I have a little chunker, so personally, we couldn't wait until he walked! Now 19 months, he is all over the place. I would say "wear" him as needed, but get one of those backpack leashes. I used to think "who puts a leash on a child??" "Irresponsible/lazy parents should teach and care for their child instead of restraining them"... that was until I had my second child. No fear and will do things to spite you, including running into traffic. Thankfully, she is now 3.5 and with a little "fear of God", she no longer runs into traffic. But, for my now youngest, the 19 mos old, allowing them the freedom to move about on their own, while not having to carry all 30+ pounds of him, I think the properly sized backpack "leash" is very appropriate. You can still hold their hand as needed, but it gives them the ability for a little "by myself" time, which all toddlers thrive on. And, considering the amount of time you are talking about could be lengthy, but a fairly confined space, this may be an option for you. Good luck.