what does t.o.t drop feel like?


New Member
Original Poster
:D I do not like roller coasters because of the drops, I like the train roller coaster at DW
because there are no big drops on it. Would I like tower of terror, please describe the ride
and the drops to me. Some tell me it is no big deal, if you have low blood pressure do you
think it will make it go lower:eek: Thank you in advance for your answers. I would love to
read a moment by moment description of the ride. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Its stronger than a freefall..since you are being PULLED down..not just falling....if you dont like coasters..you will prob HATE ToT ;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc
Its stronger than a freefall..since you are being PULLED down..not just falling....if you dont like coasters..you will prob HATE ToT ;)

I dont know about that Dan. My mom HATES roller coasters mainly because of drops but she had a blast on ToT.

The falling sensation you get on ToT is much diferent than a roller coaster. I sugest you try it snowdog you'll love it! :)


New Member
My Dad can't go on coasters as the buffeting around hurts his neck and makes him lightheaded. He has done TOT though and loves it! My6 and 3 year olds loved it too. I like all coasters so I am not a great guide!


Well-Known Member
I been on the ride once, and i love it, it is not as intence as the rollercoaster drops, at least i don't think they are. It pulls you down, then imediately Pushes you up, you feel like nothing going down, and you get a nice sence when going up, I felt mutch better going off the ride, My back was herting slightly before, and it was feeling fine. I love TOT. But don't take my advise too mutch, get others. Because I am A Coaster Freak.


I'm Surrounded by Idiots
The first time we went to WDW and ToT was open my mother refused to go on the ride because she figured she would hate it. The next time we went she tried it and loved it and now its one of her favorite rides. The drop is pretty cool though you just fall and it is fun.
I absolutely love Roller Coasters and thought this was the most terrifying thing I've ever done. I felt the lap bar wasn't down far enough, I felt the bar felt too small. My wife and I have never gone back to it.

You are right about one thing. It pulls you up agains the bar - due to the negative G's that you pull since it's pulling you down.

If you like the bouncing feeling or you don't mind being pulled 13 stories down (actually I think it's no more than 10) then, by all means, try it.


New Member
When i road it last year, I was placed in the middle seat in the back row. The one with the seat belt. The CM came in and checked it, made shore i didn't want to be flying now. lol, any way, I felt secure, and had a wonderful time. I didn't get to ride it again because i was heading to Rock-n-Rollercoaster. Anyway, i loved the felling it made. However, i also like rollercoasters so it might not be all the info you really want. I loved it though, Now to get my sister on it. She is dead afraid of rollercoasters. Not kiddy ones in the MK, but ones like RNRC. I will get her on it if it is one of my last things i do.


Well-Known Member
It feels really springy. sorta. It's not really jerky and loud like most drop rides. The twilight zone images (window/stars) are really trippy. You aren't really prepared for what happens.

My brother, who loves rollercoasters, HATES it. Will never ride again.

It's a very odd sensation, but it's worth trying at least once.


Well-Known Member
I love ToT, and so do my kids, but my husband went once and swore "Never again!" (wuss) It is truly a not-to-be-missed experience. I hate most roller coasters because I get motion-sick on rides that are repetitive; ToT is definitely not repetitve, but it sure does get the old adrenaline going. I'm not sure I've been much help...try it, anyway.


Active Member
Oh it rules! The feeling when you go weightless is SO amazing! My best tip for great air-time is to go with people alot larger than you are so the bar doesn't hold you down!!

BTW - I'm not a huge coaster fan - I have to be in the front seat or they make me sick!

Hope anything I said helps! :)

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
The drops are very different then those on a roller coaster. You will get a totally different feeling than a roller coaster will give you.

I recommend you try the ride once...in a lap bar row (not seat belt). If you don't like it don't ride it again. Even if you don't like the drops, you should ride to see the amazing special effects on the ride.


Well-Known Member
It's all a matter of how you intepret the situation. If you go on the ride buying into the theming, thinking that you're trapped in a malfunctioning service elevator plunging to your death, you WILL be scared. On the other hand, if you were to go on ToT thinking that you're, say, trying on an experimental jet-back or using the world's largest pogo-stick, you will have a lot of fun and not be afraid at all. The sensation of falling, as with all intense physical experiences, is a sensation were your emotional interpretation is governed by your perception of what is happening.
I absolutely love Roller Coasters and thought this was the most terrifying thing I've ever done. I felt the lap bar wasn't down far enough, I felt the bar felt too small. My wife and I have never gone back to it.

You are right about one thing. It pulls you up agains the bar - due to the negative G's that you pull since it's pulling you down.

If you like the bouncing feeling or you don't mind being pulled 13 stories down (actually I think it's no more than 10) then, by all means, try it.

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