Originally posted by MrPromey
I think that they greatly overestimated the appeal of an animatronic.
This is something that they could move to the side of the main walkway. As long as they were to give enough space, this could be something that they open the main doors to and allow people to walk up to (like a barn with the front doors open). I don’t really see a lot of people mobbing the front of it and my guess would be that the line I waited in when I went through the first and only time would have been nonexistent if people could have seen a glimpse of what they were waiting for at the back of the line. If they went this route, they could open the front doors when it is staffed and operating and close them with some sound effects running the rest of the time.
I think it is interesting enough to keep as itself so people can actually watch it but I don’t think it is something that most people consider worth waiting in line for.