WDW next park


New Member
took long enough to mention Disney Sea Orlando. That would be great. Tokyo Disney Sea is the nicest looking theme park i have ever seen, it was built with a blank check and it shows. So popular it seems that it would be the obvious addition to WDW.


I think that building a park of WDW's lost rides would be great, and would be a wise decision on the company's part. People who had never seen the old attractions would come, along with Disney's fans (which already make up a large portion of WDW's income, because they are garaunteed to come back) would come, because a lot of these attractions are popular, and people would pay money to see them again. They could divide it up into four lands, MK, Epcot, MGM and AK. As for restaurants and shops, they could put those that they canned into the corrisponding areas. The downside, however, is that they would have to make a lot of room to fit all of the newly canned rides in. It would be the ultimate irony if they had to get rid of a ride that they had gotten rid of to put in a new ride that they had just gotten rid of. :lol: Just my two Lincolns.


New Member
Original Poster
O.K the thing is that when people go to DW,the owners want
thier vacation to only revolve around disney no other parks in florida,thats why i think they should make a coaster kingdom
so the people going to disney for a disney vacation can
stay on property and get thrills,rather than going to IOA
disney doesnt want their guest to even think about other
florida parks while their in disney world,so with all that said.
if coaster kingdom were here people wouldnt even think
about the other florida parks just disney


Originally posted by the-reason
O.K the thing is that when people go to DW,the owners want
thier vacation to only revolve around disney no other parks in florida,thats why i think they should make a coaster kingdom
so the people going to disney for a disney vacation can
stay on property and get thrills,rather than going to IOA
disney doesnt want their guest to even think about other
florida parks while their in disney world,so with all that said.
if coaster kingdom were here people wouldnt even think
about the other florida parks just disney

I think that they will eventually make a coaster park for the reason that you just mentioned. Lately, Disney's main focus has been on thrill rides, which is a good indication that they will eventually build a thrill park. They have been on high demand lately, which, unfortunately affects Disney. I just wouldn't be too thrilled seeing a coaster park from Disney. WDW should be a family place, the way I see it. However, I think that if they did this, then they would get a large income from this park.


Well-Known Member
My guess is that we'll see a new water park before a 5th theme park. However, when they get around to creating the 5th theme park, I would like to see a (near replica) of the Tokyo Disney Seas park. I have never been to TDS, but everything I've read indicates that the park is very well themed and highly entertaining.


New Member
I heard from a very inside employee that Disney World is infact working on a roller coaster type park that will most likely be around Animal Kingdom...On another note, I think if Disney is going to have 5 theme parks, they should extend the Monorail to each park to fix some park hopping issues. But that's just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Spectroman2003
I heard from a very inside employee that Disney World is infact working on a roller coaster type park that will most likely be around Animal Kingdom...On another note, I think if Disney is going to have 5 theme parks, they should extend the Monorail to each park to fix some park hopping issues. But that's just my opinion.

WDW will not extend the monorail for a long long time - if ever. If you are on the monorail, you are not spending money, what is the point in Disney investing milions of $ into this, when buses do the same job (yes they are not as fun).

A coaster based park to me seems very short sighted. A new park will have to have a wide variety of rides, shows etc to attract a combination of guests. (as much as i would personnally like it)


Well-Known Member
I was recently on the recently re-routed Backstage Tour at MGM Studios and the narrator said that (spiel) there's enough room for 4 more theme parks on Disney property. Now, this is very misleading if that space could not actually be developed (i.e. swampland).

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Well-Known Member
I think Disney Sea Orlando would be the smartest for another park. One Idea I had was not to make it a clone of TDS. But, have a Main Street, and have the castle from the little Mermaid set up at the end (much like MK). Have the rest of the lands come out like a wheel, like everyone is fimiliar with. I mean, the park, could combine coasters, water rides, other thrill rides, shows, and a great themed park, appealing to the whole family without sitting one genre out. A coaster park, in my opinion, is just not a smart thing to do.

Also, you have to keep in mind, tourists come to Disney, and can barely even get 4 parks done. Imagine a fifth. I think it's a long way down the road, but something is going to happen.....eventually:)

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