What Resort Not To Stay At.!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Hi Folks. You know there's always plenty of members,new & old,asking for advice on what resorts are our favourites.However very few ask where would you not stay. So here's my question today.Is there a resort at WDW that you don't fancy for a particular reason? For example,if I could,which I can't.Afford to stay our 14 days,at a deluxe,( unless the wind of fortune changes ) I would not pick AKL for one particular reason,it's in the middle of nowhere land,on the edge of the magic bubble,yes it's got some of the best restaurants on Disney property,but due to its location,it gets the No Vote from me.And the only other deluxe that I wouldn't like to stay at ( Heres where the heat gets turned up ) is GF. Now before all you GF fans reach for your bow & arrows,let me explain why it's not for me. I'am not the bow tie & afternoon tea kinda guy,I would feel out of place.Theres a Disney brochure here in the UK that shows a picture of mummy with her little angel having petit fours at lunch.( Yeh,like Thats gonna happen ) The La de da scene just isn't my cup of Kona,trust me,I wouldn't feel relaxed...Example..True story time..Many years ago,an up and coming Scottish comedian called Billy Connelly was at a Golf charity event when he bumped into a old school buddy ( who was now a big time lawyer ) He said to Billy " Are you still trying to be a stand up comic? " to which Billy quietly nodded his head.He then went on to say,in his best posh accent,which he never had at school." You know Billy,we bought our villa three years ago for $350.000 and its now worth $700.000, double the price we paid for it,what would you get if you sold your house?" Billy just looked at him and said," Oh about six years.". The moral behind that story is I'am yer working man,the GF isn't for me.:)


Well-Known Member
We pretty much rotate between the 3 monorail resorts now, we have stayed at the Wilderness and long ago Dixie Landing (i.e. Port Orleans Riverside) but now my family MUST stay on the monorail or “it’s just not Disney” someday I’m booking the Yacht Club and telling them tough, but I digress. Yes the Grand Floridian can be stuffy, when we do stay there my son and I tend to walk around doing our “Thurston Howell the 3rd” impersonations (e.g. speak through clinched teeth). My son addresses us as “Pater and Mater” and I refer to my wife as “Muffy.”
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Well-Known Member
We pretty much rotate between the 3 monorail resorts now, we have stayed at the Wilderness and long ago Dixie Landing (i.e. Port Orleans Riverside) but now my family MUST stay on the monorail or “it’s just not Disney” someday I’m booking the Yacht Club and telling them tough, but I digress. Yes the Grand Floridian can be stuffy, when we do stay there my son and I tend to walk around doing our “Thurston Howell the 3rd” impersonations (e.g. speak through clinched teeth). My son addresses me us “Pater and Mater” and I refer to my wife as “Muffy.”
This is pretty much us too. But we have mostly been staying at BLT since we became DVC members, you just cannot beat the location! I look forward to checking out the GFV when they open. I had to talk my DH into a few nights in August to start our trip at BCV before we move over to our 2nd home at BLT. :)
As far as where not to stay I know that there is something for everyone as far as resorts but we will most likely never not stay Deluxe. This is mostly due to our DVC membership but we have just grown so used to the extra comforts at this level for our party. It's our one big vacation of the year we like to go all out! :cool:
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Well-Known Member
Grand Floridian: Cost is way too much and I don't like the design. I prefer the Wilderness due to its more natural setting (yes, it's fake natural but I still like it).

