So I'm watching the Star Wars Symphony in the Stars video on WDW Magic...and I'm wondering, "Why the heck can't the people in that crowd shut up for one minute???" The show is starting, Yoda's talking, and all I can hear on the video is yap yap yap yap jabber jabber blah blah blah from the crowd. I notice that a lot at WDW - that during ANY event or show or attraction, there are always some people who can't keep their mouths closed for one second! It's like "Screw the people around me, who cares if they can't hear, I got something to say, and I got to say it NOW!" If such people are so in love with the sounds of their own voices that they can't be silent for ANY reason, why don't they just stay home and talk to themselves and spare the rest of us the sound of their big fat mouths????
End of rant.
End of rant.