Originally posted by chellnjr I just hope I can remember to look for it on my next visit. I don't think I will tell my husband about it just so I can see his reaction!
Wow, this tombstone is awesome. Just two problems....
1. Madame Leota is never supposed to die. She supposedly enchanted her soul into her crystal ball.
2. The stone is much too flashy, it overshadows Master Gracey's and makes all the others look too plain. (Unless Disney is planning on re-doing all the stones. That would be cool)
If I am not mistaken, the tombstone is Little Leotas.....Madame Leota was not " loved By All" and according to the stories of the history of the Haunted Mansion, she definately would not be "Having A Ball"...Whereas Little Leota was known to be a party girl...LOL
I always thought Madame Leota was miniaturized and that's why in the end she's so small and called Little Leota, never knew that it was someone else. I'm too confused since many narrate their own version...