George Lucas on a Bench
Well-Known Member
If someone handed me the keys to Disneyland as it currently sits, I would enact the following changes:
1. The removal of ALL Star Wars and Pixar IP from Tomorrowland, leading to a complete land overhaul
2. The cancellation of PatF re-skin of Splash
3. Revert POTC back to it's pre-Depp form (though I might keep one Capt Jack hidden as an Easter Egg)
4. Unlock GE from it's strict timeline and bring in a stronger OT presence
5. Reduce HMH's operations to be during Christmas only
I'll tackle DCA at a later time.
These are not bad ideas. I'm surprised they haven't De-Depped POTC after his scandal or whatever. Unfortunately, I figure they'll just change it again after they reboot the movie series with other characters and alter it further. The constant alterations to POTC and HM are baffling to me because I think most people would agree these are among the best rides they've done. Fans weren't clamoring for them to alter them, but Kim Irvine just couldn't resist.