WDW trip


Active Member
Get packing. We have a room that is dedicated to Disney packing(it also doubles as a guest room). I keep our ponchos, ears, trading pens and backpack in that room. As i think of things we need to take I put them on the bed and then about a month before we go to Disney I pull out the suit cases and start putting stuff in them. I always buy a new package of socks and under ware for every trip for everybody in the family and I put them in first. Then add from there.
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Well-Known Member
Get packing. We have a room that is dedicated to Disney packing(it also doubles as a guest room). I keep our ponchos, ears, trading pens and backpack in that room. As i think of things we need to take I put them on the bed and then about a month before we go to Disney I pull out the suit cases and start putting stuff in them. I always buy a new package of socks and under ware for every trip for everybody in the family and I put them in first. Then add from there.

I do this too! We are a family of 5 that almost always stays in a villa. We try to only do 1 meal a day "at Disney" and do the other 2 either in our room or we take food into the park. Over the past few years as our kids have gotten older I don't stress as much that I'll forget something. We drive so we can always run to Walmart. :)

12 days......get packing! That's part of the fun!
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Active Member
I have an area on my walk in closet just for stuff for Disney. We are 32 days out and I'm ready to pack. I also have a list attached to a box of smaller items. I highlight the item on the list whenever I buy it or set it aside!
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Well-Known Member
Apart from generally having a folder/envelope already set up with important paperwork, I don't really do much in the way of packing until the day before. I'll take an inventory to see if I need to buy anything before the trip, but it's not until the night before that I lay everything out on the bed and then pack it into the suitcase. (I've learned that I forget things unless I make sure everything is laid out first)

Of course I'm a procrastinator, so I'm usually also waiting for one final load of laundry to finish in the dryer before I have everything set to pack, but that's another conversation entirely...

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Well-Known Member
When I was visiting WDW once a year, I would start throwing stuff into a suitcase months before the trip.

I have been visiting more frequently lately, so there is some stuff in the suitcase that I haven't bothered to take out. (ponchos, camera case, etc)
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Well-Known Member
I am the queen of last minute packing. I've been known to pack within hours (sometimes hour) of leaving for the airport. There was a trip where I forgot to pack shirts. All shirts. I had one shirt when I got to WDW, and it was the one I wore on the plane. Learn from my mistakes.
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Well-Known Member
Get packing. We have a room that is dedicated to Disney packing(it also doubles as a guest room). I keep our ponchos, ears, trading pens and backpack in that room. As i think of things we need to take I put them on the bed and then about a month before we go to Disney I pull out the suit cases and start putting stuff in them. I always buy a new package of socks and under ware for every trip for everybody in the family and I put them in first. Then add from there.

We also use to "guest bedroom" in our house to start gathering stuff for our trip. When Im out and I see something we need for the trip I buy it. I dont want to buy everything last minute. I pile it on the bed and sort it into boxes. I like to pack and I dont want to feel like Ive forgotten something so I start packing about a month before our trip.
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Well-Known Member
We also use to "guest bedroom" in our house to start gathering stuff for our trip. When Im out and I see something we need for the trip I buy it. I dont want to buy everything last minute. I pile it on the bed and sort it into boxes. I like to pack and I dont want to feel like Ive forgotten something so I start packing about a month before our trip.

We don't have a guest room to use as a "Disney packing home base," but I do the same thing as you. A few weeks before we leave, I start sorting things into a couple of laundry baskets in an empty corner of the master bedroom. Everything is laundered or bought and sorted/decanted/prepared-for-packing at least a week before we leave. For me, the advance preparation is what transforms vacation packing from a stressful thing to a joyful, relaxing thing.
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Well-Known Member
I don't own enough clothes to pack sooner than the day before.

Also, if you don't want to "check" luggage, it's good to not have many clothes. We take as little as possible to just put in the overhead on the plane. I just do laundry while we sit by the pool and relax for an hour or so.
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