Now folks lots of trips coming up for the regulars on the dining boards over the next few months so of the following what one of each are you most looking forward to having???
Cupcake: butterfinger cupcake at Starring Rolls and Lemon and Ginger cupcake at Captain Cooks
Dessert: Wow this is tough, have to go with the creme brulee at Le Cellier or banana bread pudding at Ohana
Entree: believe it or not, Ohana!!! (first meal of vacation, so yep, my most looked forward to!!)
Pastry: Hmmm another tough one, Sweet Pretzel at Kringla or ANYTHING from Main Street Bakery
TS Restaurant: Have to go with Le Cellier (haven't been in a few years)
QS Restaurant: Columbia Harbor House and/or Captain Cook's
Alcoholic Drink: ahhhh Lapu Lapu!!!
Non Alc Drink: Lilikoi juice at Kona or Frunch at Boma
Cocktail: TOO many to pick from!!!
Appetiser: Cheese Soup at Le Cellier (and pretzel bread too!!)
Buffet: Believe it or not, looking forward to trying Boma this year, but still love Chef Mickey's too!
Happy Planning