WDWCP from a high schooler


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I am in high school and have always wanted to worked at Disney World since I was 9 and was thinking that the college program could start it all out for me so I have some questions...

1. I was thinking about going to a presentation around here at a local college just to check it out and maybe talk to some recruiters, would this be OK? Also, do the recruiters talk to you one-on-one or is it like a raise your hand and ask a question thing?

2. I know this is a little soon for asking but I was wondering if you had any tips for the interview or what kind of questions do they ask?
Oh yea...and how long is the interview?

3. How were your experiences? I would love to here some!

Thanks! You guys are huge help here!


New Member
Hey! That's awesome that you are so interested in the program! I was in high school too when I checked it out! You are definitely welcome to watch at a local college (that's what I did) anyway... The recruiter talks to everyone as a group and shows a slideshow presentation with some video clips... you are supposed to have your application done. The recruiter will check to see if you are in the "Disney Look" guidelines then they schedule a phone interview. My interview was the next evening and took about twenty minutes. I was a senior when I did this in the fall. I graduated by semester and am doing the career start. Similar to the college program. Either way good luck and have fun! I hope your dreams come true.


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If I did go, would they give me a card or letter saying that I did go in high school to show my interest that I could bring back when I interviewed?


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I just got called back for a job interview at McDonalds! I am soo happy cause this is my first job that I will be interviewing for cause I'm still a teenager! I'm hopping that this will be good experience for WDWCP and is a little added bonus to put on my application when I do apply for the WDWCP. but I still have a few years left as I am only a sophmore in high school.....but what can I say, I DREAM BIG!!!

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