What has become of Disney?


Well-Known Member
Well this thread has certainly gone off topic.

It stinks that you had such a crummy time...but give it another shot. A lot of has changed since you last visited over 20 years ago. Now you know the current state of WDW, give it another shot and see if you don't enjoy yourself a little more. :)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
What is with people on scooters? Strollers are expected. Wheelchairs here and there yes. But tons of people are riding around on scooters that don't look in any way disabled. It is crowded enough without having to dodge electric vehicles rushing to get wherever they are going.

What you fail to comprehend (and that in many areas, I'll just choose this particular one as its highly offensive) is that you are not the sole occupant of the park nor set the standards. For your edification, ECVs (electric convenience vehicles) are covered by federal law: ADA or Americans with Disabilities Act. People with mobility, circulatory, respiratory, or neurological disabilities use many kinds of devices for mobility. Most people are familiar with the manual and power wheelchairs and electric scooters used by people with mobility disabilities. The term "wheelchair" is defined in the new rules as "a manually-operated or power-driven device designed primarily for use by an individual with a mobility disability for the main purpose of indoor or of both indoor and outdoor locomotion."

So if you cannot grasp or abide by this legal requirement, feel free to report to the closest port of entry and self deport yourself.


Well-Known Member
What is with people on scooters? Strollers are expected. Wheelchairs here and there yes. But tons of people are riding around on scooters that don't look in any way disabled. It is crowded enough without having to dodge electric vehicles rushing to get wherever they are going.

There are many people who are disabled that do not look disabled. This is an incredibly offensive comment and causes me to immediately dismiss anything else that you have to say whether it is valid or not. If you included that in your comments to Disney, I would guess they feel the same way and that is why they did not respond to you. Please do not go back, I don't want to have to deal with ignorant people such as yourself during my vacation.

Fat people can't walk around the parks, it's too much for them and being fat is now considered being disabled. My favorite is the leash parents, they're so out of shape that have no ability at all to keep track of a child so they use a leash like a dog. LOL.

My daughter will be on a leash when we go next week. It has nothing to do with her mother or I being able to keep up with her. It has to do with the fact that she has autism. She does not speak, so if she gets lost she cannot tell anyone who she is or how to find her parents. She also gets distracted easily and very strong willed. She would not be happy being confined to a stroller the whole trip, she wants to walk around. She also would not be happy having to keep her hand above her head all day to hold onto someones hand, think how your shoulder would feel. People should not comment on things that they know nothing about.


Well-Known Member
With offerings like...


(Pretzel wrapped thick cut bacon with beer cheese)

Or this...


(Bacon wrapped Turkey Leg)

I don't think that is the issue.

eat that then dial 911


Well-Known Member
You might be better off calling. Odds are you went get much out of it though. That being said it is rare the cast members aren't helpful, we go 1-2 times a year and very very rarely have anything bad to say.

Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
In order to address the snarky comment from the other arthritis sufferer, I did say I had a number of other related issues & you are correct that lack of exercise whilst on steriods can contribute to weight gain, however I was serving at the time & I can assure you lack of exercise was not something I suffered from!

I managed for many years without resorting to a scooter & when I'm feeling good I get by with just my stick, I do aquafit & still compete in my sport of choice much to the horror of my specialist who would rather I did less, however to enjoy the parks with my husband to the best extent I now need more help.

I'm thrilled you don't need a scooter & trurly wish that this is how things remain for you, but you of all people should have at least a modicome of sympathy for my position. Also, I am sure at clinic you must have seen arthritis suffers at both ends of the spectrum from mild support needed to completely crippled.

Please don't feel that you have to justify your use of a scooter! It is no one else's business. I am going to have to use one for the first time this November,, and I am not looking forward to it. I also have arthritis and numerous "invisible" health problems. One aspect of this debate that I think people over look is this: When someone who has health problems which causes them not to be able to exercise, have a very difficult time taking weight off. The only way this can happen is by practically starving yourself! So, yes, some people who look "fat" use scooters, but I would not call all of them lazy. If you can't walk, exercise, etc, then you can't easily keep weight off. And let's face it, people tend to get depressed about these conditions and, if the only thing you can do is eat, they eat! So I wish others would not judge so much. I have struggled to get around the parks for years, with pain and fatigue, because I didn't want to use those hated scooters! Now I have a foot problem and can't walk without pain. So I have to use one. I am not looking forward to staring at other peoples hind ends, trying to avoid those who dart in front of me or stop, getting stares and comments, and those who just plain don't see me! I would love to do it the other way and walk, even with pain. I am going to go to the rides, park, and painfully walk to the rides, then back on the scooter so I can get around the parks, just like everyone else:)
So, please don't feel you have to justify yourself to others. Go and have fun, and disregard these asinine comments on this board,, cause that's all they are!


Well-Known Member
One thing that was obvious on our recent trip to SeaWorld and Busch Gardens, there were very few people on scooters (as a matter of fact, I can't recall seeing one). I wonder if it is because the food offerings at SW and BG are lacking and the morbidly obese, who are the main exploiters of the scooter, won't go near these parks?

Hmm,, I never thought about it quite that way. True tho, if you are an epic eater to the degree you need a scooter, then yes, your consumption plans would tend to play a role in your destination selection.


Active Member
Lol my skin is plenty thick enough, being a female engineer at a time when we were as rare as hens teeth will do that to you. What I found completely dumbfounding was that a fellow sufferer could have such a blinkered & uneducated opinion.

To say nothing of accusing me of gaining all my weight after I left the service. ! in reality I am marginally lighter & like many others so afflicted struggle daily just to maintain my weight losing more is something I continue to strive for.

I will enjoy my trip gladly accept any concessions I receive, but won't ask for. I will not go to the front of the bus queue unless I am certain all other people waiting can get a seat, I'll just wait for the next thanks & I'll only hit ignorant individuals who step infront of me giving me absolutely no opportunity to stop in time. In crowds I usually move off to the side & wait for the crush to pass, far safer for me.

Bad manners are as present in all attendees at the parks & is hardly restricted to scooter operators.
What I was thinking while seeing the crowds during the week was how all these kids got out of school so close to the school year starting. Seems like an odd time to take the family on vacation.
A lot of school districts (especially in the Southeast) have Fall Break during September.


Well-Known Member
I'm with the OP on the scooter issue.
Some people have gotten so large that they can no longer walk.
Many of these now largely immobile people continue to take in massive amounts of empty calories, and now since they get virtually no exercise at all - they barely burn any of these calories off.
Disney themselves goofed on this condition of mankind in Wall-e.


Active Member
I'm with the OP on the scooter issue.
Some people have gotten so large that they can no longer walk.
Many of these now largely immobile people continue to take in massive amounts of empty calories, and now since they get virtually no exercise at all - they barely burn any of these calories off.
Disney themselves goofed on this condition of mankind in Wall-e.

Whilst that may be true in some cases it is not in all & to tar everyone with the same brush only makes you look ignorant & uninformed.

I hope for all your sakes that you & yours never find yourself on the receiving side of these thoughtless comments at some future point & if you do I hope you have enough integrity left to feel chagrin at what you have said. However sadly I doubt that will be the case, none of us knows what life has in store & its all to easy to make stupid comments that will turn round & bite you years down the line.

I am not saying there aren't scammers but rather than bleat about what is within the current rules, why not campaign to get them changed & make your ADA system more robust. Make it legally acceptable for people to be asked to supply reasonable evidence of their disability needs therefore greatly reducing the capacity for scamming. Get obesity removed as a recognised disability, all of which would help.

This is something that we have had to do in Europe for years, no one gripes, no one complains that their constitutional rights have been violated, if you want or need a concession you are expected to provide evidence of your entitlement pure & simple. No proof no accomodation & no right to appeal or seek legal recompense & being morbidly obese on its own gets you no where over here.


Well-Known Member
This discussion is a wonderful example of human compassion. It makes you want to go out and kick someone off a scooter.
what does it matter if someone choses to use a scooter, who cares. If they feel they need it they need it. It doesn't affect me in the least.
Sure in some cases they may be in the way but you go around them. Next people will be judging wether or not a kid should be in a stroller. You can debate that next.


Well-Known Member
This discussion is a wonderful example of human compassion. It makes you want to go out and kick someone off a scooter.
what does it matter if someone choses to use a scooter, who cares. If they feel they need it they need it. It doesn't affect me in the least.
Sure in some cases they may be in the way but you go around them. Next people will be judging wether or not a kid should be in a stroller. You can debate that next.

If they can walk, they need to walk. Save the strollers for the tired parents, the kids should even push!

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