I have not had a problem in past years Disney raising pricing. Things cost more, inflation is never going to stop.
The problem I have now is the country has not recovered from the market crash, so Disney raising anything now is shameful but they have been raising everything. Dinners, drinks, and now admission.
I understand its not just Disney so this goes out to all of the theme parks.
Watch what your doing before you price people out of coming.
Disney is in it to make money. Thats the whole reasson they are there I think the pixie dust and magic goes to peoples heads sometimes. Disney raises prices because the oil company raises prices so it costs more for the gas in the buses. The people who sell the food to disney raises their prices so it costs more to make the double cheese burgers. It does not matter that they all have 110% mark ups its the business. I never understood all the complaits I read on these boards if you dont like it stop going seems simple to me:shrug: