It's a lot easier to buy online and almost instantly compare prices between, say, Target, Walmart, Best Buy, and Toys R Us. I've noticed that a lot of my local stores don't carry nearly as much merchandise as they used to, and stores that are close in location to each other- like the Best Buy, Target and Walmart within a 3 minute drive of each other here- either do price matching, or one store will not carry item at all in store, conceding that another has a better price on said item.
I don't always have time to chase after "the best deal" and it's become far easier to be at work, have five extra minutes, hop onto Amazon and order the 10 yards of blue fleece fabric, Sock Monkey hat, flip flops, and tulip bulbs and have them sent to my house than it would be to stop at a fabric store for the fleece, Target for the hat, DSW for the flip flops, and Home Depot/Lowes garden center for the bulbs.
As much as I like to physically get my rump into the store and peruse and sample items, there just isn't enough time for that lately... and the harsh winter we've had this year is only making online shopping THAT much easier!