• Have your ceremony musician (organist/violinist/harpist/whatever) play a medley of Disney songs like "Married Life" from
Up or "So This Is Love" from
Cinderella during your prelude and/or recessional.
• Have her carry a bouquet with Mickey-shaped crystals in the flowers, or perhaps a Disney-themed brooch on the stem wrap.
• Include a little Disney flourish like a Mickey shape or Cinderella's carriage on your printables such as invitations and table numbers.
• Get a photo of her dress hanging on a DIY Mickey Mouse hanger.
• Choose a favorite Disney film and give a subtle nod to it in the form of color scheme or menu. If you love
The Little Mermaid, choose a palate of coral and seafoam and serve a cake shaped like a sand castle. If you like
The Lion King, serve African food and Wine.
• Incorporate a romantic line from a favorite Disney movie or a paraphrased quote from Walt himself in your vows.