Oh hey, here's one you all will never believe. I heard a rumor once that there was going to be a new land in AK dedicated to blue aliens and futuristic jungl...wait..
But in all seriousness, the Avatar themed land will be something new. Everyone knows AK could use some spiffy new-fangled attractions to bring something more to the park. Even if everyone completely hates Avatar, you have to admit it's going to be a cool idea and I can't wait to see some concept art.
Here's something to wonder about: In the movie, humans can't breathe the air on Pandora. How are they going to play this one off? Souvenir gas masks FTW!!! :sohappy:

But in all seriousness, the Avatar themed land will be something new. Everyone knows AK could use some spiffy new-fangled attractions to bring something more to the park. Even if everyone completely hates Avatar, you have to admit it's going to be a cool idea and I can't wait to see some concept art.
Here's something to wonder about: In the movie, humans can't breathe the air on Pandora. How are they going to play this one off? Souvenir gas masks FTW!!! :sohappy: