Er, I'm not even sure what Tables in Wonderland is. Decided to go OOP, because I was overwhelmed the logistics of planning this all and dealing with the DDP. We'll have cheap lunches, I figure.
Let's try to help?
DDP (Disney Dining plan, many levels) tends to save cash with folks going to moderate dining. Got Children that tend to get hungry every 5 minutes? (I had FOUR, long ago) - this can be very good

Tables in Wonderland ("TIW"). This is a discount card that you must first QUALIFY for to buy. Any AP holder, any DVC Owner, FL Residents.
UP TO a party of 10, it gives you 20% off ANYTHING at participating Restaurants. It also imposes an 18% Gratuity. Yearly cost? $150 to $175 depending on your qualification status. Tends to work best for those that visit on a regular basis - but CAN pay off on one trip, depending on eating habits. A great option for those going to mostly Higher-End Restaurants, including several that are NOT Disney Owned. But probably worthless, unless one tends to tip. WE have gotten this for about 12 years running.... but we are an older couple, no children, tip 20% anyway, and tend to visit SIG Restaurants a good 16 nights per year. We also know how to get this card to work over three trips, spaced at 6 month intervals.
The real answer is painful.... you sort of have to run the numbers for YOUR Family. Depending on group size, eating habits? There is no "wrong" answer

Now, an addition? PLEASE don't make the mistake I made YEARS ago, taking my DW & 4 Children to WDW.... with NO Reservations? Please - don't do that

. Regardless of "plan", GET those Ressies? Multiple nights of "Room Service" really stink
