,Hey everyone!! The official PTR is finally happening!! Whew! These last few months have been a killer.
Let me start by telling you a bit about the two of us. My DH is the most hard-working guy. He constantly gives 110% at his work-electrical engineer. That's the reason I don't have to work outside the home
I, on the other hand, do most of the work at home. I am what some call "a domestic engineer". I do all the planning, cleaning, bills, errands, etc. But, I love it! I used to work but don't miss it one bit. We have one DD who is 28 and lives in another part of our state. She isn't going with us this trip. And we have a cat.
We are celebrating our 33rd anniversary this year!! Actually, it was in Sept. but we always go somewhere before or after it to celebrate. I cannot believe we have been married that long. It seems like yesterday. So, we chose our favorite place in the world to celebrate!!
Eight weeks ago, I hurt my shoulder and had to go to physical therapy for six weeks. Those people can do miracles. My shoulder froze up and I couldn't raise my arm above my waist. I was very discouraged. After the first week, I could move it some. It just kept getting better and better. I have full range of motion with it now except for maybe a teensy bit in a position that is not used everyday, so I'm good with that. I have six weeks of home exercises using weights, stretchy bands, etc. So loading up those little items in a bag to use at Disney!! Yes, I will be making the DH do his weights too!! Why should I have all the fun??
Our magical Disney trip begins this Sunday. We are driving down to the Hampton Inn Orlando, Lake Buena Vista and spending the night. We can check into our room and go to Downtown Disney a few miles away. Then, we only have a few minutes to get to our Disney hotel, POFQ, for our stay until Saturday morning. We have a garden view room for 5 nights, 6 days. We got invited to test our the magic+ so I made our fastpass choices already. We have our bands too. I got pink and my DH has yellow. We are excited to participate in this and hope it goes swimmingly!!
I will try to keep this updated next week, but according to all the fun we will be having, I may wait until we get back. So, just keep watching. May have to send some pretty pictures!
So my tagged friends on here, that I will surely miss while gone and hope you are having a fun week too!!
@figmentfan423 , @DisneyDebNJ , @disneysince71 , @real mad hatter , @MR FERRET , @epcotisbest , @LuLaSue , and @Pooh Lover have a great time while I am away!!! See ya on the flip side!! xoxoxo
Let me start by telling you a bit about the two of us. My DH is the most hard-working guy. He constantly gives 110% at his work-electrical engineer. That's the reason I don't have to work outside the home

We are celebrating our 33rd anniversary this year!! Actually, it was in Sept. but we always go somewhere before or after it to celebrate. I cannot believe we have been married that long. It seems like yesterday. So, we chose our favorite place in the world to celebrate!!
Eight weeks ago, I hurt my shoulder and had to go to physical therapy for six weeks. Those people can do miracles. My shoulder froze up and I couldn't raise my arm above my waist. I was very discouraged. After the first week, I could move it some. It just kept getting better and better. I have full range of motion with it now except for maybe a teensy bit in a position that is not used everyday, so I'm good with that. I have six weeks of home exercises using weights, stretchy bands, etc. So loading up those little items in a bag to use at Disney!! Yes, I will be making the DH do his weights too!! Why should I have all the fun??
Our magical Disney trip begins this Sunday. We are driving down to the Hampton Inn Orlando, Lake Buena Vista and spending the night. We can check into our room and go to Downtown Disney a few miles away. Then, we only have a few minutes to get to our Disney hotel, POFQ, for our stay until Saturday morning. We have a garden view room for 5 nights, 6 days. We got invited to test our the magic+ so I made our fastpass choices already. We have our bands too. I got pink and my DH has yellow. We are excited to participate in this and hope it goes swimmingly!!
I will try to keep this updated next week, but according to all the fun we will be having, I may wait until we get back. So, just keep watching. May have to send some pretty pictures!
So my tagged friends on here, that I will surely miss while gone and hope you are having a fun week too!!
@figmentfan423 , @DisneyDebNJ , @disneysince71 , @real mad hatter , @MR FERRET , @epcotisbest , @LuLaSue , and @Pooh Lover have a great time while I am away!!! See ya on the flip side!! xoxoxo