WDW Transportation - What would you do?


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Original Poster
The problem to me sound like there has to be too many busses since each resort has to be connected with so many different destinations.

How about this – make a “hub” somewhere to the west of Epcot (across from where World Drive and Epcot Center Drive meet). All the busses from the resorts go to this hub. To the Main Gates, there is some kind of neat styled transportation – either a light rail, people mover, or monorail – something like that. It would make sense since there are a lot more people going from the hub to the parks. For the rest of the destinations you can have busses (such as the Marketplace and Pleasure Island).

You can even do something neat with the hub – maybe some shops or some kind of shows or something. It would also make a great meeting place.

The problem would be that every time you went to a park, you would have to go through the hub, and it would be a little out of the way for some resorts. But it would also mean you can hop the next bus – you wouldn’t have to wait for the right bus to show up.

Too Complex?


well, the question as i see it, is what would I do...i'm gonna assume that i have unlimited resources (ie: genie in his lamp!) and given that i have 3 answers/scenarios:

#1: i'd connect everything with a monorail or a waterway. Boats all over, monorails in every color (including plaid), we could even have stewardesses on the boats/monorails to serve drinks, answer questions, massage tired feet..etc...
I originally thought that i would say that we should electronic beaming devices ala star trek that would take us straight from our homes to any disney park/resort/shop/etc, but i realized that that was just pure fantasy!:hammer:

#2 i'm with some of the other posters on this thread. I have had the WORST luck with buses, including an over 40 minute wait from AK to AKL (we could have walked it faster) and avoid the buses whenever i can. If i'm at a monorail resort, i'm usually valet parked, i'll take the monorail to MK and EPCOT, but drive my car to mgm and ak. My wife and i actually don't mind parking (which is free either due to staying at a disney resort or because of our annual passes) and both of us need the exercise after feasting on all the disney goodies!:slurp: so we actually end up avoiding the tram, though they are very very useful. Waiting even 20 minutes when i could be at a park is excrutiating. We can chill to some tunes in our own car and sit down...no problem. There are about 10,000,000,000 signs for everything so its pretty hard to get lost (though i must admit that we've been so many times that we know the routes by heart). Getting more monorails, as i'm sure someone will mention, probably isn't $$$feasible, but it would be nice. As for me/us, the buses, as they currently operate just don't work (not to mention noise, and air pollution as well as standing for what seems like an eternity.

#3. Well, i went off on a tangent for #2, lost my train of thought and can't remember #3 :hammer: so you're gonna have to deal with just two answers. though i would like to take this opportunity to say that it would be very nice if there was a bullet train station at the end of my block with non-stop round trip service to EPCOT Center (yes, i'm old school) or the MK. :sohappy:


I freak out if I don't have the freedom to drive.

I always drive to where I am going unless the first park I go to is connected via monorail to another (so just when I do MK and EPCOT on the same day do I take the monorail). In the case I just stated, I pick a park, drive to it, then take transporation to there.

I have tried the bus thing from park to park, and I must say, I hate it. It is easier/faster and less bothersome for me to get back in my car and drive to the next park.

If monorails connected the TTC to all the parks, then I would use them. But the bus system? No way.


Well-Known Member
Warning! Thread drift!
(another reason I drive!)

Why is it my resort pass/card won't allow me to "visit" other resorts?

I mean, they still let you in after the 3rd try at the gate, but honestly...

Say I want to eat at a certain restaurant?
What if I want to scope the place out for my next stay?
What if I really, REALLY want to see what the place looks like?

I've already scoped out most, but you would think if your staying on property, you can spend your money anywhere...right?


New Member
For me, the Transportation at WDW works great. Never waited too long for a bus Monorails are great! Disney however could have the best Trasportation in the world,but that would take some $$$$, and with Esnier there, you can forget it!


I've never had the guards turn me away at another resort. They have asked why I was going there once.

Also, I wasn't turned away when I was staying off site and visiting my brother who was staying on site before.


New Member
Originally posted by BwanaBob
I'm probably the only freak that does this...but I'll tell ya why;

Unless I'm staying at a "monorail resort" and I want to go to a park serviced by the monorail, I drive everywhere.

I'll park at TTC, take monorail to Epcot, or vice-versa, but I drive everywhere.

Why? Free parking, I never "follow the herd"- always drive to the front 'cause there's always a space-this eliminates those wait times for tram service with a short walk to the main gate, load and unload as necessary and use the truck as the storage locker, don't have to wait for the bus, and I'm in control.

UNLESS we're going to PI:D ...(then we bus it!)

You are not alone...
Unless I'm staying at Yacht, Beach, or Boardwalk (where I can walk to MGM and EPCOT), I drive anywhere...


New Member
Buses Bad!!!

