heard it was being replaced by a space pavilion, I was cautiously excited. In the end, Mission Space is a disappointment to me--it doesn't pretend to take you anywhere--it's a simulation of a simulation of going to Mars, if you see what I mean...and the original plans for a Seabase Alpha style space station got axed in favor of cheap-looking postshow area. But still, I can't blame Disney for trying.


New Member
what kind of ride was horizons?? i was too little to remember ever going on it or ive never been on it, so i don't know exactly what it was....so if anyone could fill me in....thanks!


Well-Known Member
Horizons was a nice attraction... notice the past tense. But it was nothing special because, as mentioned already, it was yet another darkride just like every other ride at EPCOT. Hence, the reason Epcot today is so much better. The attractions are different and appealing. While I enjoyed EPCOT, I always felt like WDI got stuck in a box of dark rides. Sure, they used omnimovers, tracks and water... but everything was a darkride. That's why the park had to change and shake off the "boring education" reputation.

Finally, that box was broken, Epcot emerged, and a much better experience can now be found.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Horizons was a nice attraction... notice the past tense. But it was nothing special because, as mentioned already, it was yet another darkride just like every other ride at EPCOT. Hence, the reason Epcot today is so much better. The attractions are different and appealing. While I enjoyed EPCOT, I always felt like WDI got stuck in a box of dark rides. Sure, they used omnimovers, tracks and water... but everything was a darkride. That's why the park had to change and shake off the "boring education" reputation.

Finally, that box was broken, Epcot emerged, and a much better experience can now be found.
i was always curious to see how WDI would have changed it in the future if in fact the show building never was torn down. hypothetically, say the building, track stayed the same and the show scenes were updated and they had 3 new endings.... that is what i would have liked to see.

unfortunately, at the time of its demise, we see how JIYI was handled so i would cringe at the notion that the current administration in '99 or maybe later would have potentially be incharge of a major rehab (that is assuming in my hypothetical it would have been revamped before todays date)

anyway, just a thought.


Well-Known Member
what kind of ride was horizons?? i was too little to remember ever going on it or ive never been on it, so i don't know exactly what it was....so if anyone could fill me in....thanks!

Here is a really good thread to answer your question:


Possibly far more information than you want to know.

Also there are ride-through videos available at the main site, but you need a MagicPass ($3.50/mo or $35/yr - to cover bandwidth costs) to view it.

There is more info and a DVD for purchase at www.extinctattractionsclub.com as well.


Well-Known Member
Horizons was a nice attraction... notice the past tense. But it was nothing special because, as mentioned already, it was yet another darkride just like every other ride at EPCOT. Hence, the reason Epcot today is so much better. The attractions are different and appealing. While I enjoyed EPCOT, I always felt like WDI got stuck in a box of dark rides. Sure, they used omnimovers, tracks and water... but everything was a darkride. That's why the park had to change and shake off the "boring education" reputation.

Finally, that box was broken, Epcot emerged, and a much better experience can now be found.

Pretty much spot on.


That's the classically dismissive stance Ioften read here. If someone doesn't like that X is gone, well, then, they don't like change, they wouldn't like it if the bubble gum they saw on the sidewalk the first time they were there was missing, etc.

I do see some people on this board who oppose all change, but I sure see a lot more people who claim other people oppose all change.

For the record, Horizons was my favorite attraction. I loved its dedication to various futures, those that may yet come to pass and those we already know won't. I love that it was a long ride. I loved all the details and the imagination that went into its design. I loved the surprise of finding oneself in front of those Omnimax screens. For a few minutes, it took me to places it was cool to visit, which is really what I go to Disney for.

But I'm not opposed to change. There are lots of attractions that are gone that I can't say I miss. Heck, I'm not even mad at Disney for removing Horizons, because towards the end, it always seemed that no one was riding it but me. When I heard it was being replaced by a space pavilion, I was cautiously excited. In the end, Mission Space is a disappointment to me--it doesn't pretend to take you anywhere--it's a simulation of a simulation of going to Mars, if you see what I mean...and the original plans for a Seabase Alpha style space station got axed in favor of cheap-looking postshow area. But still, I can't blame Disney for trying.

