I have used both. I like windows phone 7 OS a little better that Android but not by much. It just looks like there is just so much more available for Android right now. Most of the reviews I have read on the Atrix were quite favorable with the exception of the docking port, which I have no intention of getting. What I am figuring is that I can get an android now and in 18-24 months the Windows phone 7 OS and hand sets will be where I need them to be.
Do you know of any Win 7 handsets on the horizon for AT&T? I keep me ear pretty close to the ground and have heard nothing.
There's no question there are more apps for Android, but from what I've used (and really, this is just my opinion) the general quality of apps on Windows Phone is much higher. You really can't go wrong with either, to be honest.
The only thing I've heard about new Windows Phone handsets are with the Nokia deal we just did. The earliest we're supposedly seeing those is December. Have you seen the concept shots? They look *awesome*.