If You Had Wings, If You Could Fly (same with no sponsor), Dreamflight, Take Flight (same again with no sponsor) and Buzz Lightyear all used the same track, layout and Omnimovers.
If You Had Wings and If You Could Fly featured dozens of rear projection slide and 16mm projectors behind screens surrounded by sets depicting the locations Eastern Airlines flew to. It also had 2 speed rooms (technically one speed and one mirror)
Dreamflight and Takeflight took the story of the history of aviation. Out came all the projections screens, in came puppets, 2d and 3d sets, dioramas and 70mm film screens. The speed room was kept, the mirror room turned into a single side projection screen, and the Omnimover`s facing directions `reprogrammed` - in essence a whole new attraction on the same track.
Buzz Lightyear again removed all the Dreamflight sets, but still retained the speed room.