Cinderella's Royal Table... Princesses, castle motif, flags, armor etc.
Crystal Palace... the Winnie the Pooh parade
Pecos Bill Cafe...surrounded by western memorabilia
San Angel Inn ... the music, the atmosphere, the Volcano!!
On the Disney Cruise ship.... Animators Palate... decorated walls with the CM costume and wall color changes
I'm going to say any character meal and Cosmic Rays. Cosmic Rays is one of the earliest Disney memories I have (back when it was called Tomorrowland Terrace) so it's very nostalgic for me.
Let's see so many Crystal Palace, Cosmic Ray's (love Sunny Eclipse and cheesy jokes), Pecos Bill's, Sunshine Seasons ( a must do), the French bakery (must do since the 80s) does Les Vins de France count?