WDW Tiki Room?


New Member
I really miss the old version, but I'd rather have this new version than have it close completely (which is what happens most of the time).

General Grizz

New Member
What I would prefer is in a couple years, instead of redoing Alien Encounter, redo the Enchanted Tiki Room to Stitch theming. I think that type of refurbishment would increase the story potential, appropriate music potential, and during the process, please the original fans and the L&S fans. I just find Iago too dang squaky...I can't stand Gottfrey! The whole Hawaiian theme fits perfectly.
i cant say anything about the old ETR because i never went to it wheni was there. I think the best part of the new one is when your waiting in the line and that waterfall thing turnsaround.


New Member
I really disliked the new show. I loved the old show! Also, my son was scared during part of the show - we barely made it to the end without having to take him out of the attraction!:(

General Grizz

New Member
This brings up another interesting note. Disney Magic...and a child's innocence. To a child, most of the Disney Magic isn't outdated...it's all brand new, even if it was made in the early 60s. Just like Mary Poppins, time doesn't affect the young uns as much as it does with adults...
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
This brings up another interesting note. Disney Magic...and a child's innocence. To a child, most of the Disney Magic isn't outdated...it's all brand new, even if it was made in the early 60s. Just like Mary Poppins, time doesn't affect the young uns as much as it does with adults...

Good Point Grizz


Well-Known Member
I think some people tend to over-analyze this show:hammer:

Just sit back and enjoy it for what it is...a musical animated funny show.

I was there for both shows...the old show was dying. Attendance was horrible. Sometimes there would only be 20 people in the whole audience. It played for twenty something years. It was time for a change.

GrizzlyHall...you need to think like a first time Disney Park Guest and quit comparing things. If you never saw the old show, then you wouldn't miss it and you might even like the new show.:animwink:

I'm not going to say the new show is any better or worse that the old show...I'm just going to say enjoy it..don't analyze it.

I'd rather have it like it is now than have it go the route of Carrousel of Progress.


General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by Scooter
I think some people tend to over-analyze this show:hammer:

Just sit back and enjoy it for what it is...a musical animated funny show.

I know where you're coming from...and this has always been a consideration I've been thinking over...and been suggested. But it is human nature to not be pleased with every single thing...and fond memories of the past never go away...it's just...nature...

Originally posted by Scooter
GrizzlyHall...you need to think like a first time Disney Park Guest and quit comparing things. If you never saw the old show, then you wouldn't miss it and you might even like the new show.:animwink:

I'd like to be in all seriousness with you; I am very much annoyed with Iago, rap music, and would find the attraction somewhat out of place with the modern tie-ins.

As far as dateness, I am not saying I am against change; I am often considered as "Oh, GrizzlyHall...you know he only likes things the way they were, he isn't happy with anything...he hates change." On the contrary, I enjoy it - Timekeeper, Alien Encounter, Buzz Lightyear, Spaceship Earth, Living with the Land, etc. And, of course, the attractions like Splash Mountain that appeal to various guests.

The point I"m trying to make here is that..well, I've said it before..it's great to have change, but it's not great to have so much change that the fans of the original are, as I usually say "kicked out." Yeah, sometimes attendance dips...probably due to lack of marketing (i.e. COP) ...and if it's the show itself, then I'm all for it. However, seeing the wonderful World of Motion transformed into a five minute testing facility...on a personal note, I am saddened by the change, as the original was "my style", and I don't attend the parks for thrills.

On a broader note, I enjoy the fact that it brings in guests. However, what is gained? Sure, we do get to know about testing facilities, but that original, classic-Walt entertainment of family-friendly education through fun...I can't find it very much. Food Rocks is a great example of a positive note for this reason, however, the charming Kitchen Kabaret fans are usually insulted to see their original show replaced by a group of 2-D animatronics playing some pretty loud tues.

But I digress. As far as Tiki Room, I would enjoy a change, I really would. Brand new songs? Perhaps. New storyline? Sure! However...an attraction that actually insults the original...and etc. etc. (see previous posts) is considered a slap to many audience groups. What would be great would be a total technilogical increase, an up with new songs, perhaps a section with who knows..birds from around the world? An inpour of guests old and new could enjoy a brand new show together that contains the elements of the original that are most pleasing to the initial guests, with new breakthroughs as time goes on.

I can't imagine myself just saying "let it pass"...but that's my nature. I like to dig...explore...it really opens myself up to the world outside and in...and of course, getting people to respond and talk. But I'll stop rambling, I really have work to take care of...thanks a lot for replying..and I really don't mean that in any sarcastic way at all. I didn't mean anything negative in the above, just my observation and opinion that I really hope doesn't spark anything big...:lookaroun :lol: However, the ideals behind the thread should justify this post.

Anyways, boy I gotta learn to press Submit reply...lol..catcha later :lol: :D :)


New Member
Original Poster
Well this is more posts than I ever would have expected to come from a question I sat here asking myself. Anyway, what I have come to realize is that I dislike the new show because it was a weird half and half change. Things were out of sync. For instance, Iago is significantly larger than any of the other birds in room. If they got rid of the old attraction and replced it with something like this I wouldn't have such a problem with it. But since they kept the same room and basic structure of the show, it bothers me. There aren't many other attractions that Disney would be able to change without getting a lot of people angry. I wouldn't be the only one complaining about them making "Space Mountain" into "Lilo and Stictch's Journey Home" with the black lights and stupid cutouts all around the track, or something equally ridiculous based on a recent movie. Isn't that exactly what they did to ETR?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by fngoofy
Hi all,
Some thoughts on this.....

First, you are right when you say that Walt would have gutted most of his "classics" by now. He said it himself that it would always be a work in process. Heck, look at all the rides that change and were deleted while he was still around:
1. Flying Saucers
2. Stage Coach Ride
3. Most of Tomorrow Land

Second, the old Tiki show was almost 20 minutes long. In its last days many people would give up and leave, not so bad at night, but during the day it was one heck of a show stopper to have the sun come blasting in.

Third, asking todays audience to appreciate the same thing that one of 40 years ago did, is asking a bit much. They have kept many of the same elements of the old show, the tiki chant, the singing flowers and birds, and have mixed it up to be short, enjoyable and funny.

Fourth, face it, the old will always make way for the new at WDW. The only thing you can count on is change. Go often and enjoy things while they last, as new things come learn to love them, just like the kid next to you is.

I TOTALLY agree!! No offense to anyone whatsoever, but I think what a lot of people on these boards are stuck in the past! They go to an attraction that has replaced an older one with a closed mind: they have intentions to hate it b/c it replaced an older attraction. Walt said it himself... "My parks are going to change over time..." Who, besides a Disney fan, wants to go on a ride with an opening spiel: "'Today we're taking a trip.. to the 21st century!...' 'Wow! That's some destination!'" (For those of you who didn't know, that was Horizons) Back to the original topic.. Why keep a show that bored the very little audiences it had? For those of you who have nothing to do but complain about WDW's progress, I have 2 words... Dont Go!

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