Have you SEEN the Discontinued Attractions thread? Any of the multiple threads regarding the...gasp...continued lack of a Country Bear Jamboree Christmas Show? The refurb or crane threads? If not, don't. The petty whining is off the charts.

Everyone has their own opinions on these things. I think Horizons and audio animatronic dark rides in general, are kind of stale. They are absolutely state of the 1975 art. I enjoyed Horizons when I rode it, but I don't miss it. I enjoy SSE. I ride Living With The Land everytime I go...my wife and I enjoy it. And when it is no doubt replaced with the climates of the world roller coaster (you race along from extreme heats of the deserts, to the rainforests, to the polar icecaps where you loop the poles...you KNOW that would be sweet) the hardcore(s) will be up in arms while the lines snake around the building. There are actually people that are excited about a new version of "Tomorrow's Child" for the refurbed SSE. Sure, it's timeless...timelessly dull. Nothing special. Disney recognizes the fact that you have to appeal to a different audience and that is what they are trying to do. Progress is a good thing. And outside of a small group of people, a sliver of Disney's park attendance, does anyone really miss Horizons, SeaBase Alpha, Dreamfinder, Captain EO? Probably not.

P.S. I AM glad that the wand is down. I hated that thing! I'm petty in my own way;)


Active Member
It was good. I felt I was getting my money's worth. It was unlike anything I had ever imagined. Although it was my favorite, all of the original EPCOT rides were on par with this one. It was something I couldn't find anywhere else. Now, an hour drive in either direction on I-4 can get you to parks with comparable cheap thrills, let alone anywhere else in the country.

I am not opposed to change. I am simply a supporter of innovation. If MS was built right next to Horizons, I still wouldn't like it. Heck, Test Track was right next to it. No go. I drive faster than that on the Turnpike on the way to the park. If you are going to leave the "dark ride box" and enter the "thrill ride box", at least give me a THRILL (and make me believe I got my money's worth)!


Active Member
And outside of a small group of people, a sliver of Disney's park attendance, does anyone really miss Horizons, SeaBase Alpha, Dreamfinder, Captain EO? Probably not.

Actually, a large group of the park's attendance are Floridians, and as a Floridian myself who has frequented the park many times a year since birth, I can tell you that there are many people who miss Horizons and the old JII. And these are people who aren't necessarily 'die-hards' like me. They just miss the fact that good attractions have gotten reduced to either A) a ghost of it's former self (JII) or B) something they can't bring their kids on and will make them sick for the rest of the day (M:S).


New Member
I liked Horizons, it was a neat ride that had an optimistic view of the future. Personally I think Mission Space sucks, but that is just my opinion.


It was good. I felt I was getting my money's worth. It was unlike anything I had ever imagined. Although it was my favorite, all of the original EPCOT rides were on par with this one. It was something I couldn't find anywhere else. Now, an hour drive in either direction on I-4 can get you to parks with comparable cheap thrills, let alone anywhere else in the country.

I am not opposed to change. I am simply a supporter of innovation. If MS was built right next to Horizons, I still wouldn't like it. Heck, Test Track was right next to it. No go. I drive faster than that on the Turnpike on the way to the park. If you are going to leave the "dark ride box" and enter the "thrill ride box", at least give me a THRILL (and make me believe I got my money's worth)!
That's really an interesting point. Disney seems to WANT to do thrill rides w/o going really ***** to the wall with them. EE is beautifully themed and is a fantastic ride, but it's not really comparable to Incredible Hulk in terms of thrills. The one time Disney REALLY went for thrills (Mission Space) they get hammered with bad publicity when guests (who frankly, should not have been on the ride due to medical conditions they were, and in some cases were not, aware of) get sick or worse. They tried to step outside the box and do something a little different with a thrill ride and they got crushed. Oh well, win some, lose some. I don't particularly like MS, but I don't like spinny things. I'll try the alternate version in December to see if I enjoy it more.

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