What If Disney Park: Disney What Ifs

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks
What Ifs that I will use


What if the evil queen got Snow White
What if Captain Hook won against Peter
What if Claud Frollo never came to power
What if Jafar found the lamp before Aladdin
What if Maui never stole the heart of te fiti

What if Mr and Ms incredible never got married
What if the marlin died in finding nemo
What if Buy N Large never destroyed earth
What if Woody was the villain and Buzz was the victim
What if Ellie survived with Carl in UP

What if the avengers never United
What if iron man was never captured by terrorists
What if spider man was never bit by the spider
What if the avengers won the first time against Thanos
What if Bucky was chosen for the super soldier project

Star Wars
What if the Death Star never blew up (obviously)
What if qui gon survived and Obi wan died
What if boba fett never died in episode 6
What if Anakin won against Obi wan
What if Kylo went back to the light in episode 7​
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Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks
Disney What If’s

As you walk out of your bus or get off the Disney skyliner, you feel an eerie atmosphere takes over the area. Twisted trees and wicked looking forest creatures litter the area as you make your way closer to the entrance. The sounds of the forest are replaced with dark medieval music as we pass through the turnstiles and go into our first portal. We enter the What If, What if the Snow White never woke up. We enter into a medieval German town, the atmosphere is dull and the town seems to be devoid of happiness. The sun barely enters the town as twisted trees cover the pathways. The buildings are darkly colored but elegant, once you enter into the buildings you can purchase evil queen and park merchandise. You can dine at the local cafes where they serve traditional German food. As we go further down the town streets we see a grand looking building, this is a theater were original old timey plays will take place. You will even see the evil queen watching the plays from a booth. To the right is a large scale dining hall where only the elites of the town dine. You dine in a large ballroom where a band will play medieval music and you will be served up scale traditional German food from the time period, giving you an authentic German dining experience. A Club 33 will also be nearby ducked in an alley where only people who are invited know where it is. As we reach the end of the town, a large pond lays before us where fountains will constantly be on, you can even see the evil queen watching the fountains in the distance. Surrounding the pond is port facilities and a fish restaurant.

Looming over the entire town is the evil queens castle from Snow White. This holds Dark Waters: Evil Queens Revenge, a slow moving boat ride. We enter the large wooden gate and enter the castle. We go through three many rooms of the castle, we also pass the throne room where we see an evil queen animatronic and a huntsman animatronic. We are led downstairs to the dungeon as we enter the pre show. We see the evil queens shadow head down the stairs and in a sudden flash of lightning she appears. She learns that the huntsman tricked her and begins to read the book. She then starts putting in all the ingredients and as soon as she’s done, the room starts to swirl as projecting simulate stuff flying around. After another flash of lighting we see the old hag which appeared out of the floor and the evil queen animatronic went down. She reads about the poisoned apple and we are led out of the room. We go through the dungeons and are led on a boat in the rivers and we begin to make our journey into this what if. We go through the castle dungeons as we skeletons and prisoners in cages, we make our way out of the dungeons and we see a projection of the evil queens boat driving away. We then follow her to snow whites house as we see the evil queen go up to the door and give the apple to Snow White. As we watch from the river, we see Snow White fall down and the evil queen make a getaway. We see the evil queen running as the seven dwarfs chase after her, she goes up the ledge and starts to move the boulder and sends the rock to the dwarfs. We then see the evil queen making her way to her boat and starts sailing back to the castle. We enter back into the dungeons and exit our boat to the post show. We see the evil queen slowly walk to the book and starts to say an enchantment and she turns beautiful yet again. We exit the dungeons and into a large area with a gift shop.

As we walked through the town, we actually missed something. To the right is an entrance to a French town this is the entrance to What If Claud Frollo Never Came To Power. The German town transformed into a French town, we see decorations of the festival of fools covering the walkways. We walk through the narrow French streets with intersections that go to different areas. Inside of the buildings are traditional French shops that sell Huncheback of Norte Dame merchandise. The shops open up into a large courtyard where there is a large stage where daily performances take place and general festivities take place. To the left is a French cafe which sells the most frenchiest foods such as croissants, the second floor of the cafe gives nice views of the plaza and Notre Dame.

Looming over the plaza is the grand church, Notre Dame that holds the trackless dark ride Notre Dames Embrace: A New Dawn. We walk through the doors of the church and walk through the recreation of the grand atrium. We walk past a large collection of artifacts that date back to the crusades (obviously they are not real). We go through a door to the side and see several other golden and silver artifacts in glass cases, as we walk past the glass cases, we hear footsteps above us as Quasimodo is walking around the upper levels of the church. We board our vehicles as we go through the back door of the church on a stormy winter day as we see Quasimodos mother going through the snow, as she’s making her way to the church entrance. After the mother tells the head priest her plight, he lets her inside and is allowed to stay at the church. As the years go by we see the head priest slowly start to become a farther figure to Quasimodo by helping him with his chores and just being there when he needs him. We see the festival of fools come to town, as Quasimodo is being made fun of, the head priest intervenes and tells everyone must be respected equally. The head priest says and I quote “We must not judge people on the way they look outside, but by their actions they they have done”. As the leader of the festival of fools apologizes to the head priest and Quasimodo, celebrates are begun again as everyone takes place in the festivities. A dissident called Frollo sneaked into the church and attempts to kill the head priest. Quasimodo comes to the head priests rescue and disarms Frollo, unfortunately the high priest has been fatally injured and is on the brink of death. As Frollo is being taken away, the head priest declares Quasimodo as the high priest now. We see a ceremony taking place in the chapel, as Quasimodo is declared high priest. The ride ends and we exit into a museum that details the making of the movie.

