What other hobbies/addictions do you guys have?


Active Member
I play on Runetotem...I'm the dreaded "I don't raid" person. :oops:
Oh you have totally got to raid ICC. They should have ended the game with the Lich King. Nothing else has come close to being as epic as that. Deathwing was an okay raid. I can't imagine the Pandas being as awesome as Arthas.


Well-Known Member
Oh you have totally got to raid ICC. They should have ended the game with the Lich King. Nothing else has come close to being as epic as that. Deathwing was an okay raid. I can't imagine the Pandas being as awesome as Arthas.

I don't have the patience to raid. Or should I say, raiding has no patience for me. I'm kind of a loner and like exploring on my own. I'll join a raid once in awhile with my son. He's a top notch player and doesn't yell at me when I blow something ;) Not sure about Pandas yet. We were involved in the Beta and I had a hard time getting into it. I will give it a go again after September 25 ;) if I can figure out how they nerfed all of my talents. My gaming machine crashed and I just got it back so it's off to updates I go.


Well-Known Member
My obsession is Britain....completely obsessed so much that I would love to live there. TV shows, beer, football, music...a lot of it is British. My favourite team is Liverpool eventhough were not doing well. We played good against Man U but the ref was horrid.

Back in the states...beside Disney, I like nothing much. I would like to try outdoorsy things like rafting or hiking. I want to travel the world, well, mostly Europe


One Little Spark...
My obsession is Britain....completely obsessed so much that I would love to live there. TV shows, beer, football, music...a lot of it is British. My favourite team is Liverpool eventhough were not doing well. We played good against Man U but the ref was horrid.

Back in the states...beside Disney, I like nothing much. I would like to try outdoorsy things like rafting or hiking. I want to travel the world, well, mostly Europe

BBC > US TV...pretty much all the time.

Every compared Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares UK version to the US version? (as an aside)


Well-Known Member
BBC > US TV...pretty much all the time.

Every compared Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares UK version to the US version? (as an aside)

Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares UK version is so much better. I don't know why but it is. But BBC America shows Top Gear 24/7. I like it but not all the time.


Well-Known Member
If time and money were not an issue I would love to get back into mountain biking, paintball,...

Go pump.
It's much less expensive and twice as fun.


Well-Known Member
I'm a huge pro wrestling fanatic and have been since I was 7 years old. That takes up almost as much of my life as Disney.

Additionally, I'm an avid Pinterester (or is it pinner?). I LOVE to prepare new meals for my family. My favorites from Pinterest so far are Hungarian goulash, baked spaghetti and veggie soup! Yum!!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Go pump.
It's much less expensive and twice as fun.
I did the stock game a little when I was doing the tournament circuit. It was fun if you could find a decent size group of players that were into it. It seems like most people around these parts are only interested in dumping no less than 2000 rounds on a single day.

I did however get a used mountain bike for myself and a new one for may daughter since I made that post. I am not riding near as much as I would like, but I am getting out there again.


Premium Member
I have been involved in community theatre for over 25 years now serving in pretty much every capacity, except acting, I am backstage guy. My big passion is building sets, here is one of my more recent creations.


It's very rewarding by also can be very stressful working with a very small budget and even more limited construction time.


Well-Known Member
I have been involved in community theatre for over 25 years now serving in pretty much every capacity, except acting, I am backstage guy. My big passion is building sets, here is one of my more recent creations.

View attachment 64762

It's very rewarding by also can be very stressful working with a very small budget and even more limited construction time.

Wow, that's pretty awesome! Nice work, looks like a lot of fun.

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