Any of the Budget resorts. I've never stayed at them but my impression is that they are noisier. I prefer a little peace and quiet (yes, I know that it's Disney which means children) and thus like POR, the afore-mentioned WL, Contemporary, and Coronado Springs.
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Well-Known Member
We stayed at Grand Floridian once and ONLY once, just wasnt for me. I realize alot of people love it here, but I felt it stuffy, encountered very rude CMs and kind of got the feeling, of uppity attitudes. I have to agree with you Hatter, AKL is a beautiful resort, but out in the boonies, so to speak. One of the reasons we stay in one of the MK resorts is because transportation is so easy. We fly down so rely on Disney transportation. I guess it's all what you're used to.
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Well-Known Member
I realize that many people love it, but there I will never stay at Riverside again. The lack of buses was horrible, I didn't care for the food court or the layout of the grounds. Never again. We prefer Pop to Riverside. No desire to stay at Contemporary either, mainly because of the pool and its lack of theming. Really like the GF but too pricey now. Poly, WL, and BC are our top 3.
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Super structures are my specialty!
Premium Member
Grand Floridian: I think my wife would appreciate the rich oppulence of the Grand Floridian as she really admires it when we go to eat at 1900 Park Faire. That being said, its elegance woudl be lost on the kids and at some level on me. I'm not passing judgment on those who take the time to appreciate it. We just soak up the magic at the parks so much that the resort is a place to swim a little and to shower and rest up.

Pop Century: I'm a country kid who was raised staying at Howard Johnsons and not taking that many trips. I'm far from a spoiled snob. That being said, we found Pop Century to be lacking the feel we get and want from Disney. I can't knock the customer service/ attitudes of CM's there, but the place felt and looked kind of dingy, bus service was overtaxed, and just didn't look/ feel like what we were used to. It may be more that it wasn't what we were used to seeing/ feeling as we have always done CBR prior to this, which is no fault of POP. Regardless, we won't be staying there again, and with the exception of AofA, not sure the wife would consider a value again.
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I have been blessed to have been able to stay at every resort at least once. The ones I prefer not to stay at again would be GF ( not worth the price to me and I wasn't thrilled with the room decor), CR ( love being close to the MK but doesn't have the theming and ambience of other resorts) and the AS resorts ( don't think I have to give a reason here. It's not a value thing though because I have enjoyed POP and AOA).

While here I might as well send some love to my favorites: POR and Y&BC. :)
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Hobnail Boot

Well-Known Member
Coronado Springs and the All-Stars. CSR had a nice atmosphere, but the walls in our building were paper thin and we heard everything our neighbors were doing and whoever walked by outside. I've never stayed at a value, but the All-Stars look far too tacky for my tastes. For me, a Disney hotel is supposed to take you to a different place just like the parks. I don't get that feeling when looking at the All-Stars (or Pop for that matter).
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Well-Known Member
I did not care for gf as well. I liked, but barely liked, cbr. It's too big, and after a day walking around the parks, the last thing I wanna do is walk half a mile to hit the pool for a relaxing dip
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Well-Known Member
I realize that many people love it, but there I will never stay at Riverside again. The lack of buses was horrible, I didn't care for the food court or the layout of the grounds. Never again. We prefer Pop to Riverside. No desire to stay at Contemporary either, mainly because of the pool and its lack of theming. Really like the GF but too pricey now. Poly, WL, and BC are our top 3.

Having just stayed there last year I would agree with this assesment. That being said I did LOVE the place otherwise!! I also rented a car so the busses were a non issue for me, the food court was horrible. The wait was on the borderline of intolerable and the lines were short! It no joke took me 10 min pay for lunch one day - and the food was just okay.

And by the way - I wish I could do the GF one trip. Considered it this year but it's just too expensive. Certinally I don't think I'd do it with my DD. Maybe a long adult weekend one year.... But I am all for it!!!!!!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Grand Floridian,Contemporary, and Saratoga Springs. On our last trip,we did the monorail loop and resort hopped,and I just wasn't that impressed with the GF or Contemporary. The GF just seemed too stuffy and high end for me,while the Contemporary just seemed a little to cold style wise for me. It felt to much like a airport to me. The reason I have no interset in staying at Saratoga Springs is because we dont live to far from the real Saratoga Springs,and it just wont feel right to me to travel all the way to florida to stay somewhere that resembles someplace too close to home.
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Active Member
I don't think anyone else has said this, but I would not stay at the boardwalk. The only counterservice they had was the bakery on the boardwalk. It was very far from the room and was a long walk after a long day at the park. Youmalsonhave to walk outside to get there. And for all that trouble, they do not have very many choices. It was nice walking to Epcot and Hollywood studios though.
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