What to do with AK before Everest opens


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Original Poster
Lets make this like this "You have until the time Everest opens in 2006 to add to the park, maybe a land or two or three or only a couple rides. Remember this is to put AK on its feet to get it ready for the Everest opening" Seeing how AK need attractions and thing to do to have more people go there.

Before I add these lands, first of all, the land DinoRama must go and Coutdown to Extinction or Dinosuar must be like before.

I would add two lands. Australia and North America. For Aussie land i would have two walkthroughs (above and below ground), water ride and a roller coaster and water soaker. The above ground walkthrough would be for animals like the kowala, kangeroos, etc. The underground would be for a mini replica of the reef and all the fishy's in the sea (thats the water ride too). The rollercoaster would be building a mountain like the mountian in the middle of the desert but I forgot the name. The water soaker would incorpurate water and a coaster with Aussie land.

For American land, I would have all the animals from Canada and the US. I would have a raft ride, rollercoaster, dark ride and a walkthrough and a couple exhibits. Also the lands would be part of a mountain chain in Animal Kingdom. A raft ride would be based on the national park service (yellowstone, grand cnayon, etc). A rollercoaster would be flying through the Rockies and Applachians Mountains. A dark ride would be for the Great Plains. The exhibits and walkthroughs would be for animals that are found in America and Canada.

My timetable for the Australian whole land to open is, pretending they start in early July 2003, would be January 2005 and for the American section would be built for 2006. They would both be constructed at the same time along with Everest. Of course, I believe a ride shouldn't take that long to make unless there is something techological difficult like MS. But then again Disney wants to do that and is know for that

I should of put this in the Imagineer section but I don't like that section and no one goes there anyway.


Well-Known Member
As it stands, I don't have a whole lot of desire to go to Animal Kingdom as much as the other parks until Everest opens. I've done it many times and there isn't much to do to begin with. I think your ideas are cool but it still doesn't solve the problem of filling the time between now and Everest and getting people in the parks. Those other lands won't be ready until practically Everest is ready. I think smaller attractions and exhibits are need that could be up and ready in at least 2004. That way there is some new things brining people to the parks before 2006. I think an Austraila land is a good idea. I'd also like to see a land, much like the often rumored, based on Fantasy animals. There is alot of potential with that. They can really let their imagination go wild. Dragons and such would be cool. The coolest idea would be a motion simulator/animatronic ride based around dragons. Something like Soaring in CA, combined with Spiderman, and Dinosaur. Flying through the sky with dragons sounds pretty cool. Actually that gives me another idea for a ride that probably wouldn't take too long to complete. What about a Soaring ride in Animal Kingdom instead of Epcot? Like flying over Africa, checking out all the land and animals. That'd be money.


Well-Known Member
I keep saying that AK need a darkride.....I think this would be nice since every other park has one...


New Member
I know people really do not like AK but it happens to be my favorite park after Magic Kingdom. I agree that there aren't as many "thrill" rides as some of the other parks, but I think that it is probably the most welldone out of any -- the design is really beautiful and the attention to detail in all of the rivers, trees, shops, food carts etc are really amazing! and i know i know im totally against everyone on this but dinoramas kind of fun- the idea behind it is funny... :) if i was to add anything to the park before everest it would just be a small ride, nothing too big but something to do- such as a darkride as someone mentioned. hmmm but what theme could it be.....


New Member
you went a bit overboard on the thrill rides. Two new roller coasters in a mountain? In less time it takes for EE to open? Another raft ride? If a coaster takes three years to be built, i think a whole new area would take alot longer. Also, the money to build that is insane. EE was granted $150million..right? so two more would be $450million, without touching the new areas or your walkthroughs or the raft rides.

You said " Remember this is to put AK on its feet to get it ready for the Everest opening". The purpose of EE is to put Ak on its feet. I guess i would prefer it if it were kept to a more realistic level.

I think they could add a Huss Top-spin ride in a building (Dark ride) and have a rainforest theme for it. THere could be mist, and animitronic monkeys that move on the roof above you and stuff like that. Just an idea. Plus, if water was added (like most huss top spins), it would be another good ride to have to cool off on in the hot AK.

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