The problem with the buses is they are slow and they just do not add to the overall Disney experience. The Monorail is great and the boats add to the Magic. They are part of the show. Buses are just buses. You would really hate them if you are every at one of the water parks and the park is closed due to weather.

Add a monorail as originally planed for the Boardwalk resorts and a light rail street car that would run from Downtown Disney to the All Star Resorts (connecting to the monorail at the Boardwalk). The street car could stop at the water parks, Disney/MGM, AK, and the resorts along the way.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OK, one last question then. Would you prefer:

A) Being able to take the next bus that came to a central point somewhere, where you would have to transfer to another bus or monorail or something to get to the parks, or

B) Having a system that would take you directly to the park you want to go to, but you would have to wait for the right bus to come by.

A would mean that you could get going more quickly and wouldn't have to worry about finding the right bus, but you have to make a transfer and could potentially go a little out of your way.

B would mean that that you would have to wait longer for your bus, and have to figure out your route ahead of time, but would be faster to get to your destination once you are on board.


New Member

I agree with edwardtc. I think the buses work great (we just got back from WDW on Tuesday) and it relieves me of that grown-up responsiblity of getting everyone around. For moms (and dads) who do a lot of driving, it's part of the vacation!
We never waited long for a bus, and they often came in 5 minutes or less. We used the boat tio Ft. Wilderness for the Hoop de Doo, and the boat from POR to Pleasure Island, they also worked great.
WDW buses are one of the best things about staying in the park. When I look at those huge parking lot and the trams you have to take because the lots are so big, I can't understand why anyone would want to drive if they didnlt have to.:)

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BwanaBob
Warning! Thread drift!
(another reason I drive!)

Why is it my resort pass/card won't allow me to "visit" other resorts?

I mean, they still let you in after the 3rd try at the gate, but honestly...

Say I want to eat at a certain restaurant?
What if I want to scope the place out for my next stay?
What if I really, REALLY want to see what the place looks like?

I've already scoped out most, but you would think if your staying on property, you can spend your money anywhere...right?

Wow, yeah. I don't know what you say to the guards, but I've NEVER been turned away from entering a resort, even when I was staying off property.

All you have to do is be honest with them, and they'll let you right through.

During my last trip, just for fun and curiosity, my wife and I actually spent a day visiting all the resorts on property. When we got to the guard shack, we would say "We just wanna look around." Then, like magic, they all say "Have a great time!" :)

Also, on topic, the WDW transportation system as a whole is one of the most coordinated and well put together transportaion systems in the world. This not only includes, but primarily consists of.....buses.;)


Well-Known Member
I've rented a car twice while at WDW and will NEVER do it again.

The Disney Company provides FREE transportation to all it's Theme parks and water parks and to Downtown Disney.

I paid $200 for car rental and insurance.
When I don't rent a car I pay $100 for a Limo service to and from my Resort. I just saved $100 by NOT driving. That's not including gas.

Driving somewhere where you aren't familiar with the roads is a pain and it's also stressful. "Honey..where should I turn? You kids be QUIET!! Daddy is trying to find our resort! Are we almost THERE ???" I like a stress free vacation. I let the People familair with the area do the driving.

ALot of people rent cars. ALOT. People from other countries rent cars. ALOT. People who are used to driving on the OTHER side of the road rent cars....no thanks... Road rage isn't on MY agenda.

People who drive say they save time by using their own car. Hmmmm..When I ride the Disney Buses, they let me off at the FRONT of the entrance to the parks. The last time I drove a rental car I think I parked in the Daytona section of The parking Lot. and then I have to wait...and wait..and wait for one of those cute little Trams to come by and pick me up. Those cute little trams with no air conditioning in the hot Florida Sun. When I wait for my bus I usually wait no more than 10 minutes under a shaded roof, with ceiling fans blowing on me. Then I climb aboard my pre-chilled air-conditioned bus. When I drove my rental car I remember the Hot Leather seats and the sweat beads on my childrens faces as they waited for our air conditioner to cool us down.

Some people drive because they feel vulnerable without their car. At the mercy of the Buses. I can understand that. It's a control thing.

But no one will EVER sell me the idea that having your own car at Disney World is better or faster or more convienant than the Transportation the Disney provides. I have done it both ways...and thats why I no longer drive..and never will drive again while on MY Disney World vacations. :p


Well-Known Member
I've stayed at DW using only the bus system and using my rented car. I have to say I will always go with a rented car. I'm one of those freaks that likes to get to the parks rather early so I don't like being beholden to the bus schedule. And it's nice to have a car to leave DW to do shopping for necessities. I know it's an added expense, but one that I think is worth it.


Active Member
any time we go to disney we stay at the disney property now so we can take the busses. we havent had any problems and we all enjoy the busses. :)

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