New to WDWMagic website; first time poster.
The thing that doesn't make sense to me is that the resort reservations seem like they don't reserve very much.
Not knowing what your room number is, not knowing what floor you're on, not truly knowing the bedding arrangements until you arrive at the resort... Imagine if buying a car was like this: it has an engine (not sure what size or HP), it has options (as per some of your requests), your colors are limited (brown only) and, oh, by the way, you're paying MSRP. It just seems that with what people pay for these vacations, you would know more about your accommodations than what resort you're staying in and what side your room is on.
I don't mean to come off as whiny or ungrateful (I have no doubt I'll enjoy my vacation), but you'd figure certain aspects of your resort reservation would be more defined and concrete; isn't that the whole reason behind making reservations?
I will now step off of my soapbox; thanks for listening and have a good day.

Pappy Tom
(416 days and counting...)