What are some good things to collect


Premium Member
Original Poster
Anyone collect any disney stuff? Last time I went down I thought we'd start collecting Disney snowglobes. Well, we broke our first piece already - so that was a bad idea!

I'd like to collect something less breakable, and not too expensive, and something that can only be bought at the parks.

What do you collect?

Pixie Duster

New Member
Die cast attraction vehicle models/toys. They sell for 6.50 each. They range from Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin, Pirates, Kilomanjaro Safari, etc.


Account Suspended
Pin trading is popular, but very expensive. I collect Park maps and old material given out at the parks... Ponchos, bags, buttons, hats, maps, info guides, park ticket media, parking passes, room keys, glasses, etc. I collect lots of that stuff. :)

Maybe I should scan it in and post it. Hmm...


New Member
I collect Disney snowglobes while at the parks. But not a cheap hobby. And like you said, they are fragile.

But I also like to collect different picture frames. They are always gorgeous and there are tons to choose from. They are very unique....you can't really buy them anywhere else other than the parks. They aren't too expensive. They mostly run about $20 or so. :D


New Member
Certainly agree about the pciture frames. Every visit we have managed to get a picture frame with the year built into the design . Once the reels of film we take are developed we find a picture we all like and pop it in. Great momento:animwink:


Active Member
I collect pins and am very specific about the ones I get. If a resort pin, I only collect the resorts I've stayed at. Attraction pins only count if I ridden the attraction, etc. It doesn't have to get expensive if you have guidelines you follow. My son collects the die cast attraction vehicles. BTW, anybody ever see a die cast Space Mountain?


Active Member
Originally posted by Bill
Pin trading is popular, but very expensive.
Pin trading is popular and not really expensive. It is 6.50-8.50 (6.95-9.11 with tax) for the open stock or common pins. The 8.50 pins usually have some sort of special something to them. They might glow in the dark, move, spin, flip, or something else. Also the rarer pins and LE (Limited Edition) are more expensive. Some go as high as 25.00 but the regular price for and LE is 10.50 (11.34 with tax). But there is only a certain Edition Size making them valuable in the long run. And they last for a long time if well taken care of, they give me great memories of my trip in the parks.


Well-Known Member
Ther girls & I collect & trade pins. I also do magnets, not just Disney, but all kinds. They usually aren't too expensive & I have something to remind me of the trip & use at home. Tee shirts are fun and you have something to wear. Don't give up on the snowglobes, they are very pretty. Maybe you just need a better system to display them. :wave:


Premium Member
Original Poster
Sorry about posting this in the wrong place, I didn't even see this forum before!

I like the picture frame idea. Since this will be the first time my kids go I could take a pic of the 2 of them in the same spot every year and put it in a WDW picture frame.

I don't think I could get into pin trading and collecting. Just doesn't interest me.

Does someone have a picture of a die cast vehicle? I don't know if I've ever seen those before. Sounds neat!

Pixie Duster

New Member
Yes those are the vehicles.
That website is a total rip off they always double the actual price. I prmise you they are around $6. Maybe $8 if memory fails me but no more htan that.

And they have not released a Space Mountain one yet.


New Member
Originally posted by Laura22
Sorry about posting this in the wrong place, I didn't even see this forum before!

I like the picture frame idea. Since this will be the first time my kids go I could take a pic of the 2 of them in the same spot every year and put it in a WDW picture frame.

I think that is a neat idea! And you can even get the ones with the year inprinted in them (Like someone else suggested) and put their picture in those each time. :)


New Member

I got it. A maggnet is a cheap thing to collect from Disneyworld on all your trips. WDW always has magnets for special occasions also. I try to get 1 or two on each trip. Not always though. It's kinda fun to see a fridge loaded with all WDW magnets. We have just a couple there, but most on a filing cabinet where we keep our bills. :o)

They are fun, and mostly cool to see when the time passes a few years after the event has come and gone.
Good luck....


Active Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
Yes those are the vehicles.
That website is a total rip off they always double the actual price. I prmise you they are around $6. Maybe $8 if memory fails me but no more htan that.

And they have not released a Space Mountain one yet.

Thanks for the Space info. My son has been collecting them for 3 years now and each trip we scour the stores looking for a Space one. At least we haven't missed it yet.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Thanks for all the great advice, as stupid as I feel for asking after seeing that this forum existed. :lol:

My husband is really into magnets. When we went in September he bought about 10 Disney magnets. I guess we could aways continue that collection!

I will definitely start an annual picture frame collection.

And the die cast vehicles sound cool too. Glad that website is a rip off and the are actuall affordable!

Now I can't wait to go shopping!!

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Laura22
And the die cast vehicles sound cool too. Glad that website is a rip off and the are actuall affordable!

You might do a search for "Disney die cast" on e-bay just to get a look at what is out there. The majority of the theme park ride vehicles are priced around the $6.50 previously mentioned at the parks and at one particular store at Downtown Disney, but some are larger and more expensive. Others have been "retired" so their cost goes up on the auction websites.

The picture frame collection sounds fun. The Kodak shop on Main Street is currently selling a battery operated frame with simulated firework explosions. That is a frame just begging for a night-time Main Street family photo with Cinderella's Castle in the background. Happy collecting!

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