OK, here are the facts about the switchover.
No changes to the East side, still just 16 stations to process all the folks.
The area near the M& F Tram Loading is now open and clear. (They ran out of time,and left on tent up today, but it should be removed tonight.
The Security Checks will open up prior to 5 AM daily (Starbucks opening time).
The Mickey and Friends Security check is decent and large, the minor rerouting still leaves 4 tram load/unload areas (two were relocated). Escalators and restrooms are outside the security zone.
To avoid using the tram, you now walk west to the end of the tram roadway,and then head straight south towards the Disneyland Hotel, and use the sidewalk next to the Downtown Disney Parking gates, and then enter next to the ESPN Zone (which is in the secure area).
The West side of ESPN Zone (which is the main entrance for the DLR and PPH) is large, wide and open (16 stations). Sets of 2 bag checks, with one Metal Detector to be shared, and everyone goes through it.
As for the Grand Californian, they are making sure that the PPH guests (or off-property) don't use the GCH entrance. At the corner on Disneyland Drive, there were three GCH CM's and one Security CM checking room keys, and even had a printout of reservations for the restaurants. Those who don't are told to head north and use the ESPN Zone entrance into DtD. This makes both the special DCA entrance and the GCH entrance next to Sephora only available for GCH guests, and those with a paid receipt from a GCH Restaurant. But anyone can exit from DtD at the GCH Sephora security check, and then walk to the PPH or anything else they want to do.
The pathway from the M&F tram unload area to the east side of Disneyland Drive now has a set of gates that can open for emergency egress, but not allow anyone to use it normally. So to walk to the M&F Structure, you need to go through DtD to the ESPN Zone and head north to the structure.
Here is a set of photos and short videos (also includes Star Wars Land construction, GCH Gingerbread House, and a look at the Carousel Inn.)