As we leave the festival of fools plaza and go past the church of Notre Dame, we enter into the What If Jafar Found The Lamp Before Aladdin. The medieval French buildings turn into wood and sand built buildings as we enter into an Arabic village. Canopies cover the land which blocks out the harsh sun of the deserts of Saudi Arabia, inside of the buildings hold gift shops that sell Jafar merchandise and collectibles. There are several vendors that sell several trinkets and traditional Arabic food. As we go further into the village, we see a large Arabic banquet hall. We enter double doors and arrive in a large room that has several tables and chairs. 2 large grand stairways lead to the 2nd floor which gives a perfect view of the grand stage. Once every 30 minutes a grand show that showcases the culture of the Middle East. Going past the restaurant, we reach a crossroads. Further down the crossroads are more shops so, we turn left and enter into an alley that shows the scum of the village, street vendors sell black market goods and street food. A large run down building holds a counter service restaurant that sells more street food at an affordable price.

On the outskirts of the village, we enter into a large valley of sand and rocks. The cave of wonders holds the suspended dark ride, Serpentine Sands: Jafar’s Quest. We leave the village behind and enter into large valley with ancient ruins from the crusades, the ruins are filled with ancient artifacts and statues of great warriors. The ruins make way for the Cave Of Wondrous Secrets, we enter through the mouth and go through the caverns of the cave. We enter our vehicle and leave through a cave exit. We enter a large cavern as we fly over riches and ancient artifacts. We go through another cave that showcases the history of the cave and what happened to the previous visitors of the cave. We see the magic lamp on the very top of the treasure pile, we see Jafar at the entrance of the cave. He goes down the flight of stairs as he slowly makes his way towards the lamp. Iago flys up to the lamp and picks it up, after struggling to fly back down, he brings the lamp to Jafar and give it to him. Jafar rubs the lamp and the genie comes out of the lamp, the genie asks what Jafar wants. He wishes to be the wealthiest man on the planet, the world’s riches teleport to him as he leaves the cave with the lamp. He then wishes to be the most powerful man on the planet as he is teleported to a grand palace with dozens of staff and he governs a grand empire. His last wish is to never age. It has been 2 centuries and Jafar is still in power as we see him ruling over his empire. The ride ends as we enter into a large gift shop in the cave of wondrous secrets.

We go past the castle and see 2 rock entrances, one that leads to Moana and Peter Pan. We choose to go to Peter Pan. On the rock walls we see carvings on the walls that showcases the story of Peter Pan, we see pixie dust covering the walls, as we leave the cave we enter into a pirate town. The town is made out of wood and has several balconies that pirates will occasionally go out on. Inside of the buildings are gift shops that sells pirate merchandise, street vendors also sell small trinkets and pirate equipment. To the left is a large run-down Spanish fort, we enter through a large entrance and go through a large room. We can go through the rooms of the fortress such as the living quarters and weapon emplacements. This walk-through will show the history of the land and how Captain Hook won against Peter Pan. We see a large mountain range with skull rock at its peak. We go through another cave as we enter into another pirate town. We see the Jolly Roger parked in a small lagoon, but since Captain Hook won the Jolly Roger is much larger than its predecessor. We can go through the halls and rooms of the Jolly Roger and it will occasionally fire its cannons off into the water. Another Spanish fort looms over the area which can also be explored. Inside of a grand theater is a theater that showcases pirate themed shows. We enter into a grand atrium where we enter our seats as we see pirate themed shows and the story of the what if scenario. Effects such as pyro and aqua will also be used in the show. Going past the theater, there is more pirate shops.

The large mountain range that has skull rock at its peak holds Hooks Revenge, a water ride. We enter into a pirate warehouse, as we go through the warehouse we see several pieces of pirate equipment and artifacts of Neverland. We leave the warehouse from a back door and enter into rock caverns that have been mined by the pirates. We see rock carvings showing the story of Captain Hook. We enter into a large rock cavern that holds a pirate dock area. We exit the dock through a cave entrance. Above the clouds we can see Peter Pan flying in the air making his way towards mermaid lagoon, as he’s flying we see the Jolly Roger following behind him. We see Peter talk with the mermaids, then all of a sudden a large net holds Peter down as the crew starts to capture him. Peter escapes momentarily but Captain Hook holds a mermaid hostage and says to Peter that if he doesn’t come down, he will end this mermaids life. Peter and hook get into a duel as they fight all over the lagoon, then hook gets a lucky swing at Peter and hurts him fatally. We see Peter slowly walk backwards towards the water, we then hear the crocodile get closer. Captain Hook kicks Peter into the water as we transition towards the next scene, sparing us from the gruesome sight. We go up to skull rock on top of a mountain range and go down a 50ft drop. We go through a crashed galleon and go through the shark infested waters, we also go through the ruins of the Spanish fort. We then see a pirate town starting to be built and the Jolly Roger getting upgraded. We enter into the captain cabin as we see tinkerbell in a glass container as she is used to bring more pirates to hook to recruit. The ride ends as we see commodore hook looking over his fleet of ships. We exit into the unload area and exit into a tresure.

To the right of the Spanish fort ruins is a large rock cave, their are carvings all over the walls that shows the story of Moana, during the night the cave will light up with bio-luminescence plants. The towering mountains of the village from Moana take over the area, also at night there land will glow due to the heart of tifiti never having being stolen. We enter a valley where the village sets, there is straw and wood built village hut to our right that sells Moana merchandise. Along a mountain side there are several more straw huts that sell more Moana merchandise and a counter service stand that sells dole whips (It just felt right to put it here). In the center of the land is a large structure that appears to have built from the remains of old boats, this is dhenehdhebhe, a spinner. We enter the large structure where we see the inside of the structure as we see small coconuts everywhere. We go up a flight of stairs and see the loading area of the ride. We enter our vehicles and go up and down the structure ,we can also get a good view of the surroundings area. In front of us is the villages meeting house where you can sit down and watch shows taking places. Nestled inside of the mountain range is a large table service restaurant inside of the mountain where at night the walls and roof glow green. We dine in a cave system where traditional Polynesian food is served. Near the exit of the land is a Moana and Maui meet and greet in the chiefs living hut.

There is a large mountain range at the back of the land. The mountain range holds Te Fiti’s Eternal Journey, a log flume dark ride. We enter under an archway and go through a small rainforest filled with small animals and plants. A run down building stands before us, we see broken furniture and destroyed walls. We enter back into the rainforest and see a large loading station and a boat is docked there. We go down the stairs and enter our boats. We leave the docking station and enter into the waterways of the village, we go under a wooden bridge as we see the shebdjdjnd, looming over the land. We go around the spinner and go under the bridge again and enter the mountain range. We enter the waters of the pacific as we see Maui sailing across the waters heading towards tefiti. He gets on the island and scales the mountain, he enters the cave and is about to steal the heart but he thinks of the consequences of stealing the heart and decides to not steal the heart. He leaves the island and sails across the ocean again. Since he never stole the heart, the islands never started dying. We head towards Moana’s island and see baby Moana heading towards the ocean but her father takes her back to the village. The song “Where You Are” plays as we go through the village, we also see Moana’s grandmother dancing near the water as Moana joined her. We see Moana near the water as she try’s going out in the ocean but is stopped by her father. We see Moana go into the cave and see all the boats, we then see the flashback of the village people sailing across the sea. Since the island chain isn’t dying, Moana never leaves the island to go to tefitit which also means that the ocean would never choose her to save the heart. We see Moana become chief and start to expand the village, she also makes the decision that they will sail again to other islands. We then see the village sailing across the sea and eventually meets Maui. We then see Moana raising her child as the ride ends. We see the heart of tefiti in a bio-luminescent cave. We leave the mountain range and enter back into the docking station.

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks
Wow! That was Amazing! Some Of these should become Real Rides, But can’t, I would love to ride Hook’s Revenge!
Well thank you, this is my first time with doing a completely original park. It is a bit difficult and my motivation is starting to run out but I will keep chugging along as far as I can. I would also like to point out that the fort names are from the game called sea of thieves.
Well thank you, this is my first time with doing a completely original park. It is a bit difficult and my motivation is starting to run out but I will keep chugging along as far as I can. I would also like to point out that the fort names are from the game called sea of thieves.
Nice Detail from that game! Also, You drew over the ESPN wide world of sport complex, I see what you did there, Plus, anything ESPN in Disney World just fails…

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Nice Detail from that game! Also, You drew over the ESPN wide world of sport complex, I see what you did there, Plus, anything ESPN in Disney World just fails…
It had nothing to do really with the failure of espn content, it was just a good area to put a 5th park. Good infrastructure already there and the ability to expand the skyliner was just too good to pass up. The fact of the matter is that a 5th park will make more money than espn
It had nothing to do really with the failure of espn content, it was just a good area to put a 5th park. Good infrastructure already there and the ability to expand the skyliner was just too good to pass up. The fact of the matter is that a 5th park will make more money than espn
Oh, after all, WDW needs a 5th park, and replacing a mediocre Sport Zone could do the trick.

Plus, I also replied to your first Magic Kingdom Thread Post, I saw some of your ideas there, and they were amazing! But something bothered me…

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