what happened to mousemerf?

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Active Member
Odds are he is getting a third chance except we may not know exactly who he is now :eek:

So, any idea who the real merf is? I have a suspicion :lookaroun

Someone who just joined with over 100 post in the past 30 days ha ha ha:ROFLOL:


I try to stay out of gossip but I have to say, I wish mousermerf didn't leave us for good. He had some of the best photo updates. He is a big WDW fan and I loved to hear his opinions about the parks. I guess we will have to count on EpcotServo for his great photo updates.


Active Member
I try to stay out of gossip but I have to say, I wish mousermerf didn't leave us for good. He had some of the best photo updates. He is a big WDW fan and I loved to hear his opinions about the parks. I guess we will have to count on EpcotServo for his great photo updates.

i am not going to comment on this stuff anymore. but, here is what steve had to say at the end of the linked thread...for those who are curious.

"Your thread was deleted because it was asking for a cast member to take you into the preview. You were providing no new information, as we had known about the previews for several weeks, you were simply looking to get a free ride for yourself.

I've given you chance after chance after chance to be a member here, and each time you overstep the line. I have received more reported posts about you than any other member on WDWMAGIC, and you have been asked by me, several times in private messages to curb your posting style, yet you refuse to do so.

I'm not going to be insulted on my own site, so I'll do better than tell you that you are not welcome here, I'll go ahead and ban you. Don't bother signing up with a new account as you did previously when you were banned several years ago, we'll be looking for you, and there will be no second chances this time."


Account Suspended
What the heck?? So anyone who disagrees with the status quo gets a boot? The whole point of a forum is discussion and socalizing not EVERYONE AGREES LAND. This is BS. :mad:


Well-Known Member
I try to stay out of gossip but I have to say, I wish mousermerf didn't leave us for good. He had some of the best photo updates. He is a big WDW fan and I loved to hear his opinions about the parks. I guess we will have to count on EpcotServo for his great photo updates.

Agreed. I appreciate EpcotServo but he doesn't get the detailed shots of the new stuff. Merf had a great skill at getting the shots that showed exactly what was happening and provided the details you would want if you had of asked beforehand. It's like he could read your thoughts about the details you would want to see. He was really amazing at that! But I guess all artists are tempermental. Suprised someone hasn't tried to pick up the slack.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
What the heck?? So anyone who disagrees with the status quo gets a boot? The whole point of a forum is discussion and socalizing not EVERYONE AGREES LAND. This is BS. :mad:
well, when it's done repeatedly and to the sites owner, then it's a different situation.

We have plenty of disagreements here. It's how they're expressed that determines whether a line has been crossed or not.


Active Member
And just who might this new member be????

Something tells me this thread will be closed very soon....

I don't know..I was just saying that is what you need to look for...and I agree..I don't see this one staying open much longer


Active Member
And just who might this new member be????

Something tells me this thread will be closed very soon....

it should be moved, but, not closed.

THAT doesn't make any sense. we are allowed to discuss these types of things. I never plan on calling Steve spineless, nor do I plan on purposely insulting someone to get them going.

But, I am scared that passionate members who rant about disney sometimes will get kicked off just because people don't like it. I am genuinely upset that that is even possible. Foul language should not be allowed, rude comments against actual people shouldn't be allowed (like the spineless remark), but, rants against disney SHOULD be allowed.

And, if I feel something sucks (like many people felt SSE sucked and how Merf thought the "refurbished" AFI sucked), I should be able to express it without getting banned.

I still haven't heard back from Steve...haha, sometimes i forget that I have no life and he does. I want some instant gratification...now! (get it?)


Active Member
I do not understand why anyone thinks they are entitled to an explaination as to why someone gets banned, or why they think they need some sort of proof that a banned member broke forum rules.

If you are curious, fine. No big deal. But to feel like Steve owes you an explanation?? That is ridiculous.

I am quite sure Steve will give you the explaination you are looking for. But he is doing it as a courtesy.....not because he owes you anything.


But, I am scared that passionate members who rant about disney sometimes will get kicked off just because people don't like it.

And there lies the fault in your logic. Merf wasn't kicked off just because people didn't like what he said. He had a history, was given innumerable opportunities to alter his behavior, didn't take them, so was therefore booted. You make it sound like he railed on WDW/Disney one or two times and was kicked off with no warning whatsoever. People are allowed to rant about Disney here - it happens all the time! But he took it too far too many times. It's as simple as that.

Think of it this way. You have a young child who throws food on the floor at every meal. Every time it happens, you politely ask them not to do it and threaten to not give them any food at the next meal. But you never follow through with your threat and they continue unabated...until finally you say that's it, and don't feed them. That's what happened here. The punishment was not only deserved, it was earned.

I'm not attacking you in any way, I'm just trying to point out why so many others here are disagreeing with you.


Well-Known Member
What the heck?? So anyone who disagrees with the status quo gets a boot? The whole point of a forum is discussion and socalizing not EVERYONE AGREES LAND. This is BS. :mad:

Not disagreeing, but constantly breaking the rules and ignoring the directives of the owner of the site. It is well within his purview to ban a member who refuses to follow the rules, baits and argues with other members and the moderators/owner of the site. He was a former member who had been banned under another name for the exact same behavior.

I'm not saying that he did not contribute to the site, but those good things were overshadowed by the garbage he also brought with him. He is not the first member, nor will he be the last, to be banned for that behavior.
Remember, it is not what you say, but how you say it that counts. No one is forced to stay here, if a person does not like the rules they are free to leave. If they choose to stay then proper behavior is expected.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
I never made the connection before that merf was RobFL.

He often had a critical view of the parks, which I didn't have a problem with. But sometimes he went from criticizing to just plain complaining, such as the AFI thread.

Considering his history and that Steve had given him a second chance already, I'd agree with Steve's decision.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
it should be moved, but, not closed.

THAT doesn't make any sense. we are allowed to discuss these types of things. I never plan on calling Steve spineless, nor do I plan on purposely insulting someone to get them going.

But, I am scared that passionate members who rant about disney sometimes will get kicked off just because people don't like it. I am genuinely upset that that is even possible. Foul language should not be allowed, rude comments against actual people shouldn't be allowed (like the spineless remark), but, rants against disney SHOULD be allowed.

And, if I feel something sucks (like many people felt SSE sucked and how Merf thought the "refurbished" AFI sucked), I should be able to express it without getting banned.

I still haven't heard back from Steve...haha, sometimes i forget that I have no life and he does. I want some instant gratification...now! (get it?)

I enjoyed Merf's picture updates, but, when it came time for his opinion, he always bashed those who didn't agree with him... He always called people the lowest common denominator when they didn't agree... He always made himself appear as if he was holier than thou, like he was better than others on here... he rubbed people the wrong way... it is fine to have your opinions, after all, we all have them.. but to bash people for not agreeing with you, and mocking them, was really uncalled for...

I have seen people get away with a lot on this board, myself included.... I think Steve is fair when judging people, and allowing not only second chances, but 3, 4 5 up to 10 chances.... At some point, the owner and the mods need to make a decision... Merf wore out his welcome... Steve had to do what he had to do...


New Member
Merf certainly made incendiary remarks from time to time. But other people around here also had a knack for saying things to and about Merf that were equally as provocative (but those people were rarely disciplined). The double standard Merf had to deal with was quite impressive at times. I think he was pushed and pushed by people like mkt and PhotoDave (I think, the guy who had a Dropkick Murphys avatar) and when Merf finally pushed back against Steve, he was banished.

But if you know where to look Merf frequents other boards (and shares his findings, if not his photographs) with those people.

In other words, wdwmagic isn't the only game in town. Shop around.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
The link at the bottom of this reply is the post where Merf was banned. If repeatedly breaking rules, causing fights and openly insulting other members of the board including the owner of the site is not grounds for being banned then I do not know what is. Discussion and differences of opinion are fine but when they are always turned into fights by one particular person that is a problem. Sure Merf's photo updates were nice when they were not laced with p*&s and vinegar but they were not enough to overcome his other baggage. Steve bent over backwards gave Merf every opportunity to be a part of this site and Merf spit in his face for it. In the end Merf was the reason Merf was banned not Steve or any other member of this site.



Well-Known Member
I was a big fan of Merf's posts. I'd like to find whatever forum he's still on. I enjoyed his photo updates, and his constant updates. However even I have to admit that he often really crossed the line when it came to dealing with other posters and that's what got him out. You can't insult the other posters on the site and expect to stay. He did that more than once, had been warned about it, asked to stop, etc... When you get repeated warnings from the owner of the site and not only ignore them but get snide and snarky with him you can expect to get the boot.

Merf didn't get banned because he was critical and passionate about Disney. He was booted because of how he treated those who disagreed with him. I miss Merf, but I can't say I blame steve for what happened. I think its best to let this thread die though. Contact steve if you want an explanation and about your concerns. He seems fair enough.
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