weirdest things told to you by a CM.


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Original Poster
what is the strangest thing told to you by a CM?

mine would be.

me and my friend were at opening at MK and we first went to tommarrowland, however, it was roped off. we asked a CM when it would open, and the CM who spoke rough english said "it will be open fall." knowing this was wrong we walked around and laughed about it, and talked to some reallly cool CMs guarding an area they were shooting a disney institute video.


Account Suspended
I think that was probably a joke ....

The weirdest thing I hear about is when people come on here and say CMs told them the monorail is going to expand.


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Original Poster
Thrawn said:
I think that was probably a joke ....

The weirdest thing I hear about is when people come on here and say CMs told them the monorail is going to expand.

no, she was dead serious, we even asked her again to be sure, and she annoyedly said the same thing.

ughhh some monorail pilot told me they were going to expand the monorail too....


New Member
wdwishes2005 said:
no, she was dead serious, we even asked her again to be sure, and she annoyedly said the same thing.

ughhh some monorail pilot told me they were going to expand the monorail too....

I'm starting to think the "monorail expansion" stories are a practical joke among cast members to spread some sort of hysteria. So don't get hysterical.


New Member
Weirdest Thing A CM told me

Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums but I'm a huge Disney enthusiast and have just completed by 17th visit to DisneyWorld. For the past 5 years I have stayed at Old Key West Resort and Saratoga Springs Resort. I travel with 2 close friends of mine(mind you we're 18 years old). Each year we get one of the four person surrey bikes and take it off of the property,asking for trouble. We video taped it last year and for the first time took the bike all the way through Pleasure Island,Downtown Disney, and to the doorstep of Cirque du Solei theater. After avoiding and ignoring mutiple CM's, squeezing through the barricades built to avoid situations such as this, seeing astonished people's faces(since no bikes are allowed there) we began to make our route to cross the busy street and attempt the unthinkable and make it into Typhoon Lagoon. However, we were stopped by a CM on a bike who informed us we were flagged down by Lake patrol. This all brings me to the question that I asked him, "Has this ever happened before?" Then with the most serious stare he looks me dead in the eye and says, "Son, I've been working here for 26 years as have many of the people who were on lake patrol, and when they saw a 4man bike go through downtown disney there couldnt stop laughing, and neither could i, so to answer your question, nobody has ever done this before." We returned the bikes without any penalty and we've gone back twice since then yet the CM's who work at Old Key West and Saratoga Springs remember us as the Bike Boys from Brooklyn.


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
me and my friend were at opening at MK and we first went to tommarrowland, however, it was roped off. we asked a CM when it would open, and the CM who spoke rough english said "it will be open fall."

Maybe the broken english was referring to the "rope drop?" I could see mixing up "drop" and "fall" if you don't know the language.


Account Suspended
DisneyPants said:
Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums but I'm a huge Disney enthusiast and have just completed by 17th visit to DisneyWorld. For the past 5 years I have stayed at Old Key West Resort and Saratoga Springs Resort. I travel with 2 close friends of mine(mind you we're 18 years old). Each year we get one of the four person surrey bikes and take it off of the property,asking for trouble. We video taped it last year and for the first time took the bike all the way through Pleasure Island,Downtown Disney, and to the doorstep of Cirque du Solei theater. After avoiding and ignoring mutiple CM's, squeezing through the barricades built to avoid situations such as this, seeing astonished people's faces(since no bikes are allowed there) we began to make our route to cross the busy street and attempt the unthinkable and make it into Typhoon Lagoon. However, we were stopped by a CM on a bike who informed us we were flagged down by Lake patrol. This all brings me to the question that I asked him, "Has this ever happened before?" Then with the most serious stare he looks me dead in the eye and says, "Son, I've been working here for 26 years as have many of the people who were on lake patrol, and when they saw a 4man bike go through downtown disney there couldnt stop laughing, and neither could i, so to answer your question, nobody has ever done this before." We returned the bikes without any penalty and we've gone back twice since then yet the CM's who work at Old Key West and Saratoga Springs remember us as the Bike Boys from Brooklyn.


everyone lookout for these kids... they are tough, they break disney rules AND RIDE 4 PERSON BIKES!!!!!!! :eek:

I bet when i go to disney you're legacy will remain... forever... cuz people care about tools from brooklyn who ride bikes... they do

in fact... i remember staying at Old Key West once... a CM was PRAYING someone would do something "tough" and "bad___" with a four person bike cuz its really the reason why Walt created Disneyland and where his idea from Disney World comes from

Maybe I should rant on and write a novel too about the time I walked through the World Showcase and bought an ice cream when i got to the end... and add in little tales of CMs that call me "Ice Cream Man from Mass"

then, if I make it really long and extremely over boring and pathetic... will you like me?????

I feel worse about myself after reading that post, I really do... its like watching one of those movies where its really depressing and awful and pathetic, but you keep hoping it gets better and ends happily... but the ending is just as if not more pathetic than the beginning.. and you think "why did i waste my life on this" and have to deal with that hardship

but hey thanks BIKER BOY FROM BROOKLYN :eek:


New Member
Bad CM's

I dunno if this qualifies as weird, but did encounter a CM at MK with the worst case of bad-show-itis I've ever seen. We're all waiting to board one of the trains on Big Thunder Mountain RR and the CM at the control stand kept telling us how much he hated this one CM that worked at IASW and how much of a witch she was. The couple standing next to us even asked him, "I thought you guys weren't supposed to talk like that". The CM told us all that Disney has witch characters so there's nothing wrong with that. :lookaroun

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is considered weird, bad show, or whatnot...

I was talking to a male CM last year while making a purchase at a store in MK... We got into talking about the college girls who work for the CP program.. He was saying he was dating on of the girls, who was a face character... The girl played Alice... he said to me, THAT BLUE DRESS, BLOND WIG AND BRITISH ACCENT MADE MANY OF OUR NIGHTS REMEMBERABLE... He said it in front of two other families...

A female CM in Norway told me she was sick of getting hit on by male guests.. She then proceeded to flirt with every guy who walked by... Then, when one of them hit on her, she would get mad... I walked away from her with a date later that night LOL... YIPPEE!!!!!!


Active Member
dxer07002 said:
I walked away from her with a date later that night LOL... YIPPEE!!!!!!

Then you received your magical wake-up call from Mickey...

Out of curiosity what year and what was her name? Norwegian CMs rarely hang out with Tourists.

Your story is equal to saying you were an Astronaut. We need you to back it up or tell the truth.


Active Member
About 6 or 7 years ago, before digital cameras had really taken off, I took a picture of Santa and Mrs. Santa in front of the USA pavillion at World Showcase. When I showed them the image on my camera, Santa said "Cool! Let me look at that!" and we talked about digital photography for a few minutes. There was no one else around, so we weren't holding up the line at all. I just thought it was a kind of a surreal conversation to be having with Santa Claus!


New Member
wow i thought this was a friendly forum...i guess i stand corrected...i assumed this is where people shared stories about their trips to no way did i want to try to sound tough,cool, or bad boy from brooklyn...but i guess you showed me guy from massachusetts...lets go on telling ridiculously sarcastic jokes about every ride imaginable and speculate for hours upon end regarding what color the new main st. bathroom urinals will be...youre a disney premium member and you just showed me the type of person you are when you visit disney and dont truly understand the "magic" of the place...the story was told because it is a unique story special to me and my friends but when you go your the person whos probably screaming at his kids and wife and being miserable...sorry for bothering your life by posting a story that didnt captivate truly wont happen again


Well-Known Member
DisneyPants said:
wow i thought this was a friendly forum...i guess i stand corrected..

The best WDW forum on the internet today? Yes.

The friendliest place in the world? Not by a longshot.

Welcome aboard! :)


New Member
Original Poster
dxwwf3 said:
The best WDW forum on the internet today? Yes.

The friendliest place in the world? Not by a longshot.

Welcome aboard! :)

yes, you can't complain about WDWMagic after going to laughingplace, you want rude, go check that place out.
hi im new here but i think i can add to this discussion. I was at that Magical Kingdom place, the one with the big castle and i went to the haunted house and when we went into the first room the cast member told us to drag our bodies to the 'dead center' of the room. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Get it?! dead center! cause its a haunted house and it is filled with a lot of dead people!!! its a pun!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEEEHOOHOOHO!!! oh MAN thats good stuff!!!

...yeah im kidding


Account Suspended
DisneyPants said:
wow i thought this was a friendly forum...i guess i stand corrected...i assumed this is where people shared stories about their trips to no way did i want to try to sound tough,cool, or bad boy from brooklyn...but i guess you showed me guy from massachusetts...lets go on telling ridiculously sarcastic jokes about every ride imaginable and speculate for hours upon end regarding what color the new main st. bathroom urinals will be...youre a disney premium member and you just showed me the type of person you are when you visit disney and dont truly understand the "magic" of the place...the story was told because it is a unique story special to me and my friends but when you go your the person whos probably screaming at his kids and wife and being miserable...sorry for bothering your life by posting a story that didnt captivate truly wont happen again


take it easy pal, it was a simple joke... kinda like initiation... breathe for me

hahahahahahahaahahhahahahaha, yelling at my wife and kids?!??!?! hahahaha

im a 20 year old kid... and I go to disney with my gf every year now (3rd year in a row coming up) and im madly in love with her and we have an extremely magical and amazing time together. And every year (the 12 other years i've been) i've been with my family and i've been that family who truly enjoys it more than anything else

I was just giving you a hard time... read some of my other posts... I AM A RIDICULOUS HUMAN BEING

and beyond the people who started the racist thread and the person who started the "DEFEENENEEETELY" thread... i'd say i think this is quite a friendly place

I've made a few friends, feel comfortable with some of ya... but i'm still gonna give people a hard time just as i would a friend of mine

Brooklyn kid, if my best friend told me the same story you did... I'D HAVE REACTED THE SAME EXACTLY IDENTICAL WAY... don't take it personal

enjoy your time on the boards

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Snoballego said:
Then you received your magical wake-up call from Mickey...

Out of curiosity what year and what was her name? Norwegian CMs rarely hang out with Tourists.

Your story is equal to saying you were an Astronaut. We need you to back it up or tell the truth.

I'll admit, that part was meant for some humor.. But really, she did complain about guys hitting on her... And actually, my wake up call was from Stitch..


New Member
Pluto or Donald (can't remember) was getting a little frisky with me come picture time, so I thought this character seems a bit too little to be a boy... and I can't remember who asked, me or my friend, but one of us asked if it was a boy or girl. And they said "You know you can get kicked out of the park for asking that." I didn't know that. oops!

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