hi there everybody. i've been thinking about World Showcase and the changes to it over the last few years and if i had the power what additional changes would i make. here are a few.... please feel free to list your proposals and comments....
- a lot of talk goes on about the movies in the various countries. many of them, i.e. France, have never been updated. i really like all that are there, well except for Norway's, and would not like to see them go away but why not produce 1 or 2 additional for each country and run the entire series for each country at scheduled times. if you go as often as i do this would afford you the opportunity to discover a lot more about each country and also would tend to make park guests spend more time in each country as well.
- wouldn't it be nice to have a ride in each country????
would not need to be a THRILL ride, i would like to see something a bit different perhaps borrowing from the Land's ride. make it entertaining but also let you learn something about each country. given the technology of today (and recalling the thrill/effect you felt when riding the Delta ride in Tomorrowland from years past) they could easily make a ride in France let's say that borrows from its current movie and make you FEEL that you are EXPERIENCING it. wouldn't you like to feel & see & learn about different areas in say Japan or China or England and the differing customs within each's land. does not need to be expensive rides and again with today's technology you can feel as well as learn about each country.
- isn't it time to have some new/additional countries added to World Showcase? A LOT of space goes to waste once you pass China on your way to Germany. easily 1 new country and possibly 2 could be added there how about a country from South America like Brazil or Argentina (what about Africa you say well read on for my idea about that) and say Saudi Arabia or Kuwait. what about between Canada and the UK why not put in there say Greece or Thailand or Viet Nam or (dare i say given the current world climate) Russia. How about past UK where the International Gateway currently is why not take advantage of the canal there and make it Egypt (see Africa from above) representing the Red Sea & Suez Canal as well as the amazing cultural and archeology